Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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The Gutter has finally gotten to my mind after all this time. :lol: Although, to be perfectly honest, it wasn't that difficult because I was half-bonkers before I got into the Hardy Boys, so.... :D

And that's a valid point, I'm sure they like a little variation, and they like to stand up from time to time. :devil: Gah, we really need a nice, steamy shower scene! :devil: ;)
Eric and Ryan as roomies? Sounds great fun! :D
And just imagine if one day, Eric accidentally came to work wearing one of Ryan's sweatervests, that would be great! :D

Although, isn't Eric much taller and so I guess they couldn't really get into swapping clothes much.
And I don't think Eric would look as good as Ryan in orange.......
Nah, Ryan looks much better in orange... and I don't think Eric could get away with "accidentally" wearing one of Ryan's sweatervests. ;) But let's say he did: their secret would definitely be out - unless he convinced everyone that he was forced into it or something. And even then, Calleigh, Alexx and Horatio would still know. :D

I think it would be funnier, though, to see Ryan show up in one of those shirts of Eric's that look like they're made out of his mother's tablecloths. How about that one with the pink floral design from 'Rio'? :lol:

Welcome to the thread, btw, as I seem to be getting a little behind in my welcomings! :p
I think Ryan could probably carry off wearing Eric's clothes more than Eric could with Ryan's. I can see Ryan in a pink floral shirt..... :eek: Can't really see Ryan in those flannel type trousers that he wears either - maybe he could impart some of his fashion sense.......

Thanks for the welcome. I am still in front of Eric in the queue for Ryan though! :p
I think they could probably get away with wearing each other's long-sleeved dress shirts, the kind that's button down. Unless... it's one of those shirts that people know belong to either Ryan or Eric. Then, I think their secret would definitely be out. :D
Wow! Lot of posts since I was last here! :D *is impressed* We're certainly managing to convert a lot of people to Hardy Boys fans. *waves at dna girl and Rina * Welcome!

I have Ryan wearing some of Eric's clothes in the chapter that I'm writing at the moment. I can't say why, because that would give things away. :devil: Is Eric very much bigger than Ryan, do you think? He's taller, but is he wider? That sounds rude. :eek: I'm not saying that he's fat. I'm just wondering how big his clothes would be on Ryan.

They do both have their own style. I can't imagine Ryan in some of Eric's cooldude clothes. I've seen Eric in a t-shirt and cropped trousers, and that's not Ryan's thing at all. And Eric in a sweatervest? Never! :lol:

Eric staying with Ryan because of the money thing? Yes please! It seems unfair that poor Eric has yet more money problems, after the drug-buying and the cheque-bouncing, and the bank refusing him any help in S4. :( 20% of your wages is one hell of a lot, and as county employees, they don't get high salaries anyway. Poor Eric! *cuddles*
I don't think Eric's much bigger than Ryan. Taller, yes, but wider? (Yeah, that does sound rude, lol) I'm not sure. *shrugs* *is waiting (im)patiently for you to update WC*

I agree with Shadwfax about the long-sleeved button-downs. And then, probably Ryan could get away with wearing Eric's more than Eric could get away with wearing Ryan's (like you said, dna_girl) because Ryan usually has a jacket on over his shirt anyway. Plus, Ryan's are probably a little short for Eric anyway.
I would love to see them to live together. Sure it would be so Eric could save money **winkwink** but I just think it would be interesting to see how having two CSI living together would play out in the lab.
Oooh, I wonder if it would cause problems in the lab? I bet Natalia would be pretty upset by it, especially if Eric & Ryan are more than just "roomies", and she finds out about it. DC would, of course, spread rumors (whether he knows the truth behind them or not)... Valera would probably just wink at them, suspecting there's something more there, but she might not actually say anything about it. H wouldn't react, not that we'd see, anyway. He'd put his sunglasses on and walk off with a grim expression. I'd love to see how Calleigh and Alexx would react, though. :D
I think Calleigh would think it cool - she gets on equally well with Ryan and Eric I think. As long as it didn't interfere with work, she wouldn't mind too much.
I think the worst would definitely be Dan Cooper - he is a complete gossip but he has hung out with Eric before so maybe they would all buddy up and gang up against the girls.
I can see Valera being a bit gossipy too and no doubt Tripp would jump to conclusions.
I'd like to host the moving-in party please! And I appreciate there will be less space so I will happily bunk up with Ryan to help out! :devil:
^ :lol: that was so funny.
especially the 'Horatio' comment.
(BTW, your new fic is great)

I agree, Natalia would be upset and angry and she would do anything to break them apart. (I'm mean, I know :p) (but she won't be succesful and in the end she realizes that they are perfect for each other and accepts it).

Alexx and Calleigh would ask them about it and would annoy them with their question. Ryan: No, we're not together, he wants to save his money. Calleigh: Sure. :rolleyes:
-Later. Eric: I just want to save money. Calleigh: of course. :rolleyes:

BTW, Welcome to the new members of the thread. :)
I think Calleigh would be quite respectful about it and although ask them, she would accept their replies and not discuss with anyone else what she thought.

I wonder if Eric would be able to cope with Ryan's OCD tendencies? He knows that Ryan suffers with it and I imagine that would perhaps make Ryan a real neat freak. Is Eric a tidy person cos he would need to be living with Ryan!

It would be like - "Ryan, you have cleaned your gun 3 times already, let's go to work, we are gonna be late!!! Come on!!!" :)
^Although, I doubt Ryan would ever be late to work, since his OCD would probably yell at him for it. Eric would just have to learn to live with it. I think it would be worse if Eric didn't know about it, but he does, so he should have an idea of what he's getting himself into. ;)

Yeah, Calleigh would resepct them, but she'd still tease them about it when it's just her and the guys, because they're like her brothers. I'm sure you're exactly right about Natalia, inge. She'd do anything she could to get them apart, and when she doesn't succeed, she'll just accept it and find another guy to sleep with. (thanks for the compliment on the fic, btw :) ) And I'm glad you liked the Horatio comment. :lol: He's just such a strange character, IMO. He doesn't react to anything. *shrugs* I doubt he'd be much different upon finding out that two of his CSIs (both of his male CSIs) are living together to "save money".
Whoa! I go to work and come back to mucho posts! *is happy* :D

I think Horatio will probably just smirk to himself if he finds out about Eric and Ryan rooming together. But he'll probably put the sunglasses on too just to keep anyone from seeing the emotions in his eyes... which I'd like to think are probably smiling at the fact that two of his CSIs are getting on so well.

Ali, I'll work on your beta for WC tomorrow (Thursday), okay? I actually came down with a cold and a fever with flu-like symptoms (again!) on Monday, and I was sick as dog. :( I don't think I've felt that bad in a long time. I had to sleep most of yesterday just to feel rested.
Awww, I hope you feel better Shadowfax! :(

Yes, yes, lots of posts, lol. We've had a lot of activity in the last couple days. :D Then again, we've had very good topics to go on in the last couple of days. ;)

But yes, I could see Horatio just smirking about Ryan & Eric, and putting on his sunglasses to hide the emotions in his eyes. We all know he wants to be seen as a robot. ;)
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