Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Hello Eva fans!

Our girl sat down for a one-hour interview with BestEverYOU Magazine, she'll be the cover & feature story for the November issue.
Look for this cover.

A few pics I came across from the Grand Opening of CSI:The Experience after party in Vegas (September '09).

Eva and Anthony Zuiker

And with Sofia Milos (always wanted to see these ladies interact on the show, so I fully enjoy this photo :))
I like her. She should be in way more scenes and there should be more character development for her too. She is a CSI and a DNA expert. Haha!

Thanks for all the pics, etc people.
Yay for Natalianess last night! I was so happy! :D I loved how she just ignored that guy when he told her she was one good looking woman and told her he could make her a model.....I loved how she chuckled and looked at Ryan! I knew he was gonna say something cause he kept on looking at her ESP when she went over to the bed and started looking around. She looked very pretty! But when does she not?! Loved the episode overall! :)
How AWESOME was all that Natalia last night?

This wass the first time I watched Miami in a looooooooong time, and I was NOT disappointed!

Can I expect this much of our girl in the future?
Yay for Natalianess last night! I was so happy! :D I loved how she just ignored that guy when he told her she was one good looking woman and told her he could make her a model.....I loved how she chuckled and looked at Ryan! I knew he was gonna say something cause he kept on looking at her ESP when she went over to the bed and started looking around. She looked very pretty! But when does she not?! Loved the episode overall! :)

She was awesome last night wasn't she?! I was incredibly happy to see how much she was included in this episode, especially considering it was part of the infamous trilogy -- good for her, she deserved it so much. :)

Anyone get a glimpse of the interview with Marc Dube & Barry O'Brien on the front page? Some info on an upcoming storyline for our gal.....I do hope it turns out well. One thing I'm a wee-bit worried about though....

According to the producers, Natalia will face a personal setback in the workplace, & be forced to hide a harsh truth from the team. Downside to that -- I sooooo hope this isn't going to be a repeat of the mole fiasco. I assume that all her ties to the FBI are severed,-- I would hope so, but of course this is tptb. Let's hope they don't go that route again.
What I'm not so sure about, aside from the Jesse-romance possibility, is O'Brien saying that when that "harsh truth" is revealed, it will give her a new vulnerable side. I'm not sure if I want to see that..... depends on how far they go & what she'll do to SHOW that vulnerable side -- I do NOT want to see Natalia emotionally hurt... or cave in. They've done good in showing how strong she's become since her divorce - I'd really hate to see them snatch that away from her for the sake of drama.

All the same, I'm thrilled to see that her storyline is FINALLY coming, & can't wait to see what it's gonna be about!! :D:D

Edit to come back in & tackle Rissa!! I can't believe you watched, LOL! Get ready for more, it should be coming.
Edit to come back in & tackle Rissa!! I can't believe you watched, LOL! Get ready for more, it should be coming.
Hey you! How've you been? LONG time no chat!

I'm happy to hear that we'll be getting more of Natalia; I might just have to start watching full-time again!

I got to read the interview Talk CSI did with the producers and now I'm super, super excited about it. FINALLY Natalia/Eva is getting the air time she deserves! I am a tad worried about this "personal setback" though... what could it be? Any ideas?
Edit to come back in & tackle Rissa!! I can't believe you watched, LOL! Get ready for more, it should be coming.
Hey you! How've you been? LONG time no chat!

I'm happy to hear that we'll be getting more of Natalia; I might just have to start watching full-time again!

I got to read the interview Talk CSI did with the producers and now I'm super, super excited about it. FINALLY Natalia/Eva is getting the air time she deserves! I am a tad worried about this "personal setback" though... what could it be? Any ideas?

Been good, sweetie. Glad to have you back....& this thread alive & breathing again!

Some of us have already been speculating like crazy through PMs :lol: Yeah, we're nuts.

As for what the personal setback in the workplace could be - my thoughts, for some reason, are stuck on her old arm injury & her past shooting issue (re: broken arm, Deep Freeze shoulder incident). I'm thinking it's physical - not sure why though. Anyhow, it might be too long gone for them to delve into her arm thing again, but I wondered about it -

Aside from it being physical, my only thought at the moment is her ties to the FBI. Since we STILL haven't been told why she was the mole to begin with, many possiblities could arise from all that. I don't know how things work realistically, but could the FBI still have some kind of hold on her & they bring her in to do more dirty work for them? Maybe she has to go undercover or something?
So much they could do with Natalia at this point! I honestly do not know what it could be.....but that's good, I'm liking the suspence & knowing that with Natalia, it could be ANYTHING! :p:p
Ahhhhh I'm so excited they're giving her a storyline! This is exciting! What episode will this all come out in? I can't wait for it! I hope it has nothing to do with the FBI. That's so long ago. I hope it has to do with something physical!!! I seriously can't wait for this episode! Happy about all this screen time she's getting!
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Very happy & nice to see her more in the trilogy episode but kinda funny how we are happy to just see her on screen at all. I like how she is all serious throughout the episode and taking the blood sample from that guy? Awesome.

I read the spoilers too and I can say I am a bit worried too. Something personal yet at the workplace and also harsh that she needs to conceal from? Seems like something like the mole incident. I also don't want to see her being too vulnerable as she has been there and gone through with it, though it was years ago. I also hope it doesn't jeopardise her career. Nonetheless, ANYTHING about her is better than nothing! Wee!
Okay. I finally had a chance to sit down and watch Monday's night's episode.

How totally exciting was it to see Eva! :thumbsup: I found myself with a huge smile on my face everytime she appeared. It was SOOOOO good to see her for more than 2 seconds.

I just love watching her. She is so good. It's just criminal they don't use such a gifted actress to the ultimate.

Everytime I see her I just get this sense of compassion, warmth and humanity. Like Caruso's Horatio, Natalia has displays the caring that is so needed on a show like this. Not a stretch for Eva at all since that describes her perfectly.

And she's a natural beauty who gets more and more gorgeous each time I see her.

I can't wait to see what storyline they have planned for her. She'll shine no matter what it is. She's just that good! I'm so exited! Bring it on! :thumbsup:
Click for a little treat! Looks like Nat's the one involved in the house explosion in an upcoming episode!

Whahoooo!!!! Thank you so much Rissa. I'll wait for when someone brings them to the board enlarged so I can get a good look at them -- looks awesome though!

Ya think this incident is what triggers the personal setback?
And because I love big brother Horatio all lovey-dovey to his team - it is so cool to see him helping her out of the house -- makes me all melty, heehee. Cannot wait to see this!!
What if Natalia's personal setback is PTSD? She'd get it from the explosion and now whenever she'd have to go in the field for a crime scene, she'd get flashbacks and have panic attacks? That could ruin her career, and therefore she'd want to hide it from her colleagues.

In other news, Eva's back with Joe? Congrats to them, again. Maybe it was way too meant to be.
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