Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Welcome to the thread StarDuquesne and Liffy! Great to see you here ;) I haven't been in here for a while myself.

Ok, so I can't discuss season 6 episodes at all. I would love to give you my thought on everything you have been discussing :rolleyes:
Oh well, anyway, I liked the idea of Calleigh being her shooting intructor instead of someone else. I think it could create a bond between the two of them and just get some friendship moments there. I would love to see the girls going out together or something ;)

The pregnancy hypothesis were good to read. Natalia would be great as a mommy *cute* That comment really makes you think there was something there. It could have been that she had been pregnant before and if that was true, then all Nick related plots would be pretty interesting.
Even though that, and even more considering Horatio found a lost son there as well, it was probably the opposite. The pregnancy test showed she was indeed pregnant and then she was not :rolleyes: Or maybe it's just a continuity issue and we will never have an answer :p

Either way, if we and the team found out that Nat had a kid, then I think that would be a good episode for Eva to show her skills, because it would be emotional and deep!
Ok, so reading spoilers sucks because I reaalllly thought they made it sound like Mike was an old lover & that she was going to be naughty to get what she wanted. Im so very glad it turned out the way it did, & that Horatio asked her to do it. It just kinda showed that he's using her past as an advantage instead of throwing the "mole" thing in her face. I really liked that scene w/ Mike, she seemed so independent, like she was calling all the shots! Her 'role' is usually portrayed as the weak one of the team & for some reason her having these connections w/ the FBI & getting the evidence for the team, just made her look a little stronger, I loved it!!
i was happy to that it turned out to be different from the spoilers. It was funny, Mike kept calling her BV like he cant say her name or something! it was nice that Natalia got to play a part in this episode other than the girl who can do the dna stuff.
:lol:BV yeah, it makes me laugh cuz it reminds me of BVD's the underwear. :p Ooh, if she married someone w/ the last name that starts w/ 'D' she would be BVD...hmmm, who do we know.....? Sorry, can't help it, bye!
i think if she get married she'll choose between her last name and her husband's cause Boa vista is long enough!
this epi involves Mike (agent from Chain Reaction) when his C.I. is murdered. Apparently hes not such a good guy & it also says Natalia's past w/ him is revealed. Im not sure how to look at this; if they maybe had an affair or she just knows 'something'. It mentions something about HIS infidelity, not necessarily HERS , so I don't know but WOW this could be really bad for her. Im thinking maybe this will all involve Rich, too.
I'm not convinced that Natalia had an affair with "Agent Mike". In the scene in "Chain Reaction" when the two were meeting in that park, it did not have the look or feel of two people who had carried on an affair.
I would be more inclined to think that some time ago Natalia did something reeeeaaallly big for Agent Mike and she also knows something about him that would not look good for him if it got out.
No idea what it is. Going to be interesting to find out.
:confused: ;)
The thought has crossed my mind that Rich could be a part of the FBI or some goon they hired. Either Mike is setting her up; afraid she'll 'out' his secret or that their digging up dirt on her. An affair w/ Mike; don't know but he could've been some kind of Nick sidekick, that could've been the reason he started abusing her if this 'secret' was somehow related to Nick's doing as well & she was against it. The fact that Rich is so skilled in guns has me very worried for her! :(
I thought "Permanent Vacation" had a good ending despite some obvious foreshadowing. The ending does in some ways remind me of the scene in "Rio" in the fifth season when the young kid shot his stepdad in front on the lab/station then tried to blame his state of mind on Natalia.
She did tell the woman that she couldn't let her talk to the suspect but shortly after seemed to drop her guard. I was also curious if Ryan actually saw the mother pull the gun out of her purse.
i dont think Natalia will be blame for that she cant read mind, how could she predict that the mom was as crazy as the rest of the family and anyway how can a canadian bring a gun by plane in the u.s its just impossible.
I really hope they don't take that route again with her. I can't recall any right now, but im sure there has been a time or 2 when a 'killer' has been pointed out by a csi.

Personally, I enjoyed seeing her do so much in this epi. The intro has me curious about what she is headed for later, if anything at all, don't know, but it seemed like a little 'hint' to me.
Cute article! I can totally see her running around with a camera trying to get every picture she can. :p

I really liked how she got to try to work a case by herself yesterday and her emotion at being first on scene and looking at the dead boy. It seemed more real that way for someone new to the field. Nice sterile samples in a lab don't tell the whole story.
:lol:Thats a nice article, I can just imagine her going into work that day in tears over Kaya!! But, ewwww, NO I don't even like to see Rich's name mentioned. this guy freaks me out. What will he do to our poor Nat. I think she needs a break from creepy crappy guys like Rich & Nick. When is Rich next on, anybody know?

BTW... Eva & Adam will be at the Mother Goose parade in California on Nov. 18, tickets are free. *info courtesy of SHEHIR*
I don't like hearing about Rich either. However he is a factor we have to deal with. I think a great deal will depend on how much we see of him and Nat together in coming episodes. So far there hasn't been to much and what was seen was not entirely promising. Then again we also have this so-called plot twist that the producers have set up for Natalia.
Frustrating as hell!
:confused: :devil: :confused: :devil:
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