Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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:lol: that first pic i put up was a little green. silly greyscale from season 1 *shakes fist at it*
*realises action looks a bit suggestive* hehe.

*pats Flackie on the head* there there Don, we love you just as much as carmine/danny.

ohhh i'd love to run my hands through his hair. just had a semi-craving to do that. i really hope we get these new promo pics soon, so we can see what flack's hair is doing! is that sad? yes. but do you really care? ya better not ;)
^^ :lol: Same here. The lighting from the second season has benefited his fair complexion so much better as opposed to the gloomy lighting in season one. The blue of his eyes and the pinkish hue of his cheeks(the ones on his face pervs :p) are much more noticeable too and I like it :D!
I hear that Lost2MuchSpeed! I'm looking forward to the promo pics too. Hopefully we can see them sometime soon.

I would like to know what he'll be doing with his hair too. I really hope it's still short. Just like it was in season 2. :D *hopeful*
me too. the s2 hair was hot. not that i mind s1...but s2 was perfect.

hey, guys! i finally saw Miracle. my brother's a lunatic for thinking it was boring.

but it needed more eddie...j/k...:lol:

well, no i'm not. i would have loved some more eddie. but it was a good movie nonetheless.
Miracle is a wonderful movie! Boring? :eek: Did your brother see the same movie?

I love the mask close up they did of Eddie in that movie. More Eddie would have been nice but I loved the scenes he was in. He was pretty hot and sweaty for alot of the movie. :D
yup. he was. :D and he was being pissy!eddie too. that made me very happy.

has anyone here seen elizabethtown? cuz i've heard rumors that eddie was in it. so i'm getting ready to find it and play where's eddie, but if you guys have heard anything for or against this...?
Mmm! Yeah Pissy!Eddie was really nice! :D I loved it when he got upset and everything. He was kinda bad as a goalie at first, but I loved it when he was training to get better.

Maybe it's just someone that looks like him? I checked and he's not in this movie.
I haven't seen Elizabethtown but accoring to the full cast listing on IMDb, he's not listed and they even go so far as listing the uncredited cast. It's here :)
Yeah, that's where I checked. I guess you would have to watch it to be 100% but I don't really think he's in there because his name is usually listed if he's in a movie.
coulda sworn...*shrugs* maybe it was someone else i was thinking of.

because actually, imdb was where i had gotten my information. that's kinda sorta weird. whatever.

returning to normal/flack eddie conversation.
W-ell I know that Orlando Bloom was in it but didn't hear any rumours about Eddie being in it. Might not be such a good idea to cast Eddie alongside Orli, though. Too much competition :p
I heart Orlando Bloom, but yes, I have to agree that Eddie is the better actor. The man can seriously act! We know he can do comedy, action and drama. Is he into theaters coz I never heard anything about it, not that it would surprise me if he did :D
i've heard that he's done theater too. which gets me excited. because i love live theater. tv and film are great and all, but there's nothing compared to performing live. so amazing.

i'd really love to see eddie on stage. that would make my life.
csi_fanatic87 said:
Miracle is a wonderful movie! Boring? :eek: Did your brother see the same movie?

I love the mask close up they did of Eddie in that movie. More Eddie would have been nice but I loved the scenes he was in. He was pretty hot and sweaty for alot of the movie. :D
hot and sweaty eddie uhm... bye.
*runs to video store*
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