Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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Seriously :lol: I wear my watch on my left though, but am a rightie. I am horribly undexterous with my left - except for the drinking thing.

Although I'm pretty sure there's a manhood joke with the left hand that I'm not going to make...
I'll stick behind Flack the whole way. Just for those pretty blue eyes.

I miss CSI: Ny right now. So I think I'll go watch all the season one episodes now. Serious CSI addiction.
^ Tell me about it! I can't wait for my rest days to come so I can watch my DVDs!

Not only will I stick by Flack, I'd give him some serious boddy slammin' he won't forget! :devil: :D
I can't wait until I get my CSI: NY DVDs

I'm right handed, can kinda use my left hand, put my watch on my right and use the right hand for the computer mouse.
I'm like tiqlado on the left handed stuff. I also am goofy footed on a skate & snowboard.

Last week I rewatched every episode from season 1 because I was going though withdrawal. I need my CSI:NY every wednesday. And I forgot just how much flack there is in Season 1.
^ Maybe we're secretly left-handed! :lol:

Yeah, I noticed that there's more of Flack in S1 than S2. And I'm still halfway through my discs. Would wanna watch some eps again... for fanfic purposes, of course. :D
I need my CSI:NY every wednesday.

I hear that! I'm the same way! I need my weekly dose of CSI: NY, otherwise I'm like going crazy because I have to wait a whole other week for CSI: NY to show.
OMG..I miss a few hours and now we're onto the manhood talk. I think jorja mentioned what a lucky girl his girlfriend was because she got to see his manhood. jorja you're slipping. :p Is that the only thought that came to your mind when you thought about his manhood?? :devil:

Oh no wait, it's Carmine's manhood you're interested in. ;)
Well it probably helps that my mom and grandfather are left handed.
I hope in season 3 we see him alot more. Would like another Flack-centic episode. (would like them all to be that way but I guess there are other characters) ;)
Everytime I hear the word manhood ... I keep thinking of some random man wearing another man on his head.

And I mean that in the most innocent of ways.

When I see 'manhood' I think 'Robin Hood' :lol: I so don't even want to apply that to what Kimmy just said. :eek:


You know, I'll bet Flack is a total girl in the morning--takes forever to do his hair, can't figure out which hideously-mis-matched tie to wear... :lol: So that begs the question: what is his 'getting ready for work' music? ;)
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