Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Ryan seems to be pretty worried about it. As in "dont let Natalia's hearing problems get anyone hurt." because he did go through this with his eye problem. So, I'm wondering if he will be nosey and ask Natalia how things with the doctor went to A) make sure she went 2) see if she is getting better and D) make sure she doesn't do anything before she is able.

And do we know if Horatio knows about this? what do we think? He always seems to know EVERYTHING!
I do really wonder who else knows and what would her reaction be if everyone knows about it. Even Frank noticed something weird about Natalia's behaviour. Also if Horatio already knew, he surely wouldn't let her endager herself and others. However, since she is receiving temporary treatment, assuming she would probably be able to hear better and she can work normally. It will be nice to have Ryan ask her how she is doing.
in looking for spoilers i found all these articles about Eva La Rue first dealing with a stalker to put a gate up and then having to deal with neighbors who had a problem with the gate! they interviewed her neighbor who said basically, "this is a nice open neighborhood, we do not have gates here." umm! hello! you don't have some psycho stalker writing you letters!

and the worst part--because of all of these legal proceedings her address was made public or something so her stalker sent her a letter saying he knows where she lives now!

SO...with this in mind lets send some love her way and hope that she and her daughter stay safe!!
in looking for spoilers i found all these articles about Eva La Rue first dealing with a stalker to put a gate up and then having to deal with neighbors who had a problem with the gate! they interviewed her neighbor who said basically, "this is a nice open neighborhood, we do not have gates here." umm! hello! you don't have some psycho stalker writing you letters!

and the worst part--because of all of these legal proceedings her address was made public or something so her stalker sent her a letter saying he knows where she lives now!

SO...with this in mind lets send some love her way and hope that she and her daughter stay safe!!

I've been reading the stories. It's a shame they're causing that much of a stink over a gate -- I saw Eva's appeal in court (news clip, I'll post link if you'd like) & they showed her home & this contraversial gate.....it was plain stupid, the gate isn't even very high & was put up in a nice decorative manner to match the rest of the home. Those fuddy-duddy neighbors are just sore at the fact that Eva was granted a pass & they felt it was special treatment.

so her stalker sent her a letter saying he knows where she lives now!
She has since moved (her publicist stated this), & I couldn't be more releaved!! Just as it's said above, thanks to all this legal mess, her address is now all over the place -- they just made it that much easier for other potential psychos! I even found someone posted a birds-eye view of her home on googlemap. Get a life, leave the girl alone ....she has the right to feel secure in the privacy of her own home!!

I truly hope this stalker is long gone so Eva & Kaya can be safe in their new home. This is becoming very scary.
Those people have created a huge mess for nothing when they brought this into the public, perhaps they want their 5 minutes of fame. :rolleyes: Now she lost her privacy and her own home.

I just hope Eva and her daughter are truly safe.

Also the latest spoilers for tonight's episode...all I can say is WHAT?!
I'm glad to hear they moved to be safer, but sad that they had to leave! this is why i don't buy magazines and hate websites like gawker stalker! they are not safe! there are many celebs that i love, but i also respect them!

as for getting special treatment--well maybe they did give her special treatment, but why not!! she has special circumstances. that is when you should get special treatment! I disagree that they can say, "yes it's okay" and then turn around and so "no"

looking forward to tonights ep!
My biggest issue with this show (esp. when I'm anxious to see Natalia storylines) is the inconsistancy between episodes. It's like the writers of one episode completely differ from that of the next, and they don't confer with one another to find out what happened previously.

I also hate that storylines tend to be sporadic and then fade away into the abyss... So while I am extremely excited to see Natalia FINALLY have a storyline (was there a reason for her not being seen at all in the past 2 seasons and/or that she was hardly included with the main CSI team, after they made it a point to make her "one of us" ??? )

I just started watching CSI miami recently, but back-tracked and watched most of the older episodes and am currently up-to-date.
I think eva larue is an amazing actress who brings so much depth to Natalia, who is an under-utilized character.

I would like to see her included more with the 'team'... I really enjoyed seeing Calleigh, Jesse, Ryan and NAtalia working a crime scene together (the explosion episode) -- we rarely see the CSI's together, and I would like to see more of it.

I would like to see more attention to detail, character rich episodes, consistency..

another overlooked friendship, is we rarely see Calleigh and Natalia 'hanging out' or working together. The guys (esp. this season) are shown goofing around both at work and in spare time... yet they rarely even have Calleigh and Natalia in the same scenes, let alone make it seem like they have anything more of a work relationship...

ok this post spiraled way out from what I thought it would...but this is also the first forum I found that seemed to voice many of the same opinions and yearnings I have for Natalia rich storylines

DOes anyone know if TPTB are hearing the fans who all seem to want character richness and development ... no matter which character is is that they are vying for...it seems to be one thing that we are all united on
I think that the prior history DOES have to do with Nick... the way she rolled her eyes was like "God.. that b@stard is still able to hurt me"

Women of abuse (esp. with a heart of gold and moral compass like Natalia's) often don't get the help they need, due to feeling embarrassed or ashamed that they let a man take abuse of them, when they know that they are smarter than that. -- There is an irrational thought pattern that is shared amongst many who have been victims of abuse, and I think that this actually would be an interesting path for TPTB to go down since we really haven't seen much of Natalia's relationship and/or what she went through, and it was clearly pretty bad, to have broken her arm and wind up in jail. -- We know she was in an abusive relationship...we met Nick... but we never actually saw or learned the intimate details.
Goodness i hope that wasn't it. but i guess that is all a lot of you were hoping for. just a mention of how she is treating the hearing loss. We'll just have to see how her treatment goes.

the hearing aid was in her left ear...does that mean anything? if it was damaged by a hand slap that would be a right-handed person i guess.

still cant believe that whole real life drama ELR is going through! i think what got to me is how unconcerned the neighbor was. she was talking about how nice the area is with its openness and kids playing. oh so what that a women and her child need extra security, i don't care.

way to show compassion.
Okay, you guys are scaring me here. I didn't see it as her storyline ending just like that but seems quite a few people are questioning already.

It was nice to see her hearing issue being address the way we wanted, though it was brief. Glad to see Natalia facing up to her problem and taking it well. :thumbsup: She is wearing her hearing aid and she is not stuck in the lab, so I am happy! It also shows that hearing impaired people can very well function and continue to work as normal.

Anyways, whether her story will end her or not? Gosh, I seriously hope not or I will start pulling my hair out, that would be an overkill. Well, she is still dealing with it and it isn't like she miraculously got healed after some surgery, so there is hope I guess. Besides, the 'other' issue still lingers around and have yet to be addressed. I will be waiting patiently, though not in terms of years.

Ooh and I like the scene between Natalia, Ryan and Walter.

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well it wouldn't be the first time tptb rushed to end a storyline before it was properly developed and finished, but we'll just have to wait and see...damn it

is it wrong that i would love for her hearing loss to get worse before it gets better just for a little more...something?
I didn't watch the epi last night, though I might catch it elsewhere just to see the Natalia parts.

So...hearing aid? I suspected that would happen. I'm happy to hear she isn't hiding this portion of the storyline. I don't think this is over yet -- the hearing issue maybe, but something is still there lingering with the head injury; it has yet to be addressed & I do believe there was a purpose in dredging it up in that doctor's visit.

Welcome to the thread CSINatalia. :p

I think that the prior history DOES have to do with Nick... the way she rolled her eyes was like "God.. that b@stard is still able to hurt me"
Eva played that part perfectly -- there really was no way of reading her, she used every expressive emotion in that scene. I've watched it many times, & I could see where it might be as you said, but then I also thought there was a look of confusion thrown in -- I can't really explain it well, she just looked stumped like she was questioning something.

Women of abuse (esp. with a heart of gold and moral compass like Natalia's) often don't get the help they need, due to feeling embarrassed or ashamed that they let a man take abuse of them, when they know that they are smarter than that. -- There is an irrational thought pattern that is shared amongst many who have been victims of abuse, and I think that this actually would be an interesting path for TPTB to go down since we really haven't seen much of Natalia's relationship and/or what she went through, and it was clearly pretty bad, to have broken her arm and wind up in jail. -- We know she was in an abusive relationship...we met Nick... but we never actually saw or learned the intimate details.
Natalia went to therapy though, she did seek help -- that at least tells me she had faced it, worked through some emotions, & tried moving on.

Nat seemed very much in denial in that scene with the Doctor, I think even he could see it as well. I wouldn't expect denial if this was something due to her past with Nick. Had she mentioned to the Doc that she had long ago been in an abusive marriage then it'd be different, but the fact that she's in such denial & obviously keeping it mum, just suggests to me that it's a recent injury that we're unaware of.
Of course, it very well could just be from Nick, but IMHO, I couldn't see why TPTB would have chosen to make that scene so questionable if it just pertained to a past that we already know about.
I don't know... I still think it's about nick.. but I'll agree to disagree ...

Didn't the Dr. say it was an old injury? -- When fractures heal, they never do 100% and/or in the same way as if the bone never had fractured...

I think she thought that part of her life was over, she closed the book on it, and her reaction was that of not wanting to open that book again. -- SHe does seem to play it a little close to the chest concerning Nick. She only brings it up when pertinent to a case, and/or to Delko (whom at the time she was involved with) -- we never saw her talk about it with the other CSI's.

Either way, I hope this storyline isn't over, -- the buildup was too strong for them to plummet down like that!!

(p.s. thanks for the welcome!!)
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