Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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tiqlado said:
^ Aww, thanks, csi_fanatic87! And thanks for the fic alert, 1CSIMfan! You guys are making my day... :D

Hope you can check out the other two, too...

You are very much welcome. :D I read the first page of the first one. I'm gonna read the rest later tonight. And yep, I'm gonna check out the others too. Haven't done it yet, but I will leave a review. Gotta get my fanfic fix before bed. :)
You. Guys. Have. No. Idea. :D :D

I'm making little squeeing noises and silly drumming and dancing in my chair as I type. I'm just simply giddy that people like the fic. The FlackMuse is so damn smug right now... Thank yous!!
tiqlado said:
You. Guys. Have. No. Idea. :D :D

I'm making little squeeing noises and silly drumming and dancing in my chair as I type. I'm just simply giddy that people like the fic. The FlackMuse is so damn smug right now... Thank yous!!

i definitely know the feeling. every time i get a review.

as for flack slamming me against the wall...:devil: :D

and i hope we don't get less flack s3. i'm really praying for a few flack-tastic episodes this season, to make up for that lack there-of in s2. however, i'd love some pissy!flack.

so he can be on desk duty for a while, but better get off it really fast...yup. sounds good.
i hope we don't get less flack s3. i'm really praying for a few flack-tastic episodes this season

I sure hope not! That would be terrible! It's not like he's in every scene or anything to begin with so taking away more of his scences would be terrible. Yeah some Flack-centric episodes would be awsome and much wanted. :D

i'd love some pissy!flack.

Pissed/Angry/Snarky Flack is yummy!! :D I love those moments.
I'll take Angry!Pissy!Bitchy!Horny!Whiny!Kooky!Flack anytime, anyday. So long as he's still there to deliver the goods, I'm all there. :D
tiqlado said:
I'll take Angry!Pissy!Bitchy!Horny!Whiny!Kooky!Flack anytime, anyday. So long as he's still there to deliver the goods, I'm all there. :D

I second that. :devil: Although some of them would be much more fun that others. **horny for instance** :rolleyes: but then again, any of the others could turn into that one. :devil:
tiqlado said:
I'll take Angry!Pissy!Bitchy!Horny!Whiny!Kooky!Flack anytime, anyday. So long as he's still there to deliver the goods, I'm all there. :D

:lol: That made me laugh, probably 'cause of the word horny. Maybe Flack won't mind being behind the desk after all :devil:.
I just want a naked Flack. What does a girl have to do to get that?
You know, Flack was under-utilized in the S2 finale, so to make it up to us, season 3 should start out with lots of Flack-love (including nekkid-ness).

I wonder if the writers seriously realize how many viewers they'd get if they started an episode with Flack in the shower--steamy, nekkid, wet...no other show that night would stand a chance. They can use the 'he's checking his scar and reminding the audience that he's been injured' excuse if they want--I don't really care what it takes to get some gratuitous man-flesh.

They could totally start the S3 premiere with Flack laying in bed without a shirt, waking up to the alarm, unconsciously touching the massive-ass scar while moody music plays, then getting up, maybe even show him doing a little bit of physical therapy (crunches, etc. with accompanying grimaces, grunts and sweating), then getting into the shower (cue gratuitous chest-washing sequence with almost-shots of the nether regions). After that, he'd get dressed, clip on his badge, hook his holster to his belt, and head out to do his job as the hottest damn detective in New York City...

That's right, I should so be a writer. ;)

Speaking of writing, I've read the first part of that fic you linked to tiqlado, and it's great so far. :) *loves Stella mothering Flack* :lol:

ETA: Behind the desk? I'd have Flack on the desk in five seconds flat, especially if he was in a 'horny' sort of mood. :lol:
Wow guys, so much gutter talk. Shame on you.

In response to what someone said in the other thread:
Celefinwe said:
That's it, folks. We've managed to crack the biggest cover up the in the history of forensic science; Carmine is Eddie's girlfriend! :eek: :lol:
Damn, how amazing are we?! :D
tiqlado said:
I'll take Angry!Pissy!Bitchy!Horny!Whiny!Kooky!Flack anytime, anyday. So long as he's still there to deliver the goods, I'm all there. :D

Amen to that sister, friend! :devil:
Fay, that sequence up there would be a fabulous s3 opener. sweaty!flack wet!flack, nekkid!flack, and the badge and gun.

every gutterdwelling flackie's dream.

and would very much make up for the lack of flack in the finale.
i was pretty annoyed at the lack of flack in the finale! i mean for god sake, the man was BLOWN UP. surely we should see some people sitting round his bed? or someone staying with him the whole way through, by his bedside.

coughDANNYcough. so i think, there should be extra flack from now on. and extra flack will only increase his screen time to the same as other characters anyway. which shows you just how much time our poor flack gets.

damn writers! they really have no sense of what the public wants! or what the public NEEDS!
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