Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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There is just something about a man with hancuffs.....

Oh lord, that vest picture is hot! But I am still partial to Flack in pink.

Flack looks amazing in pink! Flack can almost pull off any color [haven't seen him in every color]. :D Great pics CSI_Watcher_8.
woo someone asked for leather!
so here it is!

a yummy profile of leather.

(Flack is staring at Danny btw. the fuzzy corner is Flack)

Flack doing macho pointing in leather

And Danny walked into the scene at that point. so its nnervous!Flack with leather

i need to watch Outside Man!!
*drool* he's so hot in all those pics!

omg, i'm so proud of myself! i made my first avvie! :D
:D (it's meant to be all hazy ;) lol)
Nice pics! I like them all but my favorite was 'casual Flack' with a big smile on the table. *melting*

All Flack's colors are ok, but I prefer natural pink most ... if you you know what I mean :devil: :devil:
the leather jacket!!! :D

*hugs Lost2MuchSpeed* *drools*

and i like flack in blue. cuz i like blue. but i love him in anything really.

or nothing, for that matter...:devil:
1CSIMfan said:
crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
If anyone attacked Flack's face, or just Flack I'd have to kill them, no matter who they are. His face is what keeps us sane. The sanctity of his whole person is what motivates us to come here everyday. We can't sacrifice that. No, never.

By the way, he was not in Stealing Home at all. I was utterly disappointed. But coming here made that better.

Then don't watch the episode of Law and Order SVU I saw last night. He gets a pot full of hot linguini all over his face and has 2nd degree burns. I so wanted to kill that woman who threw it on him.

Who wasn't in Stealing Home, Flack? He was in there. He was all throughout the show (about as much as he always is) and he had the cutest scene with Danny.
Oh I've seen the SVU episode, and everytime I have, people look at me like I have issues because I end up screaming at the TV set for at least thirty seconds without being smacked by someone. GRR I miss the first twenty minutes of Stealing Home and there's a Danny/Flack scene?! What the hell? :mad:
Springmoon said:
crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
By the way, he was not in Stealing Home at all. I was utterly disappointed. But coming here made that better.

What? You missed the part where he was staring longingly at Danny?
Oh yeah. Thanks to my mom lecturing me on the hazards of watching too much TV. Whatever. :(
tuesdaymorning said:
Aw. I'll kiss his booboo to make things feel all better.

Flack #6 - The Gun, The Badge, The Man

That title right there, has SO MANY meanings. :devil: :lol:
That title should be illegal that's how meaningful it is. It is the code for Flack lovers. And as for that shoelace going and repairing Flack (yay!) Mac does not know where that shoelace has been. Flack better not get an infection or I will petition.

I have a lot of anger today. God, I need to chill.
^^The staring scene he had with Danny was closer to the end of the show. They were walking down stairs and Flack kept staring at Danny while walking down the stairs. :lol:

Did anybody say "Flack in a leather jacket?"



Here's a bonus...leather jacket and tongue!porn :devil:
We so totally need to start a petition to bring back the Leather Jacket. Look how good it looks on him! Positively yummy!

I have an idea - they can have a few special Leather Jacket episodes in Season 3. Maybe they can announce it beforehand that there will be, say, 5 episodes of Flack wearing the LJ but they will not say which. So the fans will have to watch out for the LJ surprise :D

Sometimes my ideas scares even me :p
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