Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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Wow. I really like that quote that is so true!!

Of course [b/Cassie[/b] they'll know when to be passionate too, obviously having Eric be the dominate one and occasionally Ryan will feel a bit "agressive" himself.

I had this little scene pop into my head while in one of my classes. I thought I'd type this out too:

Eric and Ryan made a quick little stop at the mini mart. Why? Well, a certain little somebody just couldn't take the thirst anymore so he had to grab himself a drink.
While Ryan stood in front of the refridgerator Eric walked slowly up to him while in the process his arms made their way around Ryan's body. Ryan stood observingly really trying to figure out what kind of soda he wanted almost not noticing how Eric put the moves on him.
"So what chya' gettin'?" Eric said softly into Ryan's ear.
"Hmmmm. Well it's a very hard choice between Dr. Pepper and Sprite. I mean, after all-" Ryan turned around and gazed seriously into Eric's eyes "-Sprite's motto is 'Obey Your Thrist'".
Eric laughed at how Ryan was so serious and careful about his choice in soda. "Well, if you don't mind-" Eric opened on of the doors and grabbed a very dark colored bottle "-I'm going to have... a Dr. Pepper".
Ryan began to get the hint of jokes. "Well, then I'm going to have Sprite" his smile got big as he grabbed the transparent green bottle.
The soda compition was engaged.

Do you know how cute these guys are but at the same time they know when to get hot?
That's cute ransom. Didn't realize people could put so much thought into choosing a soda. Liked Ryan's thought process about the sloan for sprite. ;)
Awww, that's cute! I'm ever so slightly embarrassed because I have a tendency to do that too. I'd be pleased to think that it's a trait I share with Ryan. :D

I can really imagine them always having a competition or disagreement over something, trivial or not. They're both too stubborn not to.

*looks left* Yay! I'm a police officer!
AliGtr said:
Awww, that's cute! I'm ever so slightly embarrassed because I have a tendency to do that too. I'd be pleased to think that it's a trait I share with Ryan. :D

I can really imagine them always having a competition or disagreement over something, trivial or not. They're both too stubborn not to.

*looks left* Yay! I'm a police officer!

Ack! *hides* Don't arrest me, Ali, I swear I didn't do it!!

You know they compete over everything at least once, lol. *is reminded of a fic where they were trying to grow out their facial hair* :lol:

ransom, once again, you have killed with the cuteness! :D But don't worry, I died happy. :p I could see Ryan taking forever to choose a drink, lol. He's adorable that way.
Okay, let's haul this thread back up onto page 1 where it belongs.

Do you have a guilty conscience, ebonymist ? Something you need to confess to? :lol:

I had a couple of ideas for things to get us talking. I'm not sure if we're allowed to do this here, but let's have a go. Here's a pic. Can we think of words to put into their mouths?
Ryan/Eric pic

How about this:- Eric: I am not sucking in my stomach!

If we're not allowed to do this, how about missing scenes. Scenes we weren't shown, but we would like to have seen. I wanted to see Ryan comforting Eric over his sister's death in Rampage. He would have done a much better job than Horatio, persuading him to go trailing off to Brazil. :mad:
I agree, I also wanted to see a scene where Ryan is there for Eric after his sisters dead.
I also want to see (there's hope) that they would talk about the Natalia fiasco. They could admit that they both were idiots and then they would notice that they wasted time and they should have gone out together and not with Natalia. :p :lol:

They could also talk about how they treated each other in the past.
Ryan could say sorry, that I took your evidence and Eric could say, it's ok, sorry that I treated you like a replacement.

Generally, they could talk with each other more often. :D
Nope, of course there's nothing I need to confess to... And even if there was, I wouldn't confess! :p

Oooh, I had a good idea for that picture, but it just sorta disappeared out of my head... Why does that always happen? lol. :lol:

Hmmm... missing scene... Well, I'd be happy if they got even just ONE scene together in OOOO. I'd also like to see Ryan comfort Eric after Marisol's death (just like everyone else). ;) I'm sure there's others but I'm having trouble thinking right now, lol.
When I first saw that pic, I thought they were looking in a mirror. The look on Eric's face is priceless. It looks like someone's just felt him up. Maybe Ryan? Or maybe Ryan is glaring at whoever did the feeling up?

Missing scenes. Urban Hellraisers. I wanted Ryan to have to explain to Eric about his car accident. There was such a missed opportunity there! Eric could drag out of him what the doctor had said. I really think that we should take over the script-writing.
^You mean 'Fade Out'? Urban Hellraisers was mostly focused on Eric. And yeah, there should've been a scene there with Ryan explaining about the accident. And maybe Eric should've dragged him to the doctor? I'm sure he would've if he'd known about the accident. He'd, of course, call Alexx on the way to let her know what's going on. :D

And speaking of Urban Hellraisers - I just saw it again yesterday, and I had to laugh when Eric asked Ryan about Peter Elliot. I thought it was funny that Elliot wanted to go to the documents lab, and Eric asked if he sent him to the print lab instead. "Yeah of course." :lol: And that episode is such a relief to finally get away from all the tension! (not that I don't love the tension)

Other missing scenes - Shattered, after Eric finds out that Ryan ratted him out. They should've made a scene where Ryan and Eric could explain themselves (Ryan because he didn't have a choice but to tell, and Eric because of why he'd been buying the drugs), because for a second there, you wonder if all that tension's going to come back up.

Oooh, I like both of those ideas for that pic, Ali! Especially the one where Ryan's glaring at someone else who's just been feeling on his man, lol. ;)
I'd really would have liked to see the whole Natalia mess get cleaned up, I was really sorry they left that untouched
I mean, it's obvious from the way they act that they did talk about the Natalia thing, or that it's been resolved one way or the other

or it became one of those things that they never mention again but that they keep questioning in their heads

anyway, I would have loved to see a scene about the two of them talking about Natalia
*bounces in* Hey, guys!! :D

What did I miss? So many new comments to read, but I'm happy to see this thread's staying alive. I've been gone for a long time, eh?

Welcome to all the newbies, btw!

Tippingjug!! *huggles* You're here! So glad to see you've found us! :D

inge, I have an update for you in my LJ. Have you read it yet? Here's the link just in case (Chapter 11 - WCWS):

So this might be an old topic, but the last new scene I watched was the one where Ryan got between Eric and Nick when they were fighting. You wouldn't believe how much I replayed that scene over and over, analyzing every which way Ryan's touching Eric. :eek: SQUEEE! Plus, he called Eric by his first name. They are SOOO doing it! :devil:
That topic can never grow old! I've only seen the promo and the clips, but it's just a fantastic scene! :eek: *eyes pop out as Ryan wraps his arms around Eric* And what happens afterwards? Another missing scene! :rolleyes:

It's nice to see you back here, Shadowfax . We've missed you. :D
Thanks, Ali! I've missed being here too.

And oooh! Thy Icon is drool-worthy LOVE!! :eek: Gun!Porn!!! Perfect! Can't. Stop. Staring. :devil:

I'm working on your beta as we speak, btw. ;)

Okay, missing scene... any ideas on what those might be? I'm all ears! :lol: They were standing sooo close to each other when Nick left. *mind wanders into the Gutter again* :devil:
Welcome back Shadowfax! *big hug*

Ali's right, that topic will never grow old! Much the way Nailed will never grow old.

Hmmm... missing scene there? Perhaps involving a supply closet and/or locker room? :devil: *joins Shadowfax in the gutter*

Yes, there definately should've been a missing scene where they talked about the Boa situation. It's like it was settled, but you don't actually get to see it, which sucks!

What else, what else, what else? *wracks brain* I know there's something - what is it?? Oooh, maybe a scene to go along with the Boa scene, sometime during/after OOOO (but before Rio). Maybe Eric comforts Ryan after the loss of a friend, and Ryan comforts Eric for the loss of his sister, and Eric calms Ryan down because of the 'Slamming Cooper against the wall' thing, and tells Ryan that DC isn't the mole, Natalia is. (and then comes SwiftTales idea for getting past the Natalia thing). There, a lot of scenes wrapped into one.

Man, I should've quit before I mentioned that - now my evil plot bunnies want me to write about that, TOO! They've already got me distracted from Invisible, can't they just leave me alone?! *whimpers*
again, Shadowfax welcome back. I missed you. :)
I already read your new chapter (erm, during work :D) and I will review, promise. I don't have a lot of time at the moment. :(

I soo want to see the scene. I think, we waited for such an episode since the 'nailed' episode. They touched each other! and Ryan called him by his first name.
It's also nice that Ryan was able to calm him down. I like the way Eric responds to Ryan's voice. ;)

EDIT: maybe I should give Shadowfax a little preview: I liked it.
I like the way you play with words.
and hurry up with beta-reading. ;)
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