Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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What if Natalia's personal setback is PTSD? She'd get it from the explosion and now whenever she'd have to go in the field for a crime scene, she'd get flashbacks and have panic attacks? That could ruin her career, and therefore she'd want to hide it from her colleagues.

In other news, Eva's back with Joe? Congrats to them, again. Maybe it was way too meant to be.

Yep, I saw that too. I hope it sticks this time -- Eva deserves the happiness, so I wish her the best of luck.

In more news, she's supposedly going to make a reappearance on All My Childrens 40th anniversary episodes. Nothing confirmed from Eva or her sources, but that's the word according to the site below.

Hmm, that's an interesting theory. I'm hoping that it isn't something mental though (though I'm sure part of it will be) -- she's had to seek therapy already from her divorce, so I'd hate to see her have to go through that sort of thing again.
From the little we can see in those photos, I don't see any visible signs of physical injuries (aside from the obvious boo-boo on her head), but ...and mind you this is very Grissom-like, but maybe she gradually loses partial hearing from the blast? Just a thought.

Could be that it has absolutely nothing to do with the explosion at all -- maybe it's already an existing issue that she doesn't know about until she's checked out after the explosion. I'd crap a brickhouse if they pulled a "Sam" (Without A Trace) & she's freaking pregnant. :lol:
Isn't this the episode where there are lot of scenes on the new guys. I am wondering how much focus will be on the after effects on Natalia by the explosion, probably not much. Maybe it is not that bad after all since she doesn't looks hurt. Never expect this to come so early, then maybe she has the rest of the season to deal/heal? Ha, I am not sure. All I know I am so excited, hopefully it doesn't disappoint.
Isn't this the episode where there are lot of scenes on the new guys. I am wondering how much focus will be on the after effects on Natalia by the explosion, probably not much. Maybe it is not that bad after all since she doesn't looks hurt. Never expect this to come so early, then maybe she has the rest of the season to deal/heal? Ha, I am not sure. All I know I am so excited, hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

Yes, the episode seems to focus more on Walter & Jesse & thier little showdown, so no, this particular epi won't center solely on Natalia. IMO, it's possibly just the kick off to whatever her storyline will be. Tptb tend to slowly introduce character storylines, & Natalia hasn't had anything for a very long while, so I imagine this is just the initial set-up for what's around the corner.
I can't wait for this episode! I'm so excited! And by the looks of the pics she doesnt seemm to hurt but what do you expect? At least shes not dying! I would die if she ended up being pregnant cause who's baby would it be? I mean surely she ain't be sneaking around with guys! lol But I can't wait for this episode! :)
Why isn't she on in the previous episode? She has been left out twice already. She needs to be on as she adds a different tone to the show. She is also a very valuable character. She is missed.

OMG if she is pregnant. Haha! Anyways, very nice to see it is H/R/N together in those scenes. :)
My poor Natalia looked so sad last night :( And it's going to get worse...here's our answer to her upcoming storyline....and I was right in one of my hunches....go me! :p

Casting call for epi 13 Die by the Sword --
[DOCTOR MARSHALL] Mid 40s, can be good looking, this hearing specialist examines CSI Natalia Boa Vista's hearing loss, alarming her when he informs her that the loss could be from a pre-existing condition, as opposed to temporary loss from a recent explosion.....ONE DAY GUEST STAR; SUBMIT CAUCASIAN, HISPANIC, OR AFRICAN-AMERICAN

:eek::eek: As I said in my post before when suggesting this, I thought it would be too much like Grissom's ordeal....apparently they don't mind ripping off the storyline though. It's better than her being an alcoholic though which was my impression after last night's episode....though....it still could be, we'll see.

I'm uber psyched to see how Eva does with a hearing loss story arc.....very cool! *is excited*
I wanted to give Natalia the biggest hug in the world last night. Poor girl. Shame on Jesse for standing her up; I don't give a shit what his reason was.

I did love her and Jesse's interaction though, while they were looking at the different sequined shirts - something about not getting between a girl and her dress, or something like that, and she got all flustered, "You know what I mean..." That made me LOL.

Casting call for epi 13 Die by the Sword --
[DOCTOR MARSHALL] Mid 40s, can be good looking, this hearing specialist examines CSI Natalia Boa Vista's hearing loss, alarming her when he informs her that the loss could be from a pre-existing condition, as opposed to temporary loss from a recent explosion.....ONE DAY GUEST STAR; SUBMIT CAUCASIAN, HISPANIC, OR AFRICAN-AMERICAN

:eek::eek: As I said in my post before when suggesting this, I thought it would be too much like Grissom's ordeal....apparently they don't mind ripping off the storyline though. It's better than her being an alcoholic though which was my impression after last night's episode....though....it still could be, we'll see.

I'm uber psyched to see how Eva does with a hearing loss story arc.....very cool! *is excited*
Well, I don't watch CSI, so this is like a new, original storyline for me. Regardless, I still don't like it. I really, really hope it's not permanent.

...What do you all think the pre-existing condition could be?
I wanted to give Natalia the biggest hug in the world last night. Poor girl. Shame on Jesse for standing her up; I don't give a shit what his reason was.

I did love her and Jesse's interaction though, while they were looking at the different sequined shirts - something about not getting between a girl and her dress, or something like that, and she got all flustered, "You know what I mean..." That made me LOL.

Casting call for epi 13 Die by the Sword --
[DOCTOR MARSHALL] Mid 40s, can be good looking, this hearing specialist examines CSI Natalia Boa Vista's hearing loss, alarming her when he informs her that the loss could be from a pre-existing condition, as opposed to temporary loss from a recent explosion.....ONE DAY GUEST STAR; SUBMIT CAUCASIAN, HISPANIC, OR AFRICAN-AMERICAN

:eek::eek: As I said in my post before when suggesting this, I thought it would be too much like Grissom's ordeal....apparently they don't mind ripping off the storyline though. It's better than her being an alcoholic though which was my impression after last night's episode....though....it still could be, we'll see.

I'm uber psyched to see how Eva does with a hearing loss story arc.....very cool! *is excited*
Well, I don't watch CSI, so this is like a new, original storyline for me. Regardless, I still don't like it. I really, really hope it's not permanent.

...What do you all think the pre-existing condition could be?

That made me giggle too, Rissa. That and: "did you skip colors and shapes in Kindergarten?" :lol: I do so enjoy her lines.

I didn't like Jesse texting her to tell her something came up. It made me think that he never had any intention of showing to begin with -- I won't get too heavy into thoughts about it, but I just found it kinda rude. She was kind enough to order him a beer & wait for him, then....ugh....just don't piss me off, TPTB. Don't do the stupid idiotic thing I fear you will do to her. *groan*

I just hope they don't play it the way they did Ryan's eye troubles in season 4 -- there was very little conclusion in that -- they teased the audience making us wonder if he'll lose his sight then next thing ya know he takes some meds & we're to assume he's fine, never heard about again.
On the pre-existing issue, it says that he claims it COULD be, not that it is, so honestly I imagine that it won't be anything major or permanent, she'll hear just fine by finale, possibly have some kind of surgery, & possibly be attending a 12-step program. :lol:
Either way, I'm just fully ready to see where it's taken & to see Eva play this out....I'm curious to see how she'll do when the others are talking to her & she can barely hear them, yet try to hide it at the same time...should be very interesting. :p
Natalia is back..for good right? She had some really nice moments like those you've mentioned.

She did seem a bit lonely. However, I don't get any vibes between her and Jesse at all, to me it seems she just wanted to get something out from him (and since he was willing to share) and then she can share it with the rest. It was odd, considering he seems closer to Ryan & Cal, that he picked Natalia to share, why? He seemed as if he was fooling her.

Oooh, just read the new spoilers. I am excited and can't wait to see how Eva is going to protray this and also hiding from her colleagues. As for being similar to Grissom, we'll have to wait and see. If Grissom's hearing can be healed, I am sure Natalia's can too. I just hope this isn't going to be some excuse to cut her out from future episodes again. At least this isn't some self destruction plotline, like having to do with alcohol, which kinda reminds me of Sara.
Natalia is back..for good right? She had some really nice moments like those you've mentioned.

She did seem a bit lonely. However, I don't get any vibes between her and Jesse at all, to me it seems she just wanted to get something out from him (and since he was willing to share) and then she can share it with the rest. It was odd, considering he seems closer to Ryan & Cal, that he picked Natalia to share, why? He seemed as if he was fooling her.

Oooh, just read the new spoilers. I am excited and can't wait to see how Eva is going to protray this and also hiding from her colleagues. As for being similar to Grissom, we'll have to wait and see. If Grissom's hearing can be healed, I am sure Natalia's can too. I just hope this isn't going to be some excuse to cut her out from future episodes again. At least this isn't some self destruction plotline, like having to do with alcohol, which kinda reminds me of Sara.

I agree Natalia's hearing loss will likely be healed. Though, if she did indeed lose full use of her hearing, it would be a first for the franchise. I don't think that's what's going to happen though.
Actually, the more I think about this storyline, the more I'm wondering if this hearing loss condition will only be the stem of something else to come, and that possibly the meatier part of the storyline will be after the truth is revealed and that "new vulnerability" is seen. To be quite honest, that's the part I worry about -- I think we're going to see her character shift, and I'm a teensy bit pessimistic in how tptb will handle the change in her.
I can't wait to see what happens! I'm really excited for this episode! I do think her hearing will be healed because that just what they do. They don't let it be permanent. They always fix it. I can't wait to see what other things this brings up in her life! This is so exciting! Like I'm actually looking forward to an episode! I mean I always do but I know Natalia will be out in the field and in some action! I'm probably gonna watch this episode over and over again! I just can't wait! :) I also can't wait to see how Eva pulls this off! She's just amazing and I can't wait for Monday!
Just read the spoiler and reacted like Darth Vader for Episode III...

Why couldn't it have been Calleigh? (Just Kidding all you Calleigh fans:) )

Kidding aside, my only problem with stories like this is that when one sees so many of them, they pretty much accepts them because deep down inside, they'll know the person will be back to normal. That's why deaths in comics are meaningless these days. Someone who is killed off is brought back months or years later...
my only problem with stories like this is that when one sees so many of them, they pretty much accepts them because deep down inside, they'll know the person will be back to normal.

This is true, we all know her hearing will be fine by finale, possibly sooner. I think the aftermath of the explosion, her handle on the hearing loss situation, job security fears, & the obstacles (in the field) she might face while struggling to hear, etc., is likely where all the excitement will be. And quite honestly, I'm getting the impression that it's all eventually going to lead to something else anyway.

Link below is an Eva interview with BestEverYOU magazine -- she was November's cover/feature story. Very nice read.
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Thanks MJ! I love reading her interviews! She just seems like the coolest person ever! I wish I could meet her! I would seriously die if I did! I just don't see how he ever had acne! Her skin has always looked good to me! Can't wait for the episode though! Go Eva! :)
Thanks MJ! I love reading her interviews! She just seems like the coolest person ever!
You're welcome. :) I'm always impressed with her honesty about flaws, she's just very open about it....I admire that. There's another interview (by Max Tucci 'Dressed and Undressed with Eva LaRue') that I'll have to bring by here -- it's another good read. She laughed about an event she had attended where it was so hot that her hair was stuck to her back from the sweat. :lol:
She was also asked what she does when she returns home from those big events, and Eva said the first thing she does is take everything off & throws on a pair of boxer shorts and a big T-shirt. How cute is she?! :p

Here's a few pics of Eva to get us by until Monday night (cannot wait for it!!) ........

Eva @ TVGuideMagazine's Hot list party

Eva in Miami for the 'Rally For Kids with Cancer' event

She's got some legs on her doesn't she?! :eek:
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