Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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afrikana said:
^ come together, huh? *wiggles eyebrows* hahah :lol:

:lol: Oh, you so did not say that. * waggles finger in afrikana's direction *

I already have one foot in the campaign. I only ate half of what I usually eat for breakfast this morning ;)
iluvroadrunner said:
d/f gutter dwellers...*shakes head* twisting my words...that was not what i meant.

although i think you guys may be converting me. which is not necessarily such a good thing.

oy. i don't need another ship.

hehe...you might not have meant that but we Flack/Danny lovers can always make something **naughty** out of just about anything. That quote was just begging for it. :devil:

**chants**Emily, come over to the DDark side**chants** Yes, it's a good thing. :p

We need some D/F fics from you too. ;)
iluvroadrunner, D/F fanfic is really good, but unless smut or guy/guy stuff bothers you then naturally you wouldn't like it.

But if it doesn't, I'd recommend Kimmychu's fanfics for a good read. :D
Oh yeah! 9 Months is really a good one to start off with [really wild/crazy though, but really sweet]. Apple Pie is a good one too. Personally I would recommend Apple Pie second, then going onto the heavier stuff if you're still interested.
^ one week is a total smutfest so far, though. i think it might traumatize her if she's sensitive! :lol:

yes, celefinwe, i DID say it. :lol: :devil: :D for my defense, i'd like to point out that someone was gonna say it sooner or later. :p :lol:
^ hey, i do! :devil: :D she's gonna remember it forever that way! :D :lol:

but it's really her choice... (as in, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)
Yeah true! :lol:

That's good. A warning is is good. Especially if she's going to make it her first D/F fanfic. It's really good though. :D
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