Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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I was surprised that they didn't utilize this episode for natalia (I'm pretty sure there are issues with going in space and inner ear ailments).

I am sick of Natalia doing lab work... they made her a part of the team and USED her (both literally and figuratively) in season 5, hell she was used more in season 4 when she wasn't even on full contract, then they have been using her the past 3 seasons. -- Why is Walter (who I DO enjoy on the show) getting so much airtime and on the field experience?

Seriously I think they have enough video footage of Natalia cutting qtips and using the centrifuge, that they don't even need to tape new footage, to continuing to utilize her in the same manner as they have been.

Why is Ryan a level 1 CSI, and Natalia like still doing grunt work?

Ryan became a CSI season 4
Natalia became a CSI season 5

I know that Ryan was a police officer prior to this, but Natalia worked for the FBI... does that not correlate the same way? (seriously asking) -- I don't understand the logistics of the show, nor of how being a level 1 CSI works.... shouldn't I understand this now that we're in the 8th season of the show?!??!!

Is eva larue ok with this?

Why do they hire new actors to eat up the already un-utilized, non-sufficient, non-existing airtime, of the veterans?

With Speedle LONG gone, Delko coming and going, Alexx out of the picture...etc...etc... Natalia has some pretty strong seniority, --- I just don't get it!!!

ETC ETC ETC !!! haha
I'm thinking she only had the one scene because the ep was filmed around the time Eva had to go film her brief return to AMC. But I hate that they stick Natalia in the lab so much rather than have her be in the field.

Lol, I saw your post in the episode thread and posted a reply there. ;) She was gone 8.04, 8.08, 8.12 and many others she appeared for 2 scenes, so def not her stint on AMC.

I followed Larue over from AMC, and still watch AMC, so I can speak from having seen the episode of AMC in questions and say that Larue was on AMC for all of 1 minutes,:rolleyes: and I cannot imagine it took her more than the length of one CSI episode filming (which I believe takes 9 days) to go to NY, come back, and re-adjust to corresponding time zones.
I don't know if it's contract issues,or TPTB have some type of control or option as far as the contracts and screen time. The limited time on screen also appears to be happening for Lindsay and Adam on NY this season.It makes me wonder if TPTB aren't exercising some type of option with the actors contract.

And Sid on NY too. Sometimes he's not there and they use Hawkes to tell TOD/COD. :lol:

I dunno, I get the feeling that some of these episodes are aired out of order. There was no mention of Nat's hearing issue in this episode which there could have been and that could have been a good reason for them to say she didn't go out in the field this time. Weren't they in an airport or near one or something? I would think it would be very noisy there and for someone with Natalia's issues, that might not be a good thing this soon to be around that much noise. But, if Eva wasn't busy with something else then there's no good excuse to only have her in that one tiny scene when everyone else had fairly decent screentime. She seems to be this show's Greg/Adam. :lol: Only occassionally getting decent screentime.

What's COD/TOD stand for?

-- I just finished watching seasons 4 thrus (now) -- (with a little 1-3 intermittant) -- I watched in order, and have to say that the feeling of episodes being out of order, is not a new concept to this show. I started noticing that same feeling as I was watching, and while it wasn't as painful, since I didn't have to wait a week (or longer) for the next episodes, it was and contiues to be annoying, and a tremendous flaw with the show. -- Episodes are either not written and/or not aired in order, and much of the time feel that the writers of one episode, did not converse with that of the previous... there has been an overall disconjointed feel.... not sure when that started, but I did notice it before this season.

Not to mention that storylines usually last 1-2 episodes, and seemingly traumatic experiences have no life-changing/lasting impacts on any of the characters and for the show... I would love to start seeing more history revisited...

Natalia is actually one of the most consistant characters...in terms of her past being consistant and a big part of how she does her job...etc... I think this is inpart due to the fact that eva is such a strong actress... she conveys a lot of emotion and backstory in a measily 2-3 lines.

ok I've babbled enough and monopolized this thread ...and am a broken record... haha

just glad to have people here who hear me... cause clearly TPTB don't :(
I don't know if it's contract issues,or TPTB have some type of control or option as far as the contracts and screen time. The limited time on screen also appears to be happening for Lindsay and Adam on NY this season.It makes me wonder if TPTB aren't exercising some type of option with the actors contract.

I also don't understand how writers share a screentime. As a E/C supporter, I'm happy that there is so many scenes with them, but my other 2 characters are Natalia and Ryan, who are seriously underused.
I wonder if it has something to do with Eva herself. I remember I read an interview with her that she is happy with her screentime because she can 'have a life' and spend more time with her daughter. I believe she also came back to her former boyfriend. Maybe that's why she has less screentime than others? Anyway, I would love to see her more often as she is the only other female(now that Alexx is gone, Tara fired and Valera hardly ever there)...
As it comes to Lindsay in CSI NY let's remember she has a little baby and one older baby so she probably asked for less screentime. As to Adam, he was never a main character.
CSI Natalia, you are on a roll mate. ;)

I don't mind seeing her ruling in the DNA lab, at least that's her sanctuary. What frustrates me is the filming style when they show us Nat in the midst of her tests. The images tends to flash too fast, they are very blurry or either they are shown in split screens. Come on, show us her actually doing her work and not showcase your fancy camera work! It is a bit of a disrespect to her work.

Miami as far as I can remember never really focused on who is CSI Level XXX, and COD/TOD means Cause/Time of Death.

I wonder if it has something to do with Eva herself. I remember I read an interview with her that she is happy with her screentime because she can 'have a life' and spend more time with her daughter. I believe she also came back to her former boyfriend. Maybe that's why she has less screentime than others?

She never said she was happy with her screentime. She was comparing it to her old AMC days and said this was not as tedious, therefore she is able to spend more time outside of work. How can appearing in one scene or not appearing anything to be happy about? I don't get it, it is like going to work and your boss tells you all you have to do is the photocopy a stack of documents. How further less can her screentime be anyways. Eva always say a lot of positive things about the show and her job, it is just her personality.

Does tptb ever read this forum? Or maybe Eva too? :confused:
Why is Ryan a level 1 CSI, and Natalia like still doing grunt work?

Ryan became a CSI season 4
Natalia became a CSI season 5

Actually, Ryan joined in Season 3 a couple of eps after Speedle's death. But, I think Ryan is at least a Level 2. He might even be a Level 3 by now. Although I'm not too sure they do Levels on Miami like they do on LV. They don't ever mention it anyway. They don't mention it on NY either for that matter. :lol:

But I don't get why Natalia's always doing the DNA stuff. That's Valera's job. We've only seen Valera once this whole season. I want to see her more. So, I wish they'd let Natalia do more field work and Valera do the DNA work.
Levels were mentioned in NY the first season when dealing with Danny for a level 3 position.As I remember,he wasn't promoted.I don't believe it's been bought up since.
I don't really care about levels & all that -- Miami has never been one to acknowledge it much. I don't mind that she runs the DNA lab either, but tptb went to the trouble of making her a CSI only to stick her right back in the lab...that's what I find irksome. I've come across various reviews/comments (elsewhere) & some people still title her as "DNA expert/specialist" or "CSI trainee" :wtf:

Overall, I like seeing her do both, her specialty (DNA) & out on the field as a true CSI. They never had problems before with showing each characters' "specialty" on top of thier fieldwork -- the problem all boils down to Nat's screentime - if she had more scenes, TPTB would have opportunity to show her in other areas aside from the DNA lab.

Natalia is actually one of the most consistant characters...in terms of her past being consistant and a big part of how she does her job...etc... I think this is inpart due to the fact that eva is such a strong actress... she conveys a lot of emotion and backstory in a measily 2-3 lines.
There's been some consistancy, but she's lost the spark she had in S4 (the spark that said "I'm moving on & living my life to the fullest")...it seemed to disappear when Nick returned in S5. Not that I don't mind her head being in the job, but I do miss that spark. She had fun back then, but ever since Nick kicked the bucket, she's all about work &, obviously, into watching the tele.
Maybe we're supposed to see it that way, or maybe it's just because TPTB have sucked massive booty w/ storylines for her :rolleyes: ...I just know it's been long enough & it's time to see her alive & breathing again!
I think some writers have a terrible fixation and myopic vision seeing Natalia as only a DNA analyst, therefore they have nothing for her to do other than putting her in a DNA sequence in their scripts all the time and never out there at all. They need to realise how hard she has work to become a CSI, get her gun licence, and how far her character has come since S4. They seem to think she is incompetent as compared to the men or to Calleigh. I don't know sometimes I feel that her character is being pushed around by tptb. She has to be in at least 4 scenes per episode and this is a low expectation. Tptb need to show some real respect to Eva's contribution and that many people love to see more of her character.

Now, I have a terrible feeling her current story is going to get flushed down the toilet or they are going to rush to end it in one episode. :(
Why is Ryan a level 1 CSI, and Natalia like still doing grunt work?

Ryan became a CSI season 4
Natalia became a CSI season 5

Actually, Ryan joined in Season 3 a couple of eps after Speedle's death. But, I think Ryan is at least a Level 2. He might even be a Level 3 by now. Although I'm not too sure they do Levels on Miami like they do on LV. They don't ever mention it anyway. They don't mention it on NY either for that matter. :lol:

But I don't get why Natalia's always doing the DNA stuff. That's Valera's job. We've only seen Valera once this whole season. I want to see her more. So, I wish they'd let Natalia do more field work and Valera do the DNA work.

ooo I had the levels backwards..haha I thought 1 was the best ...either way, Natalia should be more vital to the team at this point...and Valera was never made to be more than a 'helper' I was never really drawn to her character, although I do feel for the actress
Everyone is so dead on with tptb...

also just how many writers are there?...Maybe there are too many??

I know the directors are often shifted around and such... but I also don't get the hoopla over guest directors....why are people so excited for someone who has no tie to the show, to come in and direct??
Now, I have a terrible feeling her current story is going to get flushed down the toilet or they are going to rush to end it in one episode. :(

My fear is that her one line about being a bionic women (which was admittedly a cute scene), was the sound of a toilet flushing
Everyone is so dead on with tptb...

also just how many writers are there?...Maybe there are too many??

I know the directors are often shifted around and such... but I also don't get the hoopla over guest directors....why are people so excited for someone who has no tie to the show, to come in and direct??

I know the writers have changed over time too. I don't follow the writers on Miami, maybe someone knows better, who these bunch of current writers are and if they are new and why they always leave Natalia out of their scripts?

These guest directors are just for hype and promotion, which is why 8.16 is so heavily promoted and there is a long list of guest stars. Tptb just wants to give people the idea that it is going to be an awesome episode. Anyone here excited for it?
My fear is that her one line about being a bionic women (which was admittedly a cute scene), was the sound of a toilet flushing

:lol: It's true I know, but sounded funny. Anyway, I think alot of the issue is also that tptb seemingly want to portray them as being made of steel. A physical injury might effect them for a short time, but they're over & done with it after a few episodes.

I won't totally give up yet, though -- tptb have the tendency to make all appear "normal" until the big moment comes when they unravel this thing, so, just because we're not seeing any signs with Nat, it doesn't mean this storyline is kaput. Having said that, there is still a small pessimistic side of me saying it will never happen ... tptb have axed these things one too many times when it comes to Natalia. I'm trying to keep some faith here, girls. :)

These guest directors are just for hype and promotion, which is why 8.16 is so heavily promoted and there is a long list of guest stars. Tptb just wants to give people the idea that it is going to be an awesome episode. Anyone here excited for it?
I actually am. I like Rob Zombie & I'm anxious to see if we notice any major differences with him directing. Also ....

This is the epi with Rebecca Nivens & she's supposed to mention Natalia acting suspicious. I'm looking to this episode to tell me if Nat's storyline is over or not -- if this tidbit comes to air (sometimes spoilers change), then it might suggest that Nat's storyline is NOT over. If the scene is cut & Natalia isn't mentioned then I'll probably look at it to mean that tptb have once again nipped it in the butt. This is why I'm looking forward to it most of all -- I really want to see if Nat's "condition" will resurface, even if it's just a mention/nod, or a little foreshadowing -- I'll take it either way. :p

ETA: Update on Eva's "gate debate" - decision was finally made, she's ordered to remove gate. *cough*assholes*cough* Here's the link.
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