Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Oh, I didn't even know she was there! She looks great as always. The hair is so pretty, almost old-fashioned looking, looks good on her!

Does anyone see a resemblence to Phoebe Cates when she flashes that big smile? Does anyone know Phoebe Cates?? 80's, Fast Times at Ridgemont High....CLASSIC!! I don't know what it is, I think its just sometimes when she smiles. I'll try & find a pic of Phoebe Cates from 'Fast Times' & compare!
Oh, I didn't know she had been in the Emmy's either. veggie, thanks for posting! She looked good!
Look how excited she is to be in the Primetime Emmys :lol: So cute! And thw whole thing about how it would be to actually get nominee...'Well, Eva, someday you might get there' ;)
Also love how funny she is about the season news thing. She was trying to hide the most and he knew already the big thing :lol:

Has anyone seen the "Miami Vista" video on the cbs website, a 'vip tour of the city with csi boa vista'?? I found it this morning there, but I can't see the image, I only get audio :rolleyes:
yeah i saw it and it was good and Kaya was with her at some point mear the end when she went to the Delano its a cool clip and it really make you want to go to Miami especially if you watch it during winter!
Who saw the three video clips from the first episode on Yahoo? The third one made me go "uh-oh!" This could be bad. Very, very bad...

shopping_luva91 said:
Hi guys! I'm kinda new to this thread but I just thought I'd drop in and say how much I love Natalia/Eva!

I think natalia is a really likeable character and I really love seeing her in each and every ep. I also think that Eva is an amazing actress and I really admire her!

I'm really excited for the new eps and her storyline(s) but I'm in Australia so it's still halfway through airing s5! It's killing me!
Hi, shopping_luva91! Welcome to the thread! It's always nice to see another Eva/Natalia fan. :)

I'm soooooooo sorry that you're still going through season five. I don't know how I'd be able to survive if that was me!

mjszud said:
BTW, BVFAN, you better not jump ship on me or I will come in after you :lol: :lol:
*gasp* I'd NEVER jump ship! Even though I wouldn't be too pissed if Natalia found someone to love her, I'll still live and die an EDeN shipper. :D

veggie said:
i had to post those picture of eva at the emmy award she was so gorgeous as usual!!
Wow, she looks really different to me! I like that kind of old-fashioned look she went for. That dress was risky... I'd never wear it, but I think she pulled it off nicely.

veggie said:
When she arrived at the primetime emmy she gave a little interview to Ausiello its on tv guide and its cute and funny.
That was adorable! I love how she tried so hard not to give away any major spoilers and then he drops the one about Horatio's son. She looked SO CONFUSED when he started talking about it, like "how did he know?"

And did you guys catch Eva saying that they're the most watched show in TV history? That's some accomplishment.

CSI_Dani said:
Has anyone seen the "Miami Vista" video on the cbs website, a 'vip tour of the city with csi boa vista'?? I found it this morning there, but I can't see the image, I only get audio :rolleyes:
Yeah... she takes everyone for a mini-tour around Miami. There's a drink that she learns how to make and then she goes to some place... err... where...

I don't really remember. Need to watch it again, I guess. *shrug*
^^^thank god...BVFAN...I didn't really want to have to get my hair wet, ya know?

I tried to watch that clip VEGGIE, & there was nothing there!! (the Emmy one) Hmmmph. :confused:

2 more days!!!
i send you a pm hopefully its gonna work(i'll cross my finger for you!). I saw the clips on yyahoo and the only thing that was on my mind after it was "damn Ryan is sexy" and its so nice to see Natalia giving him that smile, she was happy to see him.
is it just me or did she look kinda not really happy about learning to shoot. Its like she read a book about it and she knew what to do but does she want to i'm not sure?!
mjszud said:
^^^thank god...BVFAN...I didn't really want to have to get my hair wet, ya know?

mjszud said:
2 more days!!!
*SQUEE* I can't wait.

veggie said:
is it just me or did she look kinda not really happy about learning to shoot. Its like she read a book about it and she knew what to do but does she want to i'm not sure?!
She looked terrified and really, really nervous. He asked for the distance of the target and she started rattling off information... And her facial expression at the very end when Ryan said, "no, I meant the target distance" (or something like that) was hilarious. This is going to be one very long storyline at the rate she's going.
I watched the clips where she is learning to shoot but I couldnt hear anything!!! My speaker is messed up so I couldn't tell how it went :confused:. I really hope they don't just make this out to look like shes a complete dingbat when it comes to shooting, she has much more intellegence than that! I'll be quite pissed if that is what their going to play off of. I know, I know... keep an open mind they always change everything, but still, I dont want to watch someone as smart as her appear to be stupid at this, I think its wrong! TPTB surely can come up w/ a better storyline for this bad shooting thing!! :mad:
I wouldn't say she looke "unhappy" about learning to shoot a handgun. Rather she looked nervous and intimidated by handling a gun, as anybody would be. Not having a firearms qualification is the one thing keeping her from flying solo. Having the qualification also sets up a potential future plot for when she has to use that gun for real! ;)
Edited by Mod due to potential Spoilers
Hi there DOUBLEHELIX, I haven't seen ya here, welcome aboard!!

I cannot wait to see how she does tonite!! YAY!

Ya know how every season someone gets hut around sweeps time? Is it just me or does it seem like they are setting up a perfect plot for something to happen to Natalia?? Not real sure what it is but...
based on the fact that here she is w/ trouble shooting; also the possibility of her arm being a problem in epi 5; both that could easily leave her to where she was helpless in a situation; Michael Lipton from last season; epi 6 she is supposed to get evidence from an 'old friend' by 'being her old self'. also the supposed instructor Rich, it just seems lkike they are throwing alot of different men in her direction...its like their giving us 'possible suspects'.

We will see! Cannot wait for the new season!
Thanks for the greeting. I am new, I just chose not to make a big entrance.
I really didn't even watch the show until I saw Eva on it.
In the Emmys interview and in other places Eva says she gets a "love interest". Obviously, someone she likes. What's a little less clear is whether or not something actually becomes of it. I must say that I hope it is not Ryan. To have each of the team jumping in out each other's bed would be a sure sign that the show has jumped the shark. Big time!
The fellow doing the Emmy interview mentioned someone named Kerr Smith. I did a check on Google. I don't know. Guy looks like teenager. It would make Natalia look like she was robbing the cradle. Personally I would like to see her involved with someone more mature and someone who may have similar emotional scars from their past.
As for someone getting killed off. Well, I think someone is ALMOST going to get killed off. I think it will be Calleigh. I just figure she's due for being shot or severely injured. Ryan got the nail in the eye. Delko was shot in the head. Speedle was shot fatally. I haven't seen
H, Frank, Alex, or Calleigh injured. I just figure Calleigh is the best candidate at this point.
Gonna be an interesting season for Natalia. ;) ;)
I totally agree w/ you on the love interest part, I think if that unfolds it will be way too much drama, but that is just me & apparently some others also!

I don't think it will be Calleigh just because I see her Jake relationship being her big arc, I dunno, it just looks too much like its aiming towards Nat. I don't think they will actually 'kill' anyone off tho. I think it would just give her character that "mark" on her. Frank & Calleigh both had close calls last season in "going under' & 'throwing heat'. It needs to be her turn! I cant help it I like to see the drama unfold around people when their injured, it brings out the 'normalcy' in them.

Kerr Smith is actually supposed to be on CSI:NY, I wouldnt know why the emmy guy would of mentioned him!!?? :confused
She was awesome, of course but I wish they would have given her a little more screen time. There was alot going on though so i'll forgive the writers for this. It was nice to see her befriend Ryan, I personally didnt see any 'sparks' (thank god) I liked that you could see they wer e friends! Im getting the feeling that she might 'hide' her shooting problem from the rest of the team. Aside from her aim I thought she "looked" great w/ the gun, it suits her. & how cute is she w/ the earphones & goofy glasses?? She still looked great...I swear the girl can pull off anything. I cant wait to see where its all heading!!!
Good Point! Natalia'a turn to "take one for the team". So to speak. A crude way of putting it. But I'm still going to bet on that Calleigh takes a hit. I have no insight on this at all. It is just speculating on my part. If Nat does find someone of interest, I can only say that everyone loves a good romance! I just think it is a matter of how they work it into the story and how much "space" it takes up on the show. If you look at CSI-LV the Grissom/Sarah relationship has been ongoing for quite some time but it has hardly dominated the story lines. Well, at least until the season premiere.
I will say one thing about Eva Larue. I don't watch soaps so I can't make a opinion about how she performed on AMC. I know she was on the show for over a decade. But I don't think I have seen any actress use her eyes the way she does. She is phenominal at having her eyes express moods/emotions.
It keeps you paying attention to her for sure. :) :)
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