Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

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Yumm...*snatches him and runs off*

*eta* I think I'll just microchip him instead, still easy to follow if it's the right one, and you can't remove it unless you want to operate on him. And you wouldn't wanna mess him up and leave a scar would you? Even a little one <g>
here ya go girlies :D

I agree, Nim - that first one especially should come with a health warning. Imminent heart stopping! Thanks ShuriyuCSI for the fantastic pictures.
Gosh, those are gorgeous pictures,Chelliyah! Thank you so much! That first one is just cute! It's probably one of my favorite pictures of Gary. What's it from?
ya know wat lol i have nooo idea where the first one is from... i think it was like a " born on this day.." site lol it is a cute pic i admit :lol:
hope there arent any thorns on the stem!!! :(
Welcome shao-fu! Nice to see another Gary fan here. I've read some of your M/D fics and I loooove them :D Glad you also seem to be set on reviewing the eps (stellaluna_ rocks, does she not?) Oh, btw, you might want to take out the www in your LJ sig ;)

Aaaaaaaaand, here's another Gary goodie:

Gary + wifebeaters = RanmaPuddle :p
Hey everybody newbie here. Just checking out all the threads. Gary is a cutie :) Although he's old enought to be my dad :lol:
^^Yeah, he's certainly drool worthy, is he not?

For those asking about Gary's role in Open Season, check out this short interview here (ESYLUM). Funny. Heh. And he looks gooood.

Welcome to the thread CSI_Chic!
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