"Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

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Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

Lets take a breath and remember that spoilers are all subject to change, they may even put out what are called deceptive spoilers, these are the type that when given out to several places can differ with each other contradicting each other to a point. Now one of these spoilers might be closer to the real "spoiler" or the combination of them could be. But again edits, rewrites, even after taping can be done and therefore the only time we will know what will happen with Gary's character Warrick is when it fully airs.

Also keep in mind that some write up a summery of a spoiler they might have gotten a hold of, and in doing so due to some restrictions somethings can and probably will be left out, each writer is different as is each site.
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

Hmmm me thinks I'm just gonna wait till September to see what happens then. Like Destiny said things can be said then proved wrong later on and just change change change. Anywho heres a random pic for everyone to enjoy.

love this pic so much
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

Hey guys, I hope you don't mind me popping in for a quick question. Since you're all Warrick fans, I figure you'd know the answer. I hope. A while ago, before the CSI Wiki, CBS had files on all the characters on their website. And on those files were their birth dates. Would anyone happen to know when Warrick was born? I ask, because I'm working on a story centered around the last ep.

And yeah, I must agree, his acting in the last episode was AMAZING!!! I think I screamed when he was shot. It looked so real... so scary... If he doesn't pull through, the show won't be the same without him. It'll still be good, don't get me wrong, but it won't be the same. *sigh* Anyway, my story is calling me to edit. Thanks in advance if you've got the answer. Even if it's just the year. Thanks guys!
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

Thanks for the news Alex. Thats very interesting I wonder if hes gonna do it. It may be a good PR move on his part. It would be a good way to gain back the fans who have strayed.
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

I'm here, it's just that we don't know his status, and on the "tacky" rehab. show, I don't think so:( he's way to classy to partake in that garbage..it's been wonderful to see the re-runs with him still part of the team:thumbsup:

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