Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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You won't be disappointed feenx! :D It's a good movie outside of Eddie, but I know Eddie [for me anyways] was the main reason why I wanted to see that movie.
Miracle was great! Erm, okay so I'm biased, but I liked the movie. Eddie was good in it, too bad he didn't have more scenes. Plus, there are other distractions too :D
csi_fanatic87 said:
You won't be disappointed feenx! :D It's a good movie outside of Eddie, but I know Eddie [for me anyways] was the main reason why I wanted to see that movie.
ok i went to the video store cause i had to retrun another movie and damit, they didn't have it :(.
^^Not to worry miumiu, you are so not alone with those thoughts. Just check out the population of the gutter next time you're down there. **if you've been out yet ** Of course, it's hard to notice the rest of us when you're too busy drooling over Danny and Flack.

Nice try, it's no no to Danny and oh yes to Flack :D :D

I don't leave you guys ever

About Miracle, I haven't yet watch it :rolleyes: although I've bought it. Is Eddie shirtless in movie :devil: ?!?!?!

Actually, I usually use google but I tried yahoo's search yesterday (if I'll find something different or new) and it suggests other words what other users have used. There was "Eddie Cahill shirtless". :lol: :lol: (oh god, when I typed first, I didn't type "r" ) :eek:
As soon as we get enough participants ;) We should have a press release and everything. That should get Eddie's attention :p
...and make t-shirts with text: "I want to see Eddie's hairy chest!"

I also want to see Eddie in very tight jeans :devil:
We could have t-shirts, and banners, and button badges and everything! miumiu, you should be in charge of organizing it since real life takes entirely too much of my personal time :p
let's see what I can make up :D

look what I get to my mailbox (I remembered about hairy chest):

:lol: :lol:
I try to imagine that is Eddie's :devil:
WTF? :lol: What on earth do you get in your mail, girl? Is that a shirt that has chest hair on it? Nu-uh. Eddie doesn't any help from those. He's man enough to have his own :p :devil:
:D Oh boy, that pic was quite non-naughty, or do I receive weird mails? ... now I'm wondering :lol: :lol:

That's true, Eddie doesn't need that kind of shirt, his chest is very sexy just like it is :devil:
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