Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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^^^those are cute^^

DOUBLEHELIX, I didn't get to hear her radio inteview you posted (my computer is a slowpoke). But I was wondering; was it for sure a new interview? I was just thinking about last season in "internal affairs" & wondered if maybe it was from then. I hope not, though!! I want her doing something major & personal, not just work stuff.

Well, Im dealing w/ Rich, only cause I know hes gotta be pure evil. :eek: :mad: My main thing is, I don't want her to be INTO him & then get completely let down by this jerk! :( She deserves so much better than that.

Ya all have to understand Im one of those who reads the last page of a book BEFORE I start reading it. :rolleyes: Impatient, I am! Kinda like those great epis where in the intro something big happens & then it shows "8 hours earlier". They need to do that all the time; I love those! :)
The interview was brief, about 10 minutes, give or take. I was clued into it by a post on another board. From how Eva spoke it seemed to be fairly recent. The interview centered around her career.
In general Eva said she it just where she would like to be, "a really good place" was what I remember her saying. In that she has a lighter workload than she did when she was with AMC, is close to her family, has opportunity to do some traveling, and may have further opportunity to do some feature films. She was cast in a film over CSI Miami's hiatus called "Lakeview Terrace".
Also, she seemed to have a good grasp of the pitfalls of the industry she is in.
There was not a great deal of time to go into things too deeply. There were no big revelations about her personal life or her character's personal life on the show. Just that she seems to be quite happy with how things have worked out since she was brought on the show.
If you want you can go to her website and read some posted articles on Eva that are more in depth and personal. The audio interview isn't going to give you that much. Sorry!
I think it is a bit too soon to label "Rich the shooting coach" as evil incarnate just yet. We all know who we would like to see Natalia with. Thus far the signs that Rich and Nat would be forming some sort of budding romance is less than encouraging. Additionally, what I have seen as far as their chemistry on screen isn't all that encouraging either.

I apologise if this has been asked before, but besides Eva's official website, are there any other websites around?
There's an assortment of unofficial pages, fan pages, picture pages and Yahoo groups sort of thing but not really any major websites. Personally, I don't think that is a bad thing. Kind of a good way to hedge against all sorts of crass overexposure. :)
Hey VEGGIE, those are great pics of Eva & Kaya, they are too cute!!

SHEHIR,I don't know of any sites, either...sorry.

Are you all scared for Monday's ep? Rich...ewww! What do you all think hes up to? Do you suppose he is somehow connected to Mike the agent guy, or do you think that is a seperate story?

veggie said:
Eva was hosting the grand opening of Clinique leBeau and Boti Bliss was there and Kaya was there!!
Yeah... I found a YouTube video of that (Boti makes an appearance!). Eva is absolutely adorable in it:

<sarcasm>"I look like 'Parent of the Year' right now because my daughter's here and she's only six." </end sarcasm>

"We have lots of WATERS down here, as you can see."

Love her. :p

mjszud said:
Well, Im dealing w/ Rich, only cause I know hes gotta be pure evil. :eek: :mad: My main thing is, I don't want her to be INTO him & then get completely let down by this jerk! :( She deserves so much better than that.
I have a theory. This isn't a spoiler, just an idea of mine.

Rich will turn out to be bad news. He'll continue to bug her about going on a date and he'll start getting more and more aggressive about it until he attacks her, and then in self-defense she'll pick up a gun and kill him.

Because who doesn't love some irony?

Florry86 said:
here are some clips...from a behind the scene interview ;)
Behind the scene
They are 7 ;)
Thanks for posting that! I saw those videos last week and I loved them.

Togo was adorable: "I'm sort of like the short, male version of Heather Locklear on Melrose Place except for solving crime. And I'm prettier. ...Right everyone?" [looks around & points] "I'm getting a lot of 'yes's."


The last interview with Eva about "Darkroom" made me want to climb through the screen and hug her. The part where she was saying how uncomfortable it made her feel, mixed with the sad piano music... :(

I'm glad that the PSA helped them find more of the women. It was a great idea to add that to the end of the episode.
:lol:Togo, he is such a hoot!

Good theory BVFAN, I was thinking something along the lines of that, too! I only hope if she does pull a gun on him that she actually hits him :lol:! She'd probably "wow" everyone & get him right between the eyes or straight in the heart. Poor girl, always so much drama. I love it, but at the same time would like to just see her happy too!!
Can't TPTB give her both, somehow?
^^^thanks again DRAGONFLYDREAMER^^^ :)

Ok, I just wanted to get Nat back on the map here, so for some much needed discussion; what is your favorite Natalia moment & why?
my favorite moment is when she talk to calleigh in Payback
"You know, I spend every waking hour knee-deep in lab reports and evidence logs and analyzing DNA from hundreds of different cases. Feds like to see results. So if that means that the future of this grant depends on me making a couple of public appearances, I'm gonna do it."

i love how she's strong in that moment and she doesnt let Calleigh win the argument!
I like that Natalia moment too!

I don't remember which episode it was, but it was this season when Natalia thought Ryan set her with that appointment at the gun range so she'd purposely break protcol by not taking the evidence back to the lab. When Natalia is standing in the lab with Calleigh and Ryan enters, the look on Natalia's face is a classic. I loved it.

Also, in Season 5 (the episode "Kill Switch" - I THINK) when she asks Valera why she has her trace sample and Valera told her it had biologicals, and then tells her he had meat in his teeth. It's so funny when Natalia goes, "Oh. Chicken, steak?"
My favorite has to be when she took off after Erika Sikes in the episode where her sister went missing. I so wish Calleigh hadn't stepped in and stopped her - no cat fight there, that would have been a knock-down, drag out bruiser!
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