Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Awwww I love the second pic! :) And I wanna read that interview! I do the same thing! It's so comfortable! Boxer shorts and t-shirts, I swear that's the best clothing God ever created! haha Love her though! :) Thanks for the pics! :)
Thanks for the article. A good read and she is pretty awesome. :thumbsup:

Now I can't wait for Monday's night episode...been a looong time since I look forward to one.
WOW. I don't think I can properly sum up how I feel about Natalia's ordeal last night.....let's just say I'm more than exited now to see how this storyline plays out!!

The ending scene was just sad, I wanted to yell at someone to hug her.....she looked really scared, & almost lost. Eva did great with the scene -- her expressions said it all.

I am soooo looking forward to more of this!!
That was a good episode for Natalia and I am glad that her characterisation is still pretty consistent. Like her caring for Ryan, asking him to leave first and then thanking both Ryan & Horatio for saving her. It was nice.

I love the interactions between Ryan & Natalia of course. He knew she wasn't herself and was very worried for her. I do think Natalia was still in a state of shock (or suffering from PTSD) and she doesn't realise it because her problem was obvious but she still denies it and she was getting jumpy and having flashbacks. I hope they continue this angle having Ryan keeping a look out for her too.

Eva did good throughout.

I look forward to more of this too.
This episode was just beyond awesome! Eva did wonderful as usual! She's such an amazing actress and that episode said it all! Esp. the ending scene! I wanted to cry. I felt bad for her as well. She looked lost, sick, and scared. I wanted to jump in the tv and give her a hug! My mom said after the scene before her last one, "I wanna see what happens to Natalia!" She never says that! Can't wait to see how she plays it all out for the rest of the season! And I can't wait for next week episode! Looks great as well! :)
I think Eva did really well last episode. It was great to see Eva get some quality screentime, finally. And I loved how she thanked H and Ryan. So thoughtful!
I was impressed by La Rue's performance in the recent episode. I believe the writers did a great job in reviving her character... Hope she gets a more exciting prospect along with this new venture but till then I'm not complaining.

I do enjoy her and do think that it's been worthwhile having her around so... Kudos to La Rue!!! :bolian:
I believe the writers did a great job in reviving her character...
I think so too. It was getting hard to imagine how they'd pull her back up to the front after her being practically invisible for so long. They did well though, the explosion was a good choice in opening this up for her -- dramatic, yet not so over-the-top or forced.

I just suddenly realized why I'm loving this so much (aside from the fact that it's Natalia); it seems, so far, to bring out that team aspect that we all wanted in the last few seasons. Taking a look back at the other Drama Queens & thier dilemmas, it all centered around just them, or in Eric or Calleigh's case, just looped back into thier storyline. Even Horatio's small bit of drama revolved around Julia and/or Kyle, very seldom even raising any questions or concern from any of the teammembers. There was far too much seperation there -- hated it!
With Nat's storyline they have the chance to give her something meaty of her own, but also from time to time involve the others & make them actually FEEL like a TEAM! I terribly miss that family vibe, so I'm really hoping this storyline will help resurrect that. *fingers & toes crossed* :p
I believe the writers did a great job in reviving her character...
I think so too. It was getting hard to imagine how they'd pull her back up to the front after her being practically invisible for so long. They did well though, the explosion was a good choice in opening this up for her -- dramatic, yet not so over-the-top or forced.

I agree that the writers did a wonderful job opening Natalia's storyline. I'm hoping that they do as good keeping it constant and alive.

yI just suddenly realized why I'm loving this so much (aside from the fact that it's Natalia); it seems, so far, to bring out that team aspect that we all wanted in the last few seasons. Taking a look back at the other Drama Queens & thier dilemmas, it all centered around just them, or in Eric or Calleigh's case, just looped back into thier storyline. Even Horatio's small bit of drama revolved around Julia and/or Kyle, very seldom even raising any questions or concern from any of the teammembers. There was far too much seperation there -- hated it!
With Nat's storyline they have the chance to give her something meaty of her own, but also from time to time involve the others & make them actually FEEL like a TEAM! I terribly miss that family vibe, so I'm really hoping this storyline will help resurrect that. *fingers & toes crossed* :p

You're right, MJ! What happened to Natalia feels like a whole different thing from dramas that have been written in the past couple of seasons for other characters on the show. There has been a real feeling in the last few years of total seperation from the team, or in Eric and Calleigh's case it was them as a team to themselves and no one else.

Because of Natalia's warmth and caring, this whole trauma fits perfectly with the feeling this season that the "team" is making a comeback. Natalia's crisis could really cement that feeling of family if they do it right.

I'm really hoping TPTB don't screw this up. Eva is amazing and considering how under used she's been, I think CSI Miami is extremely lucky to still have her. They need to give her material that is equal to her talent and turn her loose. She'll take care of the rest! :)
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Yeah, hopefully....can only hope that TPTB don't go and screw this potential storyline up. It will not just be about her but also about how the team will react to her.

My only peeve with the recent episode is that Natalia seemed to bounce back too quickly as if nothing happened at all. At least there could have been something subtle. But TPTB tend to do these kind of 'pretend it never happened' way too often.
I was expecting not to see much follow-up in this last episode. TPTB usually play these things using the "every other episode" method, or a few epis in between granted the situation.

I didn't really feel like she had bounced back though -- didn't see the aftermath either, but personally there wasn't enough to her scenes to read any behavior, or to say whether or not she was ok. Her scenes were too brief.

It would've been nice to at least see her tilt her head towards a person speaking, reading their lips, or something to that effect to show the hearing issues...but like I said, tptb don't seem to think about it when they're focusing on other subjects. Who knows though, they could prove us wrong in later episodes when they get deeper into her storyline. We shall wait & see.
I mentioned this in the episode thread but I got a little laugh when Natalya's reacting to that guys blood test and Horatio's trying his hardest to get her attention. Perhaps she didn't hear him?
I mentioned this in the episode thread but I got a little laugh when Natalya's reacting to that guys blood test and Horatio's trying his hardest to get her attention. Perhaps she didn't hear him?

I read your post there, & I had to LOL at your thought of H sounding like a father trying to get his over-excited daughter to speak :lol:
I don't really think she couldn't hear him, she just seemed overly shocked at the results -- but you never know. I admit I was too busy laughing at her going "oh my god" 3 times.....it made me think of the 'Baby got back' song with the whole "Oh my god Beckay, look at her butt" :guffaw:
I had strange thoughts the entire episode, ya'll have to forgive me.
I mentioned this in the episode thread but I got a little laugh when Natalya's reacting to that guys blood test and Horatio's trying his hardest to get her attention. Perhaps she didn't hear him?

I read your post there, & I had to LOL at your thought of H sounding like a father trying to get his over-excited daughter to speak :lol:
I don't really think she couldn't hear him, she just seemed overly shocked at the results -- but you never know. I admit I was too busy laughing at her going "oh my god" 3 times.....it made me think of the 'Baby got back' song with the whole "Oh my god Beckay, look at her butt" :guffaw:
I had strange thoughts the entire episode, ya'll have to forgive me.

I was with you, MJ! I was laughing at Horatio trying to get her to give with with the info! Eva was fantastic in that scene! :lol:

I do wish they had at least alluded to the hearing issue. But TPTB are notorious for letting opportunities for introducing subtle references to stories that have been introduced, and will be back, slip through their fingers. :rolleyes:
I'm glad to hear that Natalia is getting the storyline and screentime she deserves. I hope that this hearing issue is something that can be fixed or that is turns out to be temporary and something else is wrong due to the explosion. I'm not sure how I feel about the possibility of a Natalia and Jesse romance, if anything I would say to put her with Wolfe if only for the comedic factor that those two have. Anyway I'm glad that our girl is finally being recodnized.
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