George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Well, the pics... I posted them a couple of days ago, but I didn't find them on YTDAW :lol: Found them on a fan-page for the actor who plays Bobby Dawson.
Ok my arms are heavy but i must post :lol: pics

no dressed - Nicky (sorry Adam) don´t know what he dresses on? :lol:
perhaps a nice trousers? or not? :devil:
no, i think a suit is correct for ward Ladys
or a littlebit venturesome ;)
oh Ladys help me, what can i wear?
a white shirt, but is it not to boring?

Ok that´s my first, but i don´t know, i´ll can the second give, my working today is long, then is it all ;)

pity, now it´s late and i´ll must sleep now, *sigh* but before i´ll go off a nice Nicky dream for y´ll :)

sleep y´ll very well have nice dreams

and for early in the morning, perhaps i´m not here :(
fresh up and a good start in the new day

night ladys
Hi music welcome :) Sorry I'm late with that.

Elsie I'm definitely with you on your loc. Flackie and Nicky ;)

Great pics, Loves.
Have a safe shift McStokes :)

A big ward welcome to you music :) We generally don't bite each other but we do occassionally like to throw pillows at each other in the discussion thread. So if you like a good pillow fight.... Feel free to join our theme pics or just post pics of georgeous George/Nick at anytime. We don't worry if they've been posted before because as you can see we've posted the same ones over and over and over. :)

Now onto the theme at hand. What will Nick be wearing to the ward party. :) The pics were good as always so here are the runners up in no particular order.
softcake , softcake again, and Stoky. This is how Nick will look about 15 minutes into the party. :lol:
Elsie Nick putting on a brave face. Man needs a hug here girls.
Stoky again Black vest on black shirt very nice

And the winning outfit is by blackflag . The pic sorta says take me as I am. And Nick we certainly will. Congrats blackflag Nick is now in your lovely care. Glad to hear you're feeling better. :)
Good morning, girls!

6 more hours to go, and then I don't have to go to work until next year :p Plus, this afternoon it's office Christmas party....And I'm still not done wrapping gifts!

Congratz on winning, blackflag I'm sure it doesn't take us long to figure out how to get rid off the turtleneck :lol:

Some random early morning pics to get the juices flowing
Mhm....what's that with guys in uniform? Works for me!
Let's duke it out
Leftovers from the Ward's Christmas party
This makes me smile, too
So does this :D
And this is just cute

Okay, back to work. I thought it'd be quiet today, but our customers are going nuts! :rolleyes:
Elsie said:
eta: CathStokes, I'm dreaming of a Nick/NY crossover. Nick and Flack fight crime together...*sighs* ;)

I totally second that! They should transfer Flack to Vegas and Sofia to NY
Good morning ladies. I'll add my yes to a Nick/Flack crime fighting duo. I don't think we'd ever leave our tv sets unless it was to empty our drool buckets :). To help the morning get going here some of Vegas' hottest crime fighter

you're questioning me now that I'm a CSI3
need to find that turtleneck so Elsie show me how she'll take it off :)
ok here's the turtleneck let's see :lol:
shorty will get you a drink tonight softcake
for general viewing pleasures
and some more viewing pleasures

Did you ladies realize we went thru 40 posts on both the discussion thread and here in the ward yesterday :). softcake enjoy your Christmas party :)

:lol: Thanks Jacquie, I read that as quite risque! Cheered me up!

And I knew the Nick/Flack love would be there, I think they definately have some characteristics in common. :lol:

Wow, I thought the ward and discussion threads would be quiet in the run up to Christmas... Yay! for us! Although, in the name of work/life/Nick balance I won't be posting on Christmas day, but I'll send telepathic Christmas wishes to y'all. ;)
Jacquie said:
Have a safe shift McStokes

Thanks! It's morning now, and I just got outta work. Just a few crazy things took place...nothing too bad this time. Crime apparently does not take a holiday, even at Christmas!
Thanks Jacquie I was trying to find some open neck shirts but that one just screamed use me. :D I know how you love pics for 11 Angry Jurors. By the way, check out Babs' site. I think that's where I got all my 11 Angry Jurors pics.

As for a new theme: I think we've done this one before but how about close ups. It can be of George or any of his other characters and limit is 12. I need something simple as we've got problems with Christopher again. I'll probably pick a winner tomarrow afternoon at some time. (It all depends on how often I have to play the plug - unplug game with all the cables :mad:)

woohoo i actually get to play this time! ive been working (and sick again!!! :() so you ladies have been just too fast for me :p
close-ups coming your way:

close enough? i just love this one :D
you didnt say it had to be a close up of his face.... :devil: ok, no more pervy moments
*pets* santa can you put him under my tree?
no caption because im avoiding pervy moments remember?
cant get much closer than this! although im sure wed all like to try ;)
just wow

so McStokes, any tips for must do things in new york? :)
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