Brass: Well, the kid gets murder, mom's an accessory, and dad gets felony explosives. It's a family-value pack.
haha which one is that from? i recognize it..
Sara: I'm not anti-wedding, I'm just anti-stupid.
i just find this one ironic, lol
here's some more i remembered..
Nick: Hey, Greg
Greg: Shh! I might be looking at the mother of my children here.
Nick: Somebody's been putting in way too much overtime.
Catherine: "Ex-girlfriend, Nick?"
Nick: "It depends. Was she the assaultor or the assaultee?"
Sara: You weren't in your office.
Grissom: Well, good morning to you too, Miss Sidle.
(just the tone in that one )
Catherine: "You know how you're always pushing that Holy Trinity stuff?"
Grissom: "Father, son and Holy Ghost?"
Catherine: "Victim, suspect and crime scene."
Grissom: "Oh, that one."
Warrick: "You just won't let up. Do you."
Sara: "It's a flaw."