Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

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iheartnickcath said:
*glares at Ran* Hey thats my MaCath and CatNip you're messin' with there!

:lol: What? I think they'd be hot together. As long as she doesn't hurt Mac, of course. Although I'm a closet Mac/Cuddy fan (how's that for a crossover :p )

So, um, back to those pictures again? When where they taken? And why were they all there :confused:
Ooooh ranma, Mac & Cuddy! What an inspired pairing, I like it! Although I also admit I like Mac/Peyton *dodges rotten tomatoes* I think he and Cath would get along very well, she'd shock him with her honesty and brash sense of humor, and Mac needs that once in awhile. (Ooops, just realized I'm talking Mac on the Gary thread! Sowwy!)
It was an event honoring Les Moonves and Jerry Bruckheimer I believe, there's already a write-up on it on this board in the news section.
I wonder why WP didn't want to do crossovers...more complicated?

The View was good too...they showed a pic of Gary's family and he talked a little about them, some about CSI NY and some about OIC. Question...anyone know what ep that clip was from?
MBGrissom said:
It was an event honoring Les Moonves and Jerry Bruckheimer I believe, there's already a write-up on it on this board in the news section.

Oooh, thanks for the heads-up!

*toodles off to read*
CSI_Chic said:
Hey girls, I recorded gary on Letteman and The view, I'm going to upload them to my youtube i'll have links for those of you who missed them... Oh Gary looked so good :)
I-love-you!!! :lol: :D thanks!!!
Remember that you cannot direct-link it here, maybe just give us the tags ;)
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