Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Hello people.
I'm Mariel. I like Fiesta and Smack, but totally not hostile. Whatever happens, I'd enjoy that.

But I think I'm more of Stel/Mac and Me/Flack. Lol.... Ok, fine. Stel/Flack will rock just the same.

Hope I'm welcome here.

Hello, mandy9578---I finally made it here. ;P
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey there Mariel, finally glad you made it here! Of course you're welcome here! The more, the merrier! Welcome to our little offbeat ship! Enjoy the ride. ;) :lol:

Now, about that perfect gift for Stella... I think I mentioned a locket a while back. Crap! What do you get for the girl of your dreams?!? Flack, run over to Tiffany's and get Stella something! Like a locket, or earrings and when you're finally ready to propose, a ring! Remember, she loves those little blue boxes! :lol: :lol:

Oh, I've come up with another idea about what Flack and Stella could do during the Christmas holidays. Since Stella loves dance so much, Flack should surprise her with tickets to the American Ballet Theatre's production of The Nutcracker. I love going to the ballet and I think Stella would enjoy it too! :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Of course, you've got to answer! It's mandatory! Just kidding! :lol: Go ahead answer it...Check out some of our previous questions, you could answer those as well! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Yay, two new faces on our random corner of the boards. Welcome Mariel and Penguin!

Mandy, I love your idea about the hockey tickets for Flack and Nutcracker tickets for Stella. Woman, you are going to be the death of me if you keep putting plot bunnies in my head before school is over.
Re: Flack & Stella

hello, friends and newbies :)

I was thinking that Flack could take Stella dancing. she obviously loves it and he looks like he could pull some moves himself too

but I like the tickets idea, it would show that they know each other really really well
Re: Flack & Stella

hahaha! fg, death by plot bunnies! :lol: How clever is that?!? I could just see it, you being attacked by plot bunnies! (something similar to the Energizer bunny). :lol:

That's a great idea too, Carly, where Flack takes Stella dancing. That's so true, Carly, what you said about them knowing each other pretty well with the tickets as gifts to one another. :)

I've just thought about this now...I think since both Flack and Stella are Catholic (I think), after the Flack family Christmas dinner, they could attend Midnight Mass with the Flack clan. What do you guys think?
Re: Flack & Stella

Carly, great idea about the dancing! Dancing seems to get brought up a lot on this thread, doesn't it?

Haha, Mandy, death by pink plot bunnies? I can see the headlines now, lol! I really really like the midnight mass idea!
Re: Flack & Stella


:lol: :lol:

What about you, fg, what do you think Flack would get Stella for Christmas and vice versa? What about how they'll spend the holidays together? :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha oh geez... that would definitely be an interesting headline.

Well, I think I answered the holiday one before... I like the idea of them helping at the orphanage and then spending time with his family. As for gifts... hmmmmm. I am actually envisioning something the along the lines of the Gift of the Magi by O Henry... just not sure what yet. Hmmm.
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha! My bad, fg! I think I'm going senile for crying out loud! :lol:

Gift of the Magi, huh? That would be so dramatic and so sweet at the same time...I know it's just a concept but I'm having a hard time seeing Stella having her beautiful curls chopped off! :lol: Oh well, hair grows back anyway! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Haha it's ok Mandy, we all have those moments. I know I do probably on a daily basis, haha.

I do like the Gift of the Magi concept, but if I do choose to write it, I don't think I would do the chopping off of the hair, maybe something else... not sure what though. Anyone else wanna undertake the challenge to write a Gift of the Magi story, Fiesta style?
Re: Flack & Stella

A fic challenge, ey? As much as I would love to join, I'm sad to say I've got to back off from this one...at least for now...December is a very hectic month in my family and it can get pretty crazy, I tell you! I don't have enough time for myself, to do the things I want! :lol: But I hope to put out a story before the year is out, although it might not be a Christmas story. But you go girl! fg, go ahead and write that Christmas story! Definitely, I would love to read it! :) :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Haha Mandy I know the feeling. This whole month is going to be chaotic. That's why I wanted to see someone else do the fic, haha. On a bright note, I am now completely done with one of my classes, we turned in our final yesterday. Now I just need to finish a paper and do a presentation on it, then I am free til January!

I look forward to reading any story you write Mandy! New Years fic maybe? Or general story?
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