Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Didn't the Dr. say it was an old injury? -- When fractures heal, they never do 100% and/or in the same way as if the bone never had fractured...
Dr. Marshall said he found an existing injury inconsistant with NIHL -- he then asked "have you suffered a recent head injury?" (or head trauma, one of the 2, definitly said 'recent' though)

I could possibly be making it out to mean more, but I'd think since he specifically asked if there was a recent injury, it would mean he was suggesting that indeed this was caused from recent head trauma.

I think she thought that part of her life was over, she closed the book on it, and her reaction was that of not wanting to open that book again.
And that's a good possibility, I could definitly see that. The Doc using the word 'recent' is what's throwing me off though. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you 'cause it could really go either way, & I'm not 100% ruling out the idea that it's just an old ghost working it's way back into the picture. Let's just say I keep wanting to lean towards something else other than ol' Nickhead. :p

SHe does seem to play it a little close to the chest concerning Nick. She only brings it up when pertinent to a case, and/or to Delko (whom at the time she was involved with) -- we never saw her talk about it with the other CSI's.
She does a little, but eventually she did open up more. Aside from Eric, she also spoke briefly several times to Horatio ('Collision', 'I Looks Could Kill', 'Internal Affairs'), & even with Calleigh once ( 'If looks could kill'). I never got the impression she wasn't able to speak of it -- as I saw it, she just wasn't quite willing to express any real emotion from the pain he caused her (I'm not counting 'Internal Affairs' because imo that was more her grieving Nick's death -- not counting the other epis either cause it seemed more like fear we saw).

That may be the only reason I'd like to see the Nick past resurface -- we can obviously assume she was emotionally scarred & hurt by his abuse, but I feel they barely touched the surface with all of that.
Of course, it very well could just be from Nick, but IMHO, I couldn't see why TPTB would have chosen to make that scene so questionable if it just pertained to a past that we already know about.

TO KEEP US GUESSING!!! and coming back for more every week! :D
Of course, it very well could just be from Nick, but IMHO, I couldn't see why TPTB would have chosen to make that scene so questionable if it just pertained to a past that we already know about.

TO KEEP US GUESSING!!! and coming back for more every week! :D

Ok, good point. :lol:
All I can say is that they'd better be taking this thing further -- if her hearing issue resolves on it's own with the hearing aid, then fine, but I'll be highly ticked if the cochlear concussion/head injury/recent/past/whatever issue get's flushed down the continuity toilet!
well it wouldn't be the first time tptb rushed to end a storyline before it was properly developed and finished, but we'll just have to wait and see...damn it

is it wrong that i would love for her hearing loss to get worse before it gets better just for a little more...something?

No, not for Natalia's storyline. :( It can't end, not even her hearing issue. Sorry for wanting to explore it more. Don't mind what you got there, I trust Natalia to always pull herself through and become stronger.

Damn tptb for keeping us guessing! At first I was pretty sure it was Nick but I've since changed sides. :p What is the next episode now?

Oh and mjszud, I believe there is a Ryan & Natalia scene on Youtube if you just want to catch the part where it addresses Nat's issue. ;)
^^ Ah thank you darlin'. I knew I could count on you lovely D'Evas to fill me in on the Natalia-ness. :D

ETA: Oh, next epi is 'Miami, we have a problem' airing next Monday.
Not sure if it means anything but this one is not listed on Eva's IMDB list, though 'LA' & 'Getting Axed' is .... I hope she isn't MIA again.
^^ Ah thank you darlin'. I knew I could count on you lovely D'Evas to fill me in on the Natalia-ness. :D

ETA: Oh, next epi is 'Miami, we have a problem' airing next Monday.
Not sure if it means anything but this one is not listed on Eva's IMDB list, though 'LA' & 'Getting Axed' is .... I hope she isn't MIA again.

You're welcome. The Natalia-ness is to be shared and spread. :lol:

I hope not and though she is listed she still goes MIA. I went to check and it seems for now, the episode is also not listed on Jon's IMDB. I also hope she isn't missing from 8.16 which follows the 'pattern' she goes MIA. :shifty:
I don't get why Natalia doesn;t play as strong a part as the other CSI's... esp. in episodes (such as 'wolfe in sheeps clothing') where they show Ryan, Callie & Delko, or yesterdays... with Jesse in the mix... doing their morning or after work routines, why is Natalia not included?
I didn't watch the epi last night, though I might catch it elsewhere just to see the Natalia parts.
I didn't watch last night's episode, either. And I'll bet I didn't watch it for the same reason you didn't watch it, my friend. Stay strong.

I'm glad to hear that they addressed Natalia's issue somewhat. At least they didn't ignore it completely. Let's hope that's not the end of her storyline!
All I can say is that they'd better be taking this thing further -- if her hearing issue resolves on it's own with the hearing aid, then fine, but I'll be highly ticked if the cochlear concussion/head injury/recent/past/whatever issue get's flushed down the continuity toilet!
I know, right? The CSIM writers seem to have a real knack for dropping storylines in mid-air. I'm no doctor, but somehow I don't think that just outfitting Natalia with a hearing aid is enough to address her cochlear damage. So hopefully, that wasn't the last word we've heard on this issue. I'd like to see what Eva does with this story arc.
All I can say is that they'd better be taking this thing further -- if her hearing issue resolves on it's own with the hearing aid, then fine, but I'll be highly ticked if the cochlear concussion/head injury/recent/past/whatever issue get's flushed down the continuity toilet!

It is good with me to have Natalia wearing a hearing aid permanently now. With regards to the other issue, I don't know if they will bring her story further this season or delay it until next season, worse none at all. There aren't many episodes left and they still have to write about Jesse and of course not forgetting Eric still has quite a number of episodes on hand. Like they told us about Natalia's abusive marriage in S4 but we didn't get to see it until S5. I am probably worrying too much though.

I don't get why Natalia doesn;t play as strong a part as the other CSI's... esp. in episodes (such as 'wolfe in sheeps clothing') where they show Ryan, Callie & Delko, or yesterdays... with Jesse in the mix... doing their morning or after work routines, why is Natalia not included?

Tptb play the 'lead' card too much. No matter what they do, it definitely doesn't make Natalia any less important to the team, the show and to us.
With regards to the other issue, I don't know if they will bring her story further this season or delay it until next season, worse none at all. There aren't many episodes left and they still have to write about Jesse and of course not forgetting Eric still has quite a number of episodes on hand.

I hate having to worry like this, but TPTB have axed so many storylines before I just don't trust them too much. The storyline with Rich was supposed to be a further storyline as well, & it went nowhere. Eva was really thrilled for it too. But of course, they had to drag other crap out & obviously couldn't find room for it. :evil:

Having said that, I AM trying to be optimistic. Unlike the 'Rich' storyline, this one doesn't have an easy way of just ending with a quick fix of the hearing aid -- the concussion issue hasn't been addressed....surely they can't just let that one slide this time. I hope not anyway.

So maybe it's better that we haven't seen any spoilers for this -- if they play everything out before the season ends, then we risk having a season 9 of Natalia in the background again. If it unravels near finale, but still unfinished, then we have a better chance of it rolling into the next season.
I don't want to wait until S9 to get the whole shebang though -- my wishful scenario would be that they continue the season with bits & pieces keeping us in wonder, & then in the finale they end it on something shocking where we learn how she got the injury. They have to leave the season hanging with something. :p
Instead of bringing in Jesse, they should of bumped Natalia up to a 'leading' character.

Why couldn't the main team have been Natalia, Ryan and Calleigh??
What's the storyline with Rich?

It was back in early S6, he was her shooting instructor. He appeared in 2, maybe 3, episodes -- asked her out (from Nat's responce he did this fequently), she was not seeming interested, & that was basically it. Originally though, it was said he was supposed to be her love interest. A love interest in her, he was, but it went nowhere all the same. Not that I care much, cause he probably would've tried to kill her anyway, but still it was another storyline axed.
What's the storyline with Rich?

It was back in early S6, he was her shooting instructor. He appeared in 2, maybe 3, episodes -- asked her out (from Nat's responce he did this fequently), she was not seeming interested, & that was basically it. Originally though, it was said he was supposed to be her love interest. A love interest in her, he was, but it went nowhere all the same. Not that I care much, cause he probably would've tried to kill her anyway, but still it was another storyline axed.

OHHHH yea I remember now... I remember thinking that it was weird that she didn't say anything after he clearly ratted her out to Ryan in regards to her leaving the evidence in the car.
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