Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

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I'll take both of you
No you're all wrong girls. Gary and Mac are MINE, MINE, MINE!! No point fighting, I've got him snaffled away in a private room just for us... :devil:

And feenx, I think he plays the voice of the hunter? Can anyone confirm? I'm looking forward to Open Season screening Down Under - just to hear his voice!!
and Hey! I've shared with you, wheres the love?
Ok feenx sorry now. it's Mel's fault.

kiwifan said:
And feenx, I think he plays the voice of the hunter? Can anyone confirm? I'm looking forward to Open Season screening Down Under - just to hear his voice!!
Me too, im taking my nephew and brother next week.
It's a good excuse feenx!! I don't have any nieces or nephews or little kids to take, so I'm just going to have to look like a sad grown-up in a kids movie drooling over the voice of one of the characters!! Oh well.

And yes, Mel is very mean! I mean, how could she possibly think of attaching a GPS to Gary... no fair! :)
lol...or I could go lower tech and just put a radio collar on him. Although then his neck wouldn't be exposed...maybe on his wrist then. Or I think GPS could be like a satellite tracking tag, that works :)
I know a very good dentist, and as for hiding him... my garage is a good place 'cause Mell won't dare go to my neighborhood.
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