Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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Qucik question there was a link somewhere here to an aim chat session or something like that with Jon Togo when he said something like 'Adam is so goorgeous' and stuff.
Where can I find it ? I tried searching for it but it came up with no results :-/

Thanks !
^Actually, that interview is here on TalkCSI - the CSIFiles area. If you go to the sidebar (on the right), and click on Chat Transcripts, then go to Jonathan Togo, it's right there. ;) Hope that helps!

Or, here's the URL for a shortcut, lol.

Chat with Jon Togo
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Thanks :)
Thanks for that bit of info, ebonymist! :D It's been a while since I watched Deviant, but you're right. They found out about Alexx after that scene, so the 'tension' is probably more about Natalia and office romance in general.

But then again, looking at the scene from a shipper's perspective, I'm of the same view as everyone else here. They're testing the waters, see if there might be anything standing in the way of them getting together. I don't think the tension's unbearable either, like they were pre-Nailed. And that makes me smile. Some tension is good, especially when they're trying to figure out where they stand as far as a possible relationship's concerned. ;)
You're welcome, Shadowfax! ;) That scene is one of my favorites (not quite sure why, lol), so I jumped at the chance to watch it again earlier. :D

Okay, so I just watched Throwing Heat and....

No Eric/Ryan scenes in the episode! :rolleyes: Lots of Ryan/Boa, and a few Eric/Calleigh, but NO Eric/Ryan!! How unfair is that?! :mad: Okay, okay, stopping the rant on that topic. Poor Eric got scammed!! *throws a fit* He was trying to help out a woman who was being abused by her husband (supposedly), and the husband wanted to sue him! Then, the husband turns up dead and the wife continues to the suit! Oh, and now 20% of Eric's paycheck is going to go directly to the court to pay off the suit ($250,000!!) because he doesn't want to contest it and have someone potentially look in to the lab again because of him and H going to Brazil to kill Riaz! Ug, he just needs to go home and have Ryan cheer him up. :p
Oh, I know, I know! I was really upset with last night's episode too. Poor Eric! :( It's clear that the whole lab investigation in Season 4's still affecting them. I won't spoiler anymore. It's just upsetting to me at the moment. I feel really bad for Eric. Only Ryan can cheer him up now.
If anyone can Ryan can cheer him up. It was a hard choice for him. He did the right thing in the beginning with trying to help the girl then he is putting himself aside to do what he think is right but not contesting it. I hope this is followed up later. ;)
You're welcome, Rina!

I was thinking about the episode, and I thought it would've been funny if Boa was there when he mentioned the thing about someone looking into the lab. The look on her face would've been priceless. I'd rather have seen Ryan with him though, when they were talking about what happened in the bar. And I agree that if anyone can cheer him up, it's Ryan. It was brought to my attention by a friend on LJ (persikay, for those of you on LJ) that Eric should move in with Ryan under the pretense of saving money now. ;)
Ah, Persikay is totally right! I love the way her mind works! :lol: Eric should definitely move in with Ryan now so he could save some money. Not just that, but he'd have Ryan there to *comfort* him and cheer him up. See? Something good could come out of that horrible mess. :devil:

Welcome to the thread, Rina!
Of course she's right! :lol: Don't we all love the way her mind works? lol And of course, Ryan's the only one he could get away with moving with and not have everyone talking about it too much. He can't move in the Calleigh or Boa because everyone will automatically assume they're sleeping together. He can't move in with Horatio because, well... *shudders* Ryan's the obvious choice! Nobody needs to know that he's not only moving in with Ryan to save money. :devil:

How silly of me to forget - welcome to the thread, Rina!! (I'm telling you, the Hardy Boys shippers will someday take over the world - or at least convert it)
Good point about Ryan being the obvious choice! I hadn't thought about that, but it makes perfect sense. :D If they want to keep their relationship a secret, then Eric moving in with Ryan still wouldn't look suspicious to anyone. It would be just like having a friend *cough* with benefits *cough* :devil: or a colleague crashing in your place for the time being until they could get back up on their feet. Though, let's hope Eric never gets back on his feet. Then he could stay with Ryan forever! Mwahahaha! :devil: No one has to know that his moving in serves a dual purpose. :devil:

Plus, if he decideds to stay, they could just tell people that they're in a roommate kind of a situation, right? :devil: *mind wanders to the Gutter again* :devil:

Oooh! Would you look at that... I counted 5 :devil: on this post alone. Okay, make that six! :lol:
:lol: The first thing I thought when I saw your post was 'OMG that's a lot of :devil: ! Her mind must be in the Gutter again!" :lol:

Yes, yes, let's hope he never gets back on feet. I'm sure though, living with Ryan, they wouldn't spend much time on their feet anyway... :devil: *joins Shadowfax in the Gutter* ;) Though you know, Calleigh and Alexx will immediately suspect, because they're just smart like that. Horatio might figure it out from the very beginning, because well, he's the Almighty Horatio. Other than that, nobody will suspect a thing. ;)
:lol: Well, I was refraining from saying something about them not staying on their feet, but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one whose mind has clearly gone bonkers in the Gutter. :lol:

Of course, they don't always have to stay off their feet. One or both of them could be standing... :devil: *runs away from mod's pointy sticks* :devil:
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