Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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Well, it was either another Lord of teh Rings marathon or CSI. As much as I love hobbits, Viggo Mortensen, and Orlando Bloom, it's got to be CSI.

Of course I could also do Indiana Jones once CSI is done... I mean, that's only one day, maybe two, out of four.
CSI:NY marathon...you can never get enough of Flack..or Danny...of hmmm Flack and Danny. I'm so excited. :D

My first marathon I ever did was CSI:Miami season 1, then season 2. After that I had a Roswell seasons 1 & 2 marathon. Then when season 3 Roswell came out I had another marathon.

BUt right now, I love my CSI:NY marathon the best. Can't wait for season 2 to come out.
He'll probably get desk duty or something, because he won't be able to do much. He'll hate that-- Flack strikes me as the type that is better doing things than nothing at all, or is stuck doing paperwork. He'll turn into pissy!Flack very quickly.
Once he is back in the field, though, I think he'll work the B-plot for an ep. or so before he starts working the A-plot again.
Wooo new thread!

And great title too! :D
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
What do you guys think Flack will do first thing when he is back to work?
Yeah he'll probably be stuck with desk jobs cause he can't go out on the field yet.
He'll probably get desk duty or something, because he won't be able to do much. He'll hate that-- Flack strikes me as the type that is better doing things than nothing at all

Yeah, I can see him working with paperwork to start off with until he is strong enough and can get out again. I can see him telling everyone he feels ready to get back out in the field again and can do well, but everyone will tell him he needs to take it easy.
Thanks, screamingpoet! :D

screamingpoet said:
I'd let Flack do anything to me against a wall -- it doesn't even have to be frisking.

Like body slamming, perhaps? :devil: :lol:
^ Aww, thanks, csi_fanatic87! And thanks for the fic alert, 1CSIMfan! You guys are making my day... :D

Hope you can check out the other two, too...
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