Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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Manhood is such a chaste word lol. When I think of Flack, I tend to associate more rugged words with him. Like over-the-rating-words. So erm yeah :lol:

Faylinn said:
Oh, uh, on-topic, on-topic...Flack is teh hotness when he's running, but his facial expressions make me think of some sort of horny demon or something...on second thought, Fay likes it. :devil:
*stops reading at 'horny' and goes to the gutter*
Are you being serious or are you just playing with me? If you're being serious...*forces herself to speak* I_Don't_Have_Those. Oh, it hurts to admit it! The horror, the horror!

:eek: No! Faylinn, unable to find fanfics? But really, when you find them I would like those links too please. :D I've been looking forward to reading those.
Faylinn said:
Oh, uh, on-topic, on-topic...Flack is teh hotness when he's running, but his facial expressions make me think of some sort of horny demon or something...on second thought, Fay likes it.

Horny demon... :lol: All I can think of is that he'll run to hell and back for ya... I know. Kinda disjointed. :p
Manhood ... yeah, it's saturday! Here I'm in my garden with my laptop and sun shines... and a bit sangria ;) It would be nice if Eddie would be here with me right now :devil:

I've so much fun when I read your messages :) BTW, I tested and Photobucket works again. IF you wanna see smiling Eddie. I said IF ;)
miumiu said:
yeah, it's saturday! Here I'm in my garden with my laptop and sun shines... and a bit sangria ;) It would be nice if Eddie would be here with me right now :devil:

Lucky you - I'm regretting now that I made a deal with my boss to come in today in exchange for some compensatory time later in the week. It's too nice a day to be inside!!!
^ Oooh, sitting in the garden under the sunshine... with Eddie... now that'll be perfect! WIsh I wasn't working nights clicking away on a computer. No sunshine either; heard there was a monsoon coming in. Wheeee! Thank goodness for Flack fixes. :D
miumiu I've just noticed your banner... loving it! Yours too tiqlado. Well who am I kidding, I love anything with Flack in it. :D

No sunshine for me either. But then, rain would be a nice setting as well... like getting wet under the rain with Eddie.
Faylinn said:
Are you being serious or are you just playing with me? If you're being serious...*forces herself to speak* I_Don't_Have_Those. Oh, it hurts to admit it! The horror, the horror! But if they really exist, I could cruise around looking for them. Do you happen to remember where they were (like LJ or ff.net)?

Oh, uh, on-topic, on-topic...Flack is teh hotness when he's running, but his facial expressions make me think of some sort of horny demon or something...on second thought, Fay likes it. :devil:

ETA: I think I found the one with the present and the note--was Lindsay called "Summer" in it? And the present was something that could be watched on a television? If so, I'll send the link. :p

hehe..I swear I am being serious. :) I knew you'd come through. ;) Yes, that's one of them I was talking about. Was it on ff.net? I think they are both on there. I looked and looked a couple days ago and the only one I could find was "Monroe Doesn't Get her Man, But Flack does". It's like 3 chapters or something and I know the other one is short than that. Thanks for finding the "watched on tv one"..i loved it. I'll keep looking for the other one.

Back on topic, did someone say something about sitting outside in with Eddie? I think I also saw sitting outside with Eddie in the rain. That would be awesome being out in the rain with him getting "busy". :devil:
I use both my hands for everything. I'm a natural righty, but I wanted to be a lefty when I was younger, so I persuaded my parents to let me do things left-handed.

Manhood? That word makes me giggle. I have no idea why, it just sounds funny. But apparently, people in this thread take it very serious when used in context to describe Eddie. :D
Manhood makes me laugh hysterically thanks to kimmy **goes off in search of kimmy**. :p Her visualization of a man wearing another on his head was priceless. ;)
The only thing that people on this thread get serious about is cementing their places in the gutter. Pour that concrete!!!
^ :lol: :lol: !!

Eddie in any weather is never bad weather. We call it bed weather! :D

*steps aside and watches the pouring concrete*
^^Just make sure to keep Flack and Danny away from the pouring concrete. Although it would be a way to keep track of them, we wanna be able to take when wherever we want. :D
Okay, I am seriously considering reactivating my SIMS neighbourhoods - just as soon as I can find where I put the cd's last time I moved (doh!)
Anyway, does anybody know where I could get some skins for the CSI NY team. Particularly Flack of course <g>
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