Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Oh, wow... I completely forgot about all of that. How the heck could I forget about the nail? And Erica?

... I'm slipping. :(

You think that her broken arm would have something to do with her being a "bad shot?" Hmm... Maybe if she had nerve damage... (Or not. I don't know much about that kind of stuff, but I'm trying to think of ways how her arm could possibly affect her ability to be a "good shot.") Dislocating her shoulder shouldn't be the effect of having a broken arm once upon a time... Or maybe her arm has nothing to do with her being a "bad shot." Maybe her aim sucks. Or... maybe she's terrified of guns. (Urban Hellraisers, anyone?)
Okay... question for everyone.

Corey Miller said that they have arcs for all of the characters this season. Have any ideas for Natalia's arc?
I dunno, I think her just sucking at aiming would be too lame. We (my husband & I) were just saying that if Nick jacked up her whole arm by bending it backwards when he broke it)or something, he could of jacked up her shoulder, then if it pops out of place or dislocates then she could have trouble shooting because she would have trouble when actually pulling the trigger. She could be fine at aiming but then when she gets the 'jolt' from the shot being fired , it could sway the bullet, this making her a bad shot. Who knows for sure, I guess we won't until the season begins.
For right now, im thinking her shooting situation will be an arc for her, that & I think she'll have a relationship. I won't say w/ who since this is not the shipper thread, but , i dunno, I also have this crazy theory about her ex-husband, but I won't go into it right now. Its hard to say so early on, but so far, Eva herself has mentioned both so im assuming they will take place. I think what, who, when, where & how is what will be the big suprise. I personally think right now its all being mislead on purpose, so they don't give anything away.
Boy, we badly need to start off the new season!!! It's way too quite in here. So I watched "if looks could kill" last night. Nick sucks. His murder should have been much more brutal, I think. However, I loved watching the friendship grow between Nat & Cal, there was alot of scenes in that epi between them that I had forgotten. You could plainly see that TPTB were showing viewers that Cal had accepted Natalia & that they were becoming closer friends... I really hope they don't ruin it for this season. I don't think they will but sometimes ya never know; I'd love to see more of Nat & Cal as 'sisterly', I think they both need that person that they can go to, to have 'girly chats' with!
mjszud said:
I'd love to see more of Nat & Cal as 'sisterly', I think they both need that person that they can go to, to have 'girly chats' with!

I agree! People do need friends and they hardly ever show them as friends...any of them. Is good to have those moments even if they are "little"...
Was it in that episode that Cal was worried about Natalia because of what've happened with Nick? That moment was really cute! I loved when Cal told Nat that she shouldn't say out loud that he wanted Nick dead and Nat says "good advice" :)
mjszud said:
However, I loved watching the friendship grow between Nat & Cal, there was alot of scenes in that epi between them that I had forgotten. You could plainly see that TPTB were showing viewers that Cal had accepted Natalia & that they were becoming closer friends... I really hope they don't ruin it for this season. I don't think they will but sometimes ya never know; I'd love to see more of Nat & Cal as 'sisterly', I think they both need that person that they can go to, to have 'girly chats' with!
I would LOVE if we had some Natalia/Calleigh friendship in the episodes. I'm not sure who said it (it might have been you), but they are the only two women on the team and it would be really awesome to see them bonding and doing things that girls do. I remember that one episode where Natalia was inspecting some kind of cloth and Calleigh comes in and says something that makes Natalia jump and then they both laugh at it... that was really cute.

So yes, one of the many things I want for season six--more Natalia and Calleigh interaction! :D

Patricia said:
Was it in that episode that Cal was worried about Natalia because of what've happened with Nick? That moment was really cute!
I agree. I loved how concerned Calleigh was for Natalia.


I think Natalia could really use a friend like Calleigh. And I could list a billion reasons as to why I think that, but I'm sure you all already know why. She was a great mentor to Natalia in the first episode, she was there for Nat when Nick came back, the two always seem to be smiling and joking around...

And I just read something delkolover posted in the spoiler thread...
La Rue says her character will still be struggling with becoming a full-fledged member of the CSI team when the show returns Sept. 24. "I'm trying to pass my firearms qualifications so I can carry a gun like the rest of them, but I'm really a bad shot -- and evidently that's where this (love interest) comes into play. He's going to be my coach."

So what I heard on the radio about Natalia being a "bad shot" is true. This is good... I think. It should be an interesting storyline to follow, seeing as how we've never really seen what the CSIs have to go through in order to get their gun license. And now for the question as to why she's a bad shot... mjszud had a good idea about the whole arm thing. I'm thinking that maybe her stance isn't right or maybe she tenses up... maybe being held at gunpoint in Urban Hellraisers has something to do with it.
Who knows...

I'm not sure where I stand on Natalia having a "love interest." While EDeN is and will always be my OTP, I think it's nice that Natalia is going to have someone to possibly love her, depending on how far their relationship goes. She needs a man who will treat her right and love her unconditionally. And I swear... If the writers make out her shooting coach to be an abusive bastard, I'm going to slap someone. They already pulled the "ex-wife sleeping with the abusive ex-husband" card. If they wind up having Natalia attracted to another abusive man, I think I might have to hunt down and wreak havok on the CSI: Miami set. Let's give our girl some happiness now, please!
I read the interview also & it's hard to say about the 'love interest' thing. First she says "I don't know how much of a love interest it will be" then she says "there will be new characters & a couple of people will end up in love". Everyone can tell where I stand w/ who I want her to be w/, Im w/ BVFAN on it also, but she said it's her coach & Im not going to just 'assume' that its the instructor Rich just because they could end up bringing her back into the lab to be coached there by someone else. She said at the end of the season its 'one of the boys' if it was just some random guy then I don't understand why she wouldn't have just simply said it'll be a 'new guy'. So I personally am thinking it could really go any way w/ any of the boys...I think maybe we'll be able to tell once the season begins. I read into nothing at this point, but I will say what I said a few days ago in the spoiler thread. I couldn't imagine the 4 csi's hooking up , then breaking up & leaving this team full of akwardness & tension. I dunno, it just seems like a little too much. I remember Ann Donahue saying she saw them as a family w/ H leading them so its hard for me to realistically think that they could pull off pairing them all up. Does anyone else feel that way? I mean all shippiness aside & to just really think about how they'd carry through the show, could you see it? I think it would weaken them as a team!
Great pics, thank you so much, she has the best boobs ever...they look airbrushed!

Ok, i've done a little research on broken arms & this is some info I found...I'm going to put it in a spoiler box just in case I slip somewhere...
there is actually a million things that TPTB could go on here concerning her injury/ supposed shoulder popping in epi 5. This is what I found; Severe broken arm can cause pain, aching & ongoing stiffness even after it has been healed. Also, a condition called Compartment syndrome, its a rare complication of high impact injury;causespain & swelling sometimes disability in the affected mucsle; untreated or unnotice could lead to significant long term disability or loss of function. Another condition (this caught my eye) called Frozen Shoulder says can cause painfully limited range of motion of the shoulderin all directions, this condition also mentioned something called 'Torn rotater cuff' which is in the shoulder, it can be caused from overuse,or heavy lifting; it said from this you could feel or hear a POP when the shoulder is moved. Is it coincidence that the epi is to be titled 'Deep Freeze' when she has the 'popped shoulder'?
Interesting, huh? Im very excited to see what they go on, I think they could work off any of this. Can't wait!
thanks for posting those pics calleighspeedle! the first one is cute and the second...wow. thats all i need to say. the third one kind of scares me...that hair. um...yeah, ok. still goreous though! :D

i think this gun license storyline is going to be great. the history with the broken arm really makes sense but knowing them TPTB could come up with any off the wall reason for her being a bad shot. i think this will give Eva a chance to really show some emotion. frustration and such. she does that really well. it also proves that our CSIs aren't perfect, they're human. i hate that they have to use nat as an example but i'll take what i can get. i also like that they are continuing her process of becoming a full CSI and not just leaving her hanging or just automatically giving her the title of CSI. the love interest thing is a little off putting. besides the fact that it completely blows my ship to pieces, not EVERYONE needs to have a romantic storyline. its going to be like a soap opera if they start trying to pair everyone up. we already have a love triagle, thats enough for now. lets not forget that this is a CRIME DRAMA. not that i don't want natalia to be happy and be loved, i really do. if anyone deserves it its her. i just don't think now is the time.
Ya know it was her imperfections that really drew me into her character. I love that about her, but yet she is so very smart & fun that it makes up for her 'mistakes'. I think deep down she ultimately cares for everyone she works with, I just think her own personal problems get in the way of her expressing them. She definately deserves to be loved & I think its more in her character,too. I have a hard time seeing Calleigh truly in love, but Natalia we know likes to be in love & apparently likes to 'love' others. & No, shes not a skank, she just shows her affection in a different way than others might. I can't wait to see what she is in for!!
mjszud said:
I read the interview also & it's hard to say about the 'love interest' thing. First she says "I don't know how much of a love interest it will be" then she says "there will be new characters & a couple of people will end up in love". Everyone can tell where I stand w/ who I want her to be w/, Im w/ BVFAN on it also, but she said it's her coach & Im not going to just 'assume' that its the instructor Rich just because they could end up bringing her back into the lab to be coached there by someone else. She said at the end of the season its 'one of the boys' if it was just some random guy then I don't understand why she wouldn't have just simply said it'll be a 'new guy'.
She never really said that "one of the boys" would be Natalia's new love interest. Here's that part of the interview:

La Rue: At the end of the season, it looks like instead of having the hots for somebody, [she] actually [has] more of empathy for [someone], a real honest-to-goodness caring about somebody.

CSI Files: Can you give us a hint who it might be?

La Rue: It's one of the boys, one of the regular boys! It will be [in the season finale] a little bit. They kind of allude to it.

We obviously know now that the boy she was talking about is Ryan, seeing as how she was in the finale having a real "honest-to-goodness" caring for Ryan and helped him sort through his old police reports at the end.

Eva and the spoilers and say that her new love interest is Rich. Eva came flat out and said it, the spoilers said it... Ann Donahue DIDN'T say it... So I really don't see any reason not to believe it.

mjszud said:
Ok, i've done a little research on broken arms & this is some info I found...I'm going to put it in a spoiler box just in case I slip somewhere...
there is actually a million things that TPTB could go on here concerning her injury/ supposed shoulder popping in epi 5. This is what I found; Severe broken arm can cause pain, aching & ongoing stiffness even after it has been healed. Also, a condition called Compartment syndrome, its a rare complication of high impact injury;causespain & swelling sometimes disability in the affected mucsle; untreated or unnotice could lead to significant long term disability or loss of function. Another condition (this caught my eye) called Frozen Shoulder says can cause painfully limited range of motion of the shoulderin all directions, this condition also mentioned something called 'Torn rotater cuff' which is in the shoulder, it can be caused from overuse,or heavy lifting; it said from this you could feel or hear a POP when the shoulder is moved. Is it coincidence that the epi is to be titled 'Deep Freeze' when she has the 'popped shoulder'?
Interesting, huh? Im very excited to see what they go on, I think they could work off any of this. Can't wait!
That is interesting... I didn't know any of that!

the reason for her being a bad shot is because of her arm. And I'm finding it interesting that Natalia's shoulder pops right around the time that she's learning to shoot. (I think that happens in the episode after we first see her shooting.) Maybe you're right, mjszud.

ilh214 said:
i think this will give Eva a chance to really show some emotion. frustration and such. she does that really well.
YES! I agree 100%. Even though a lot of people complain about how the show is losing the "crime" and sticking to the "drama" (and I agree), the drama is where Eva shines. When the script calls for emotion, Eva is brilliant. (Just look at "Internal Affairs." That last scene was incredible.)

I want to see more opportunities for Eva to really ACT this year. C'mon, writers! (And Eva!) Let's go for a 2008 Emmy Nomination! (If not an actual Emmy.)

If they really tried, I bet it could happen.

mjszud said:
but Natalia we know likes to be in love & apparently likes to 'love' others. & No, shes not a skank, she just shows her affection in a different way than others might. I can't wait to see what she is in for!!
I don't think she's a skank, either. I just think she's someone who desperately needs to be loved and will do almost anything to get it... even if it's only temporary. (That's my take, anyway.)

"Darkroom" was on A&E earlier and like a good little college student, I abandoned my homework to watch it. Did anyone else notice the picture of Nika when Ryan opened up the safe and found the pictures and trophies of the girls? He picked up one picture and underneath it was a picture of Anya. The picture that he picked up is of Nika.

... I think. Did any of you notice it? (Or am I just going crazy?)
Hi guys! I'm kinda new to this thread but I just thought I'd drop in and say how much I love Natalia/Eva!

I think natalia is a really likeable character and I really love seeing her in each and every ep. I also think that Eva is an amazing actress and I really admire her!

I'm really excited for the new eps and her storyline(s) but I'm in Australia so it's still halfway through airing s5! It's killing me!

Great pics guys!

Well, this is how I took the interview, I even re-read it & I don't know, sometimes the interviews are so wishy washy because they can't give too much away so it seems like sometimes they steer away from really answering the question. Anyway, this is why I took it the way I did:
Eva is discussing 'dating again'. Then interviewer asks:Anybody in particular you'd like to see her w/?
Eva then continues w/ the 'end of the season' comment (like BVFAN stated). Followed by interviewer asking for any hints?
Thats when Eva answers "one of the boys, one of the regular boys".
So, thats why I thought it still sounded like she was saying it was a regular. Oh well, thats how I took it. I personally tend to look at inteviews in a different way just because I know they can't say too much, besides it seems like anytime they do say anything it ends up close to what they say is true but always different. Did that make sense to anyone? Maybe its just me, I dunno. Some I beleive, some I think is more of a teaser than an actual spoiler. Ya know how when you watch an episode of CSI Miami you have to almost read into things or read between the lines to understand something?? Thats how I look at the interviews. I just cant wait, next 2 weeks are dragging.

BTW, BVFAN, you better not jump ship on me or I will come in after you :lol: :lol:

Hi there SHOPPING LUVA91!! Welcome to the Natalia thread, hope ya like it here!!!
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