Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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And I noticed that he loves his baby-blue dress shirt! I've seen it many times :D
I can be just between them :devil: :D

And if one is filming, other is with me
miumiu i love the little moving smilies you have. so cute.

1CSIMfan said:
Yeah, that was me...I noticed all the F/L fics you have on ff.net so now I'm gonna try and convert you to D/F too. :rolleyes:

*shameless fic plug* i know you aren't a F/L fan, but did you read the ones that weren't? sorry. i like knowing what people think.

and i love the pic of eddie in the jeans. so cute.
Imagine if Eddie had just a tie and boxers on. :D What a night that would be.

And what if he was in his apartment?! Okay, I have to stop.

I left the gutter days ago, when I went to Vegas. OMG they should have an episode in Vegas and Flack comes and .. :rolleyes:

His baby blue shirt and his pink shirt. His absolute favorites. If he could just coordinate his ties now..
Top41 said:
^Eddie is learning, but I don't think Hill plays. Hill said he played with himself, though... :lol:

Eddie's response to that was so freakin' cute!!!! He was all like, "Oh sh#!" :lol:
You have a way with words that just makes me laugh. But Eddie's reaction was hilarious. One of the great moments of that chat.
crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
Top41 said:
^Eddie is learning, but I don't think Hill plays. Hill said he played with himself, though... :lol:

Eddie's response to that was so freakin' cute!!!! He was all like, "Oh sh#!" :lol:
You have a way with words that just makes me laugh. But Eddie's reaction was hilarious. One of the great moments of that chat.

Aww, thank you! :D I love making people laugh. Those two totally cracked me up in that chat. It was so funny when they'd go back and forth! :D
afrikana said:
^ hey, i do! :devil: :D she's gonna remember it forever that way! :D :lol:

but it's really her choice... (as in, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)

believe me I'll remeber that fic forever... :devil:
aww man, is anyone else's photobucket account not working?
i've been trying for about an hour and it never loads!

and im tryin to upload some taaasty Flack! :( and share it with you all. *Cries*
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that the SVU episode with Eddie in it is coming on USA tonight. I don't know if it's just in certain areas, but it's coming on in my neck of the woods, so I thought I'd share. ;)
^^And where would your neck of the woods be? :D I'm mid-atlantic.

BTW, which episode is it? There's 3 SVU's on USA tonight at 8pm, 9pm, and 10pm EST. Well, I guess I could go to IMDb and look. Gosh, I hope it's not the 10pm one. I haven't seen the ep of NY that's on tonight.
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