Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Those are all good moments :D I have soooo many...

I loved in "payback" when Frank got onto her about leaking info to the press & she got all pissy w/ him. She brought out that "dont f--k w/ me attitude" that I absolutely love.

"darkroom".."hey news chick" :lol:

"chain reaction"...when she got the surveillance tapes from Agent Mike.

"internal Affairs", the end , the crying scene...perfection!

"deep freeze", her shoulder popping, that was great! She wasn't like a baby, she held it in as much as she could & most important for Natalia, she was trusting again!

I could go on & on. ;)

I watched an old episode of Law & Order last week & thought this little coincidence was a little funny. The story was about a woman, a lab-tech turned mole, who was about to "out" her info on the Feds. Then she was raped & murdered. :eek: sounds an awful lot likt our dear Natalia... ;)
You absolutely right! "Hey news chick!" was an awesome scene.
The shoulder scene in "Deep Freeze" is another great scene.

One my all-time favorites is the near final scene in season 4 epi "Collision" when Eric has Nat outside the elevator making his apology. That scene told you "WOW! Those two are headed somewhere goooooood!" I rank it up there with the scene in "Skeletons" where Nat told Eric that she could be pregnant. Both those scenes said to me that the two are definitely a match. :) :) :)
^^^ much agreed^^^ Nat's personal life "moments" have always been faves of mine. She seems so much more "real" than others. :D In my own opinion, this show lacked alot of that realism until they "created" Natalia! Smartest move they made.
Well, the spoiler thread for "Miami Confidential" is up.
Good news is no sign of "Rich the shooting coach". I'm hoping we'll see more of Nat front and center, after all this whole epi revolves around someone she knows. I did get to see an uncut preview, she looks pretty pissed off in a few clips.
Order popcorn for Monday night folks!!
:D :D :D
Eeeee, im so excited for this! Agent Cole returns from "one of our own". Im hoping for some good background on Nat here, maybe this will explain why she said "I didn't ask for this job, I didn't want it" (to Eric in that epi). There could be LOTS to pop up in this epi!!

Yee haw...no Rich!
I loved Eva's interview. Shes so great! Maybe this epi ^^ is the one she was referring to as having an "awesome ending w/ a big twist"!! I hope so....It kinda sucks though, w/ the writers strike & all, epi 13 is our last until this is cleared up. This is when Nat will start her arc, I think & were gonna have to sit back & wait for new epis to see where it'll unfold. Natalia/Eva deserves the spotlight for a while, no doubt. I love all the characters but Eva tops it for me & Natalia, too :D :D!

***my popcorn will sooo be ready*** ;)
Of all the epis aired in the current season, this HAS TO BE THE BEST SO FAR!
I'm not saying all previous epis were bad, although some were "out there", like last week's "Vaporizer" episode.
I thought the plot was good and the story's flow was better. And I say this not just because Natalia was front and center in the story. This was, hands down, just a better produced/directed/performed episode.

Now about our Natalia. This beats out anything she has done on the show yet. I personally thought Eva really was able to show some acting chops in this episode.

For her character, there was conflict. The conflict of trying to do her job and finding the woman's killer but also knowing someone she has worked closely with may be involved. She also had to deal with her own personal suspicions-at one point Natalia probably did believe that Agent Mike was guilty and knowing what she knew about him only made it more difficult. Should she have told her superiors about Agent Mike's "indiscretions"? Maybe she should have. Instead she used her knowledge of Agent Mike as a kind of leverage that she could exploit when she needed it.

For Eva this was an epi where she had a good role in a good story with good dialog. I especially thought that the scene where Natalia is talking with Agent Mike by the fountain was excellent. I believe at that point Nat had an idea as to how this situation was going to end. I will also emphasize how Eva uses her face and eyes. You can see that near the end when Nat, H, and Agent Mike are in the interrogation room and she is giving Agent Mike a certain look. His reply: "I know that stare!"

I'm not sure that this is the big plot twist epi. Maybe that's still forthcoming, but I did like the ending.
I hope we get to see more from her with this caliber performance. :D :D :) :) :D :D :) :)
i really loved that episode its was really the best so far and yes its becasue Natalia was in it a lot!! Also what is funny is that again Horatio is there to cheer her up, like he did when Nick died he saw she felt bad and he talked to her, he's like a therapist now!!
Oh this epi rocked!!! Natalia was awesome & it was such a breath of fresh air to see her on the screen throughout the epi instead of here & there in the lab!! The best yet...absolutely!

Her character, yeah, she was torn. I can't say I blame her though, it seemed as though her & Mike were probably really good friends & at the time (3 years ago) she probably didn't look at his situation as being REALLY bad. People have affairs all the time, his marriage obviously wasn't the best either.

I don't think this was the big "twist". That I bet is still out there. Not sure if Agent Mike will have any effect on what will happen to her, but it seems possible. He is quite pi--ed that she is the one who "brought him down". He went from being Mr. Lovely kissing her cheek, saying she's one of the best, to near the end, saying "listen to me both" w/ a much different attitude! Don't know where this will lead Natalia, but it could be bad. :confused:

Well ya know, Horatio is superman :lol: I think TPTB are showing us a nice "bond" between them. Not romanticly or anything (lord knows we don't need another love story amongst teammembers) but, I like that he is making her a big part of his team & showing his concern.

I hope we get more epis like this one...so good!!
Ok, I just read that this epi was just wrapped up as of Thursday, which means this is the epi that Eva was referring to in her interview. The thing is, is that this is Horatio's storyline, so Im not sure if this "awesome twist of an ending" is about Natalia. Which sucks, because I want it to be (H drama..blah) it could still be hers though, if at the end something "happens" & were left w/ a cliffhanger or something.

I really hope this is where her arc begins..I love Natalia drama!!! Let's hope for some more of her!!!!
Eva pwned Monday night's episode. She was all kinds of awesome.

Hellooooooooooooo, ALMA/Emmy/Imagen nominations.

Seriously, though. The casting directors struck gold with Eva. Her voice, eyes, facial expression, body movements... She's so natural.

We saw another side of Natalia in this episode, and I liked it. See? She can be tough when she needs to. And major kudos to her for having the guts to stand up to a friend. It takes a lot to do that.

One of my favorite Natalia lines of the night: "You sat there, you listened, she said the safe word, and you did NOTHING." Eva's delivery was phenominal. That's a quality actress right there.
I'm reviving this thread to wish Eva a happy belated birthday.

She turned FORTY-ONE on the 21st. Kind of hard to believe it, because she doesn't look a day over thirty-five, if that.

Oh, well.

I actually think her birthday is today, the 27th.
Little Kaya's is also in December (I believe) so best birthday wishes to her also ;)!!
mjszud said:
I actually think her birthday is today, the 27th.
Oh. My. God.

I'm the worst fan in the world.

How the hell can I not know when Eva's birthday is?

*hangs head in shame*

Thanks for the heads up, though. So now I know that we didn't forget her birthday. Which... doesn't offer too much comfort. Crap.

Anyway... Happy Not-Belated Birthday to Eva! Forty-one years young! I wish her the best this year. :)
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