Yup, I'm going to have to put my two cents in.
It's no secret that I have never been a fan of GSR

as I feel there is absolutely no romantic chemistry between the two...as team members, yes, as lovers, no!
Now having said that and I've posted this before, I think the writers have mishandled this whole thing. First, Grissom could just have been living in Vegas and travelled at times and DID NOT have to feel the need to mention him or have him at the lab.

I mean, seriously, do they think we're all that stupid or something.
From my point of view of watch the show and seeing every episode (which these writers obviously have not), Sara has done nothing but manipulate and play games with Grissom. Examples: threatening to leave because he isn't respecting her, she can't stand looking at ground meat and had NO problem looking at it and discussing it with Grissom, but as soon he asks her to clean it up, it's a problem and him disrespecting her. Ugh. Games. She basically gives Grissom an ultimate in 'Leave Out All The Rest' and in the end Grissom gives up Everythign to be with her and what does she do, goes back to Vegas to work.
She finally gets the man she wants and she leaves him, to do the job she said TWICE she cannot do anymore.

In any case, it is a TV show

, and Jorja came back so it is what it is, but Grissom still could have been living in Vegas.
Now am I glad they're broken up, yes!!!!!! But I never could stand the pairing in the first place.
GSR needs to stop, as Blackflag said, CSI is NOT about them and season 7 was all about them.
As for Ray and Nick. It has been published many times that Marg and others did not like working with Fishburne, hence Nick always working with him. George is the most easy going person on the set, so it would be natural. And even if that wasn't true, it was about time he as put front and center. It was long overdue.
It still doesn't change the fact that he is the only character that hasn't had a season long arc or any type of arc, that is. Even Greg had one.
So he is long over due and the writers need to stop treating him like crap. Yes, he's had some episodes, thankfully, but he deserves more. He's been there since episode 1 and is mostly the only 'cheerleader' for the show who is a cast member.
I am not, however, counting the 1st half of last season as his father was terminally ill and George had his priorities straight and went to be with his father at times.
So listen up tptb, George/Nick deserves a story arc and he better get one. But please, please don't make it a stupid girlfriend ends up in trouble arc. 

It's been done to death in Hollywood.
And don't state anything you have planned for him, because you rarely, if ever, follow through on it.
You've haven't had to time to address his quitting like you said you would. Yeah, you didn't have time.

You had more than enough time, but concentrating on Jorja and GSR was your priority.
Sorry GSR fans, that's how I feel. I know you're all disappointment and I do know how you feel, I do. I think we can all relate to be disappointed. We've all felt that about our favorite characters.
As for Petersen coming back, he had wanted to leave the show since, what, season 3 or 4, so he's not coming back and you just have to accept it. I loved Grissom and I do miss him, but I know he isn't coming back. And if it's just so we can have GSR moments, which anytime he did appear or was heard, that was all it was and THAT is what does him and Grissom a disservice.
Just like the whole jungle scene did him a disservice. Let's face it Grissom is and was a big part of what made the show great and to cheapen it with a jungle scene. They could have shown that at the beginning and then started the episode. It should have just been him walking out of the lab and ending it there.
Having said all that...

I liked the episode and like how George was protective of her and was actually shocked that the last scene was with Nick and Greg and not Russel and/or Finn. It should have been the three of them and that scene felt a lot like the old CSI, which I miss dearly.

Those three, with Brass, will always be 'family' and 'family' to all of us.