Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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:lol: The search for the elusive leather jacket. ;)

D'you know something I noticed when I was watching "What You See is What You See" the other day? I don't think Flack was wearing the leather jacket! *gasp*

Here's a picture from the scene when they're arresting the guy at the end--see, no leather jacket! :eek:
nothing?...:devil: i likes that idea.

but, if he must be wearing something, i would prefer he wear the leather jacket. and i really like that idea for s3...random eps with the jacket. that would make me smile.
^ if he had[/i] to wear something, it could be the ties. and i'd tie him up with them and tell him he's naughty for ever wearing anything that horrible... :devil:
^ not anymore! muahahahah :devil: i'm going to bolt the gates and lock us in here! not that it's a BAD thing... :D and anyways, we've all gotten settled in pretty damn well!
feenx said:
afrikana said:
^ i'm kinda leaning towards the "nothing" option... :devil:
same here, well i guess its back to the gutter for me.

You mean...you actually left the gutter :eek:? Man, I must be slipping. Speaking of which...

I would rub myself in olive oil, then get Flack to chase after me. Then when he catches me his hands would run all over my slippery body. Oops.

only you jorja would say something like that.
yes i left the gutter, but im a nanny so i have to leave it once in a while. hate leaving :(
:lol: Here's an idea, jorja. Why don't you rub olive oil on Flack instead? Then you can run your slippery hands all over him! Just a thought :D :devil:
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