Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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Thanks for the welcome back, inge, ebonymist! I've missed you guys terribly too.

You brought up a good point, inge. I haven't thought about the way Eric responds to Ryan's voice. It definitely has a calming effect, especially when he slips and calls him 'Eric' instead of 'Delko'.

And speaking of Delko... I was in Georgia, visiting family during the holidays, and hubby and I were driving down the interstate. Anyway, I saw this sign that I'd seen a million times before I knew about CSI: Miami, but never thought twice about until now. We passed an exit named: Delk Road, and when I'd first read it again after not having seen it for a while, I immediately read "Delko Road" instead. :lol: Isn't it amazing how being a fan changes the way you look at things? Like "Togo" for "To Go"? :lol:

Anyway, that sign made me think of Eric/Ryan and this thread and how much I had missed being here.
hehe, in that second one where they're standing in the hall, it looks like Ryan's touching Eric's arm. ;)

And they are definitely flirting on the job. :p

Need, more, Hardy Boys!

Don't we all? There's never enough! :D
Oooh! Look at how they're smiling at each other in the "Hehe" one. :eek: That's not just a smile, people! That's an "I think you're hot and I'm flirting with you, don't you see?" kind of smile from Eric. And Ryan's doing the "I'm blushing and I can't really look you in the eye right now because you'd know how much I want you" kind of adorable smile. :D:devil: *giggles madly* :lol:
I really liked that episode! Lots of Ryan/Eric time! And Eric finally found out how easy it was to be manipulated by the media, but Ryan didn't go on about it. He just had a little dig, then moved on. And Ryan was able to find the computer files that Eric couldn't. I liked that.

There's a lovely pic of them in the hallway that I made into an icon. I'm planning to post a load of icons on my lj this week, so go and check it out. I'll try to remember to include that one. :D
I know exactly which scene you're talking about, Ali. I made an icon once of them walking together down that hallway. It gave a really good perspective on their height difference, imo. But alas, I had to delete it for lack of LJ space. :(

Oh, and I was really happy to see Ryan not rub the media thing on Eric's face too. :)
I agree with both of you. It was nice that Ryan was able to just let it go after that one little dig (which seemed more ilke flirting/teasing than anything else). It shows their relationship has come a long way in a pretty short time. ;)

I already have one icon from that episode that I use on LJ, and I'm considering making another one. :D It's amazing how just a small less-than-two-minutes scene can say accomplish so much with them.
Thanks for the caps athlov!
I have to wait to see the episode and I can't wait to see it.
It's nice to see that they can also joke with each other during work.
aw, I like the friendship scenes between them.
And they are smiling at each other. cute! :D

Look, they are both wearing orange/red shirts. :lol:

Isn't this also the episode where they are working in the desert and standing side by side with the hummers in the background?
this cap is soo cool.
Shadowfax , you had to delete pics! Horror! That's terrible!

Yes, it seemed like that little dig was a little flirt. They were quite close during that episode. Close in terms of communication. But I found that pic I was thinking about. I posted it before, but it gave me an idea, so here it is again.


Eric: Your fly's undone.
Ryan: You shouldn't make me get dressed so quickly.

Does that sneak in under the PG-13 radar? Just? It's as clean as I can make it.

inge , it looks like the desert, but it's actually a dried-up, filled-in lake. Cool scenes, though. :cool:
Hi all, I normally hang out in the Ryan thread only but have been guided over here by AliGtr after asking a question about Eric and Ryan.
It's great to see so many of the Ryan regulars here too! :D
After watching 'Deviant' last night, I was wondering what was the cause of the ongoing tension between Ryan and Eric? The conversation they were having about dating while collecting evidence was one you would normally have if you are friends but they were really edgy.
Particularly when Eric asked Ryan if he was dating and Ryan replied that he was taking a break - Eric's comment of - Is that what you call it???
What was that all about!!!?? :confused:

Surely Eric still doesn't resent Ryan for coming in just after Speedle died?
I think Eric cannot handle having a superior love-god like Ryan on the team, myself :lol:
And he is also jealous of how good Ryan looks in orange :lol:
I like the tension between them but after Nailed, I thought they had come to a truce. Clearly not!
Welcome to the thread, dna_girl!

No, I didn't read that scene as Eric still resenting Ryan for coming after Speedle died. I do believe that they've come to a truce after 'Nailed' and even though it seems like there's still tension, I rather like the fact that that part of the storyline between them hasn't been dropped. It shows continuity and adds realism to the show.

The tension might have something to do with Ryan questioning the 'rightness' of Alexx's actions/involvement in the case. I think he's still upset about it, hence the question about Eric 'keeping a tight leash on his kids', which eventually lead to their questioning each other about their dating lives.

'Silencer' also happened before 'Deviant' and that's the scene where Ryan found Eric and Natalia canoodling in the lab and later on told Eric that he had thought about asking Natalia out. I would say that that could've contributed to the 'dating' questions too in 'Deviant'. Does that make sense?
*is trying to look at that scene from a non-shipper perspective* Hmmmm.... *gets out S4 DVDs and plays Deviant* Have I mentioned that Ryan looks hot in green? Okay, back on topic...

Okay, Ryan's automatically jumps to the conclusion that Eric has kids, and Eric gets a little defensive. But then Eric asks if Ryan's been dating and Ryan says he's taking a break. "A break? Is that what they're calling it?" He's laughing when he says it.... Doesn't really sound all that tense to me, but if there is a little tension there, it's probably because of Ryan's accusation. Later, when Ryan and Calleigh are arguing about Alexx putting the posters up, Eric tells them to "take it easy on each other." That's a big difference to how it would've come out pre-Nailed. He would've directly told Ryan to take it easy on Calleigh or something along those lines. That's my take on it, anyway. Do I think he still resents Ryan for "replacing" Speed? No. I think he stopped resenting him awhile back.

Great pic, by the way Ali!

ETA: I just read Shadowfax's post, and that all makes sense, too. :D One thing though: Ryan didn't find out about Alexx's involvement until after that scene because the poster Eric found was what lead them to Alexx. So that's not it. Other than that, it does sound like that could've been why they were a little tense.
Thanks shadowfax and ebonymist, your explanations were very helpful.
I didn't realise there was a whole thread here dedicated to Ryan and Eric - how exciting! :D
I agree that the tension probably arises from Delko dating Natalia and Ryan finding out, after all, she is a new girl, attractive and it stands to reason that, as two single guys, they would focus on her. Eric just got to her first and she liked him.
And I suppose they have different styles of working which might cause clashes at times. Real life is like that!
I don't think I would want them to be best friends anyway as they are two strong male characters and the tension provides opportunities for good stories and dialogue.
I personally think that that scene during Deviant said a lot of things about the two of them... it was like they were testing the waters, you know,
Ryan trying to find out if Eric had something big going on with someone, big enough to have kids with mabye?
And Eric got in a question about asking whether Ryan was seeing someone, which was a no :p

I like to think it was because they were wanting to ask each other out that they were questioning each other about "dating" :D
I agree with you! (but, like I said, I was looking at it from a non-shipper's perspective - now that THAT'S out of the way.. ;) )

I loved that scene! That one and the one with Calleigh, Ryan and Eric, when Eric was keeping them from fighting. After Eric says 'you two take it easy on each other' and leaves, Calleigh gives Ryan this knowing look, like she's just figured out there's something going on between them. :p
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