George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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i´m happy when i here promoted the next rank :lol:

Softcake that´s grandios :D next time i´ll doing that
too :lol:
You guys are all too funny.
I finished all the wrapping and this morning I finished my cards. All that's left is cookies.....
Off to pick up the kids from school. Fun, fun holiday school program tonight. Guess I'll wait for the next theme.
I just finished making my shortbread. There is usually extras so I'll just leave a plate on the table with the chocolates for softcake. The shortbread is still warm so be careful :). Now off to wrap presents.
Did I just hear
? :lol:
Thanks, Jacquie
I had to postpone the whole gift wrapping stuff. I couldn't find a single inch of sticky tape! Okay, there's still a couple of days to go ;)

So we had new Nicky tonight, "Secret & flies" was on. Good story, but a severe lack of Nick :(
But his cameo appearance was yummy :)
McStokes - I've got some cookies. Fresh made peanut butter and chocolate chip, and some snickerdoodles that I made last week. :D

My little stomach bug was something that (from the news reports) was in just about every school, from collage to grade school, in the state. It's a good thing Christmas vacation is comming up. How someone can be so sick 9 hours after eating I'll never know. :eek:

The rest of my theme pics:

Come right after work.
Nice red sweater looks good, the smile looks even better.
Don't forget the sunglasses.
All ready to party nicely.
Of course you can bring a couple of friends.
This one is for you, Jacquie.

blackflag stomach flu goes around here, too. Must be the time of the year... (or it's due to excessive cookie-eating)
And what are "snickerdoodles"? I know the Snickers candy bar, do you bake them? :D
Theme? Oh, yeah! There was a theme going on, wasn't there? :D

We've got the cooties going through the jail at the moment...not a pleasant place on a good day, so you can imagine what it's like at the moment. :eek:

Keep the cookies coming, I'll just do extra miles on the treadmill!
Cooties? Girls, tonight you're confusing me mucho grande :lol: Cooties are those little bugs that like to sit on your scalp, yeah? And this won't help?
softcake_70 said:
blackflag stomach flu goes around here, too. Must be the time of the year... (or it's due to excessive cookie-eating)
And what are "snickerdoodles"? I know the Snickers candy bar, do you bake them? :D

Softcake - Snickerdoodles are cookies. They're kinda like sugar cookies only rolled in cinnamon sugar mixture instead of just sugar. The cinnamon is what makes them snickerdoodles. :)

They're calling this little stomach bug GI (GastroIntestinal). There was one school in Tewksbury MA. that had 200 kids absent in one day, and a steady stream leaving. :eek:

Eww, nasty illnesses to have, especially for children.

Thanks for the shortbread Jacquie , my favourite. Anyway, can't stay long as I am still wrapping presents, I'm currently covered in a lot of glitter!

I've never understood the word 'cooties' either. Just thought it meant general germs that people spread? :p
Yup...cooties is what I call germs that cause lovely stomach viruses or the sniffles. Very childish, I know...!
Well, my online-dictionary lies! :eek:
I tried "cootie" and it said in German it's "Laus" which means louse in English.... But I'd rather rely on McStokes than on a stupid internet bot ;)

Ooh, blackflag Cinnamon cookies! I love them! Here's a general discussion going on that too much cinnamon is bad for your health, though. But who cares? ;)
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