Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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i nearly laughed. AGH don't kill me.
but it was with a shoe-lace.

i mean come on! i had to keep telling myself "he was a marine. that's perfectly normal marine routine."

:lol: just thought of something. a conversation between Flack and someone.
"So Flack! how on earth did you survive that?! Mac must've had some serious skills with a needle to stop the bleeding"
"uh ..well... wasn't a needle...it was *mumblemumble*
"sorry? what was that"
"oh jee. heroic story"
tuesdaymorning said:
Ceindreadh said:
i found it really disturbing in the finale, how he was sort of twitching when he was lying there, his internal organs splaying out. *freaked

(whimper) oh yes, poor guy...and knowing that Flack was conscious while Mac was rummaging around in his insides (shudder)

Now please, someone, tell me that this thought ran through your head when Mac used the shoelace;

"Um? Hello? Mac? How on earth is that sanitary?"

I thought of that too but not before I had to laugh at the fact that Mac asked the guy for his shoe lace and then told him to rinse off with the bottled water (which just happened to be right where they needed it) :lol:

I doubt that Flack was aware if what was going on when Mac was rummaging around his insides. I'm sure he was in shock by that time.

Think about it: He had a big hole in his gut, a dirty shoelace tying off the artery, the trigger to the bomb (cell phone) in there too. Not to mention Mac had ripped his shirt up and stuffed parts of it into the gaping hole.

I wa surprised the wound looked so "good" after his surgery.

I guess when it comes to saving a life being sanitary doesn't come into play. You just use what's handy. Besides, they can always control infection later at the hospital. Even so, I still complained to the TV that it was unsanitary. :lol:
I noticed that...the handcuffs are running away with it. It's a pretty good title. Who thought of that? Maybe we should start giving credit to whoever thought of the winning titles. Just a thought.
All names of thread are good, it's hard to pick one (or two) :D

Maybe I talked about handcuffs :devil: :devil:

Let's put a pic between chatting again:

I don't why, but he is extremely sexy and hot in this pic!
:lol: :lol:

"Oh mr. policeman, I've been so naughty ... look, I've handcuffs on my own! Can you come with me backseat of squad car?"

:devil: :devil:
miumiu said:
:lol: :lol:

"Oh mr. policeman, I've been so naughty ... look, I've handcuffs on my own! Can you come with me backseat of squad car?"

:devil: :devil:
miumiu you naugthy girl.
I love to see him in the vest...I just wish he had one that fitted better! In Officer Blue, he's pointing up in the air and his vest rides up so much it's hardly any protection at all!
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