Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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So maybe it's better that we haven't seen any spoilers for this -- if they play everything out before the season ends, then we risk having a season 9 of Natalia in the background again. If it unravels near finale, but still unfinished, then we have a better chance of it rolling into the next season.
I don't want to wait until S9 to get the whole shebang though -- my wishful scenario would be that they continue the season with bits & pieces keeping us in wonder, & then in the finale they end it on something shocking where we learn how she got the injury. They have to leave the season hanging with something. :p
I don't mind this scenario at all. In fact brilliant for me. Tptb can't just put her through a CT scan just for the hearing aid and ta-da she is fine. But still yeah, who knows her storyline gets interrupted by or dropped because of some other self-indulgence storyline.

Instead of bringing in Jesse, they should of bumped Natalia up to a 'leading' character.

Why couldn't the main team have been Natalia, Ryan and Calleigh??
Not that I expect her to be the lead (though she has more than enough quality) but yeah she along with some other longer time members should have stepped up. But alas, no chance for them.

Oh that Rich guys looks like Nick to me. Maybe he is Nick's half-brother and he has come back for revenge. Sorry, lousy attempt at a story. :lol:
Oh that Rich guys looks like Nick to me. Maybe he is Nick's half-brother and he has come back for revenge. Sorry, lousy attempt at a story. :lol:
He's really Nick with a new identity -- Miami is supposed to be known for great plastic surgeons right? :lol:
Oh that Rich guys looks like Nick to me. Maybe he is Nick's half-brother and he has come back for revenge. Sorry, lousy attempt at a story. :lol:
He's really Nick with a new identity -- Miami is supposed to be known for great plastic surgeons right? :lol:

Yeah and the Nick who died was really his body double or stand-in. :lol: Remember the one ep with the triplet sisters who shared a hubby and he never knew there were three of them? They thought he was dead, but it was really his stand-in who'd had plastic surgery done to look like him. :lol:
Oh that Rich guys looks like Nick to me. Maybe he is Nick's half-brother and he has come back for revenge. Sorry, lousy attempt at a story. :lol:
He's really Nick with a new identity -- Miami is supposed to be known for great plastic surgeons right? :lol:

Yeah and the Nick who died was really his body double or stand-in. :lol: Remember the one ep with the triplet sisters who shared a hubby and he never knew there were three of them? They thought he was dead, but it was really his stand-in who'd had plastic surgery done to look like him. :lol:

Exactly what I was thinking of. :lol: You can't put anything past Miami.
^Your post has 5 :lol: in it, bit scary. Rich has guns too, scary he is.

Natalia would have to get her eyes checked too if she can't differentiate Nick from erm Nick, or maybe that DNA machine is spoilt. :wtf: Come on, I want to know who is the bastard who hurt our Nat, I hope he doesn't appear as a dead body again.
another episode with barely any Natalia (or anyone interesting for that matter...)

Did Natalia only had that one scene with Calleigh? I wasn't paying much attention as the story was rather dull for me. Natalia never gets involve much in the cases at all. Her 'issue' is more of a side story but that doesn't mean we don't want to see her being more involve in cases, like Ryan did in this episode. :scream: Very disappointed. It is wrong to want to see more of her? :(

The only nice thing is what I think is a consistent characterisation for Natalia, is that she likes to watch movies and TV shows. She did say she watch some reality TV drama and now she likes action movies. :lol:

Great, now another long wait and I bet she will once again appear for 2 seconds in the heavily promoted episode 8.16. :rolleyes:
I'm thinking she only had the one scene because the ep was filmed around the time Eva had to go film her brief return to AMC. But I hate that they stick Natalia in the lab so much rather than have her be in the field.
I'm thinking she only had the one scene because the ep was filmed around the time Eva had to go film her brief return to AMC. But I hate that they stick Natalia in the lab so much rather than have her be in the field.

Lol, I saw your post in the episode thread and posted a reply there. ;) She was gone 8.04, 8.08, 8.12 and many others she appeared for 2 scenes, so def not her stint on AMC.
Sorry, but there is no way this is due to her brief gig on AMC -- the "MIA" episodes, maybe, but her being in 3 or less scenes per episode has been an issue since the beginning of Season 7.
I have a hard time believing it's contract issues either when she's been more visible in a few epis since then ('Dead On Arrival' in S7; & thus far in S8 > 'Bone Voyage', Count Me Out', the cougar epi, & 'Die By The Sword'). A big whoppin' 4 episodes out of 15 that she's had over 4 scenes.
I don't know what it is, I am not liking it at all though.

The only nice thing is what I think is a consistent characterisation for Natalia, is that she likes to watch movies and TV shows. She did say she watch some reality TV drama and now she likes action movies. :lol:
I missed alot of that dialogue (washing machine was spinning unbalanced...very loud) but I got the jist of it from her smiles. It is nice to see, but then a little annoying that the only consistancy & development they can put on Natalia is that she's a tv/movie junkie. :wtf:

The girl is so pretty & SO TALENTED, & to top it off Natalia is an interesting character with soooo much potential -- if I were a writer I'd be more than thrilled to create stories for her as she's much like a rarely touched canvas -- for the life of me I can't understand these issues OR TPTB!
I don't know if it's contract issues,or TPTB have some type of control or option as far as the contracts and screen time. The limited time on screen also appears to be happening for Lindsay and Adam on NY this season.It makes me wonder if TPTB aren't exercising some type of option with the actors contract.
I don't know if it's contract issues,or TPTB have some type of control or option as far as the contracts and screen time. The limited time on screen also appears to be happening for Lindsay and Adam on NY this season.It makes me wonder if TPTB aren't exercising some type of option with the actors contract.

And Sid on NY too. Sometimes he's not there and they use Hawkes to tell TOD/COD. :lol:

I dunno, I get the feeling that some of these episodes are aired out of order. There was no mention of Nat's hearing issue in this episode which there could have been and that could have been a good reason for them to say she didn't go out in the field this time. Weren't they in an airport or near one or something? I would think it would be very noisy there and for someone with Natalia's issues, that might not be a good thing this soon to be around that much noise. But, if Eva wasn't busy with something else then there's no good excuse to only have her in that one tiny scene when everyone else had fairly decent screentime. She seems to be this show's Greg/Adam. :lol: Only occassionally getting decent screentime.
The girl is so pretty & SO TALENTED, & to top it off Natalia is an interesting character with soooo much potential -- if I were a writer I'd be more than thrilled to create stories for her as she's much like a rarely touched canvas -- for the life of me I can't understand these issues OR TPTB!

This is the most tragic part.

On behalf of all Natalia fans/supporters, TPTB and their writers, please please give Natalia more presence in every episode. There are a whole lot of things that Ms Boa Vista is capable of doing and they don't always have to be the men on the show.
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