Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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^^I just think CSI:Miami has a problem with continuity, so they sometimes drop the storylines that seem very important in one episode and only mention them again a couple of episodes after or even in the next season. Sometimes it's weird because they make such a big thing about certain storylines in an episode, then forget about them, then remember them again :rolleyes: Oh well...

Anyway, thanks for clearing Eva's sister story for me. I'm glad everything turned out ok. It must have been horrible for the family and for Eva to see her sister in the list of photos :rolleyes:

Well, I brought a picture with me today. I like this episode, this scene, and I like the way she looks so pissed at Erica in this picture ;)
I love to see Natalia pissed, shes so good at it! It seems as tho their idea of continuity is taking a storyline & having it reappear 2 seasons later. it is continued but its always way further away than expected, which sucks 'cuz you have to wait like a year to see what will 'turn out'. But yeah, youve got a lot of characters on that show & im sure its a little hard to give each of them the proper amount of screen time (w/ personal issues) but they could at least try & stretch it thru just 1 season. must be too much to ask of them, huh?
That is something that I started noticing during season and the later part of season four. (The rest of it I watch on A&E and its scattered... so yeah) It will randomly jump back to things from something else and your like "I thought we'd already moved on to something else?"
i think they got blinded by the whole "NUMBER ONE SHOW IN THE WORLD!!! WOO!!!!" thing and started trying to put so much into it, make it more exciting or w/e and kind of got ahead of themselves. i'm not dissing the show, though. i love it but i loved it more when they didn't make it so damn dramatic and confusing, which was probably unintentional but still true.
i love that. just as great as Calleigh coming up & sarcastically calling her 'sweet pea'. that woman is pure bitch, it was fun to see her being kinda 'taken down' so to speak by the 2 lovely csis. Its humorous how Nat gets mad & litterally jumps down your throat pointing fingers & poking yet Cal has this almost 'gentle' way of just smiling & making an ugly comment. I love them, Sugar & Spice.
Hi all! Anyone read about the 'you tube' announcement? Natalia has some great videos on you tube but I haven't a clue how to post them here so anyone who can I'd love to see them over here. Im not sure yet if they are posted under this thread or an actual 'you tube' thread but either way, thats cool. Sometimes the videos can give justice to the characters & theres always lots of drama. I cant make videos (only in my head) but I've always had the perfect Nat & Nick song to make a video out of, if anyone wants to use it. its by 30 seconds to Mars, Ithink its titled "the kill", id have to check my cd to make sure, but it is perfecto for them. Maybe i'll post the lyrics on my next visit!!
i've been thinking about uploading some natalia-centric scenes (not music videos because i'm still too stupid to do that) and since we can post them here now i'll probably do that. like her interrogating those chicks in 'triple threat'. she shined in that epi, for sure. i'll try and get those up in the next day or so.
I really like Natalia. I have been a fan of Eva LaRue since her days on the soap All My Children and I love seeing her in a different character. She is awesome in the role.
Just stopping by to bring lyrics (Natalia & Nick): the kill by 30 seconds to mars
  • what if i wanted to break, laugh it all off in your face
  • what would you do?
  • what if I fell to the floor, couldn't take this anymore
  • what would you do, do, do?
  • come break me down
  • bury me, bury me, i am finished with you
  • what if wanted to fight, beg for the rest of my life
  • what would you do?
  • you say you wanted more, what are you waiting for
  • im not running from you
  • come break me down, bury me, bury me
  • i am finished with you
  • look in my eyes, your killing me, killing me
  • all i wanted was you
  • i finally found myself
  • fighting for a chance, i know now, this is who i really am
i dont think it was on tv. its a foundation who give the award but they said it was sold out and it was at the disney concert hall!
^^Too bad she didn't win. But at leats she was nominated and had the opportunity to be there ;) Thanks for the pictures veggie ;)

I saw the previous mentioned "Maria's Meltdown" clip :) It's so cool to see her playing another character. Especially when the character is drunk (she is, isn't she?) :lol: I think we are never going to see Natalia drunk :p But it is what it seems to be a not-so-easy-and-emotional scene, and it's nice :)
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