Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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jorja_fan86 said:
Mmm, nothing beats the taste of fresh & just made white sauce.

Didn't you just call me the dirty one on another thread? :devil: Just made white sauce. Priceless :lol: :lol:
:lol: I said the joke you posted was dirty but hey, you're getting very close to being a dirrrty girl. You should be very proud of yourself as we all are :devil:.

Y'know, even though I've always been a dark meat kinda girl I have no problem eating white meat every so often and I guess Flack can be my first time...eating white meat :devil:. They say the ass is the best piece :devil:.
^ That reminds me of a very dirty song that I know... it was about a cannibal and some jungle explorers. The chorus went: "He eat until he stomach upset, and I never eat white meat yet."

The things that are floating about in my brain... :devil:
:lol: Haha where do you hear these songs. You gotta tell me the song and artist/band so I can download it off itunes. I swear, I am no cannibal but now that you metion it I wouldn't mind putting some whip cream on my meat. Besides, I've always wanted to eat my dessert first. Ok, so I have weird taste in my meat, er men but you can't blame me for exploring :devil:.
It's most unfortunate, but while Itunes does carry a lot of music by the Mighty Sparrow, it doesn't carry his more risque songs - "Congo Man" being one of them. However, you can listen to a sample of the song here.

And there's even a sample of the lyric in question!
Cute pics up there

AND about hats ...

Let's put more sun shine to this day:

Is anybody out there?

Is it you Miumiu?

Now she wrote love-letter!

He is so ...cuddly cutie!
Did we talked about "mass-seduction Flack" or something ... who remember? :confused:
^oh yea. flack/eddie - weapon of mass seduction.

but there were others...we'll just wait for our organiser lol. :lol:
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