Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

I love the ice skating idea! Especially the idea of Flack "teaching" Stella how to skate, and then Stella showing off her moves. I also liked the idea of him taking her to see the Rockettes.

Haha yes, I did in fact read nyakattia's fic while procrastinating. It was adorable!

I agree, we may need to reassess our goal. But oh well, we have made it to several new pages in the last couple months, not too shabby for a pairing that isn't as dominant as some like GSR, DL, etc.

Oh, and random question for you guys, totally OT. I am working on my paper for my research methods class, and it may eventually turn into my thesis. But anyway, it is on college students and news consumption, and why they aren't reading/watching/listening to the news. I am currently designing a survey and part of it lists a series of reasons for participants to check for not reading the news... my question for you is, what should some of the options be? Aside from apathy, the news is always the same, too depressing, biased? Thanks so much!
Re: Flack & Stella

I'm still trying to think of what Flack and Stella could do for Christmas! :lol: To while away the time so to speak. :lol:

I agree that making it to page 15 in what? Two months isn't shabby for a very offbeat ship. :lol: I sooo love Fiesta! :lol:

Regarding your OT question fg, I guess you could add that there are too many distractions...or college students or people in general are just too self-involved to really give a damn about what's going on around them...or that there is a distrust for the news in general...I don't really know! :lol: Sorry, I think my brain is too fried to think of a really good option. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks for your response Mandy! That added a couple to my list.

And, come on, how can you not love Fiesta? Who cares if it's off beat? They are freaking hot! We have seen the light, that's why we are on this thread :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

You're welcome fg! ;)

Harhar! :lol: :lol: They are totally, freakingly, sizzling HOOOT together! :lol: I guess that makes us enlightened? :lol:

I've come up with another idea for what Flack and Stella could do for Christmas. Maybe they could go upstate, perhaps to the Catskills, or even as a surprise for Flack, being a big hockey fan that he is, Stella could take him up to Lake Placid, the site of the 1980 Olympics Miracle on ice. :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Yep, we certainly are enlightened, hahaha. That or burned since they are hot. Ok, that last one was lame. Sorry, lol.

I love the lake Placid idea. I was actually thinking that a weekend trip away from the city might be in order for our couple.
Re: Flack & Stella

I was actually thinking the same thing! Of getting burned that is...So that makes us both pretty lame? :lol: :lol:

Definitely Flack and Stella need to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and what better occasion than the Christmas holidays...But maybe after Christmas dinner with Flack's family. :lol: ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

Stella might be a little scared of the family dinner - i know I would be, but it would be cool if both the parents were delighted (can I say it so?) with her

and the idea with the few days out of town is brilliant. even more so if it was hers. and Lake Placid wuld be perfect - for different reasons. the picture of the two of them cuddled on a sofa in front of a fire place in some fluffy blanket while drinking hot chocolate - or coffee, its too adorable to not be true :)

we may not have a new thread by New Year but at least we are alive and kicking and we will get a new thread soon, Im sure of that
Re: Flack & Stella

hahaha! I know what you mean, Carly...about the family dinner thing. In my family, it's almost like the Spanish Inquisition! :lol: With cousins, aunts and uncles always present for special occasions...and I've got to say we are a pretty noisy bunch...Meeting someone's family is sometimes too overwhelming! :lol:

Oooh, I love the picture you've painted with them curled up in front of a fire sipping hot cocoa...Oh so romantic! :lol: I was actually thinking the same thing! :lol:

You could say that our nice thread is a little engine that could...We'll get to the second thread eventually! ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

I am sure she would be nervous... maybe not so much with Ma and Pa Flack if she has met them before, but if not, I am sure that would be nerve-wracking for anyone. And if you bring in siblings and aunts and uncles, etc., that would be positively intidimidating.

Oh, cute, the idea with them curling up together with a cup of hot cocoa. Love it! I need to stop coming on here when I have homework, I keep getting more and more ideas for fics, lol.
Re: Flack & Stella

I completely agree that it could be a nerve-wracking experience, meeting one's significant other's parents for the first time! Throw in some more relatives and it could turn out to be the Spanish Inquisition! :lol: We used to do it with anyone bringing home a gf/bf in my extended family. :lol:

Hahaha! fg, I know you can't resist us! ;) You love coming in here too much! Make that, you love Flack and Stella together too much. :lol: Well, at least you get little Fiesta plot bunnies running around your head when you come in here...So it's totally not a waste. :lol: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Haha Mandy, I can only imagine, because I have never really experienced that personally, lol.

And yeah, gotta love the plot bunnies. Oh, here's a question for you, what do you think Flack would get Stella for Christmas?
Re: Flack & Stella

What would Flack get Stella for Christmas? Hmmmm...good question...I'll get back to you on that. I'll think about the perfect gift for Stella.

But I've got a great idea for what Stella could get for Flack. Maybe she could give him NY Rangers Season tickets maybe for the next season (since the NHL season starts in October) or even for the current one (I actually don't know how it works). He'll probably be over the moon with said gift. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hi ya'll! I haven't posted here before, but I thought I'd drop in to let you know that Stellaluna has written a lovely Christmas-themed Stella/Flack fic here. If you haven't read any of her fic before, I strongly recommend it. She has done some wonderful S/F pieces, porny and otherwise. ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

Hi Penguinpie! Always nice to see a new face around these parts. Thanks for posting the link! I love Stellaluna's work!
Re: Flack & Stella

Hi penguin! Welcome to our little corner of the boards ;) Thanks for posting the link...And like fg said, I love stellaluna's work! :)
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