Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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post by Ali: Maybe he's the eldest of a whole bunch. (The niece could be the child of his next brother or sister).

I like the idea that he could be the youngest better. :p
I also thought till 'death pool 100' that he's an only child.
He could be the 'surprise kid'. I mean his parents didn't want to have another kid and then they had Ryan.
I think his parents don't have much money. otherwise they would have paid him his study.

I stay with my opinion (from the Ryan thread), I don't want to have an unhappy childhood for Ryan. (not on the show, it's ok in fics ;)).
It was strange that we haven't seen his parents or another family member yet, but we didn't saw eric's parents too and their daughter got married and she died.

I'm sure Eric's mother will like Ryan.
inge said:
I stay with my opinion (from the Ryan thread), I don't want to have an unhappy childhood for Ryan. (not on the show, it's ok in fics ;)).

It was strange that we haven't seen his parents or another family member yet, but we didn't saw eric's parents too and their daughter got married and she died.

I agree with you abut both points. It's only just occurred to me that there are things I like to read in fics that I wouldn't want on the show.

And where are the families? Some horrible things have happened to them, and there's been no sign of family. Calleigh's dad would be right there. (Maybe CBS won't pay out for the actors - maybe they're being cheap).

Anyway, I thought we needed some more pics, and there were some lovely scenes in Double Jeopardy, so here's a couple.

Eric's just realised how easy it is to get taken in by Erica. :rolleyes: (He didn't apologise to Ryan for how he behaved though :mad: ).


Oh, isn't Ryan sweet? How Eric can stop himself from wrapping his arms round him and kissing him senseless is beyond me. :rolleyes:

Credit to JTO for both pics.
Thanks for the pics Ali! :)
Look, their shirts have the same color. :lol:

maybe Ryan said to his family that the 'nail accident' wasn't so bad and convinced them not to fly to Miami if we assume that they live in Boston. :rolleyes:

I saw 'The Score' tonight.
only one tiny Ryan/Eric scene.
Eric wasn't concerned about Ryan's eyesight, he more smirked at him and maybe thought: another screw up. :rolleyes:'
or maybe Eric showed his concern in another way than Calleigh or Alexx.
maybe he talked to Calleigh about it that Ryan didn't saw the pen.
Hello, people! *waves* Still remember me? :D

I've been gone a long while, I know. *hangs head in shame* But I haven't abandoned The Hardy Boys. You guys forgive me, right? :p :D

Great pics, Ali and Tink! I love how they match in orange. You know what that means, don't you? They're soooo seeing each other in secret. :devil: ;)

I'm not sure yet whether I want Ryan to have a traumatic childhood or not. It is fun to make up traumatic stuff in fanfiction, but I'm not so sure I really want to see it in the show. Eric's family seems to be close, and if they were to approve of his relationship with Ryan, I could really see Eric's mom mothering the poor chap to pieces. :lol: I think that would be cute and funny.

I dunno... *shrugs* Ryan's just so adorable, and to me, he sometimes has this 'mother me' look on his face even if he doesn't realize it. It's those gorgeous puppy dog eyes, isn't it? :eek: *can't stop staring at them* Look at my icon and tell me how you can say no to that look. :devil: Maybe that's why he's just so damn motherable!! :lol:

Oh, and I got your e-mail Ali. I'm working on it little by little. :D
Alexx can't resist mothering him, can she? He does indeed have that "take care of me" look. You'd just want to wrap him up and take him home. Well, I would. :p

I got to wondering... Is there any particular point at which we could say "that's what did it - that's when they got together". Nailed is obvious, I suppose. I could imagine them going home and... you know. :devil: But do you think that there are other moments? Something that says "OK, they're going home together to take this somewhere". (Am I staying under the PG-13 line with this?) :confused:

*pulls self together* It really bothers me that Ryan never mentions his family. Uncle Ron has had two mentions (if we think he was the safe-cracker), but no parents, and no siblings (we assume he has one, since he has a niece). Is it just because he's very private, do you think?

Shadowfax , I do apologise for the length of that email. Once I got started, I couldn't stop. :eek:

Oh, and I just remembered! Someone on the Ryan thread mentioned that there was a nice Eric/Ryan scene in the latest episode. Details, please! Has anyone seen it? *is desperate to know*
I agree, Ryan is very careful about talking about private things. maybe it has to do that the others didn't welcome him with open arms when he started at CSI. so he thinks the others are not interested. (but the viewers are. :p)

'Nailed' is a good example, but the only problem is that maybe Ryan was too groggy from the pain killers to share nice moments with Eric.
I like the fact that Eric knows where Ryan lives and maybe he was in his apartment/house.

I thought about another moment (which wasn't a problem, because work was soo boring today. nothing to do).
in '10-7' Eric watched the news with Ryan and he was so angry and stormed away.
maybe he went to Ryan to yell at him and then unexpected things happened. :devil:
Yes, that's a possibility. *mind wanders off to examine that idea*

*mind runs back with another idea* How about Silencer? Ryan got so jealous watching Eric and Natalia in the evidence locker that he couldn't hold back any longer.

For some reason, I can't imagine any slow, subtle lead up. It always happens in an explosion in my mind. I don't think that Ryan would be smooth about approaching Eric, anyway. They're both passionate characters in different ways.
That's a good point
You know, I very much like the Silencer idea, considering it's one of my favourite episodes and there is just so much to work with...

The scene in the locker room (the one who starts it all)
The scene with the blog

the stuff that happens in those scenes have so many possibilities :D
HI!! Yes, I am still alive. I've seen a bunch of ya'll over at LJ.

I think that Ryan would be the one to blow up and jump Eric*gets nice images*

I mean, Eric shows his emotions all the time. Ryan barely shows how he feels, but when he does he blows up. I say one day he will get very jealous and jump Eric in the locker room. Or maybe in a Hummer.......or in the showers.......or...*goes off into her never-never slash land*
Eric gives him plenty of reason to get jealous. There's only so much a guy can take.

Maybe Eric does it on purpose? Maybe he's trying to provoke Ryan?
I'm sure he is doing it on purpose.
Ryan is doing the same.
He flirts with Erica to make him jealous and we all agree that they both used Natalia to make each other jealous and not that Ryan was used. ;)
next week I'm going to watch 'Silencer' and I'm soo excited about it.

In Silencer Ryan looked totally sad and somehow desperate after he learned that Eric is together with Natalia and in 'Dead Air' Eric was angry because Ryan wanted to go out with Natalia.

I found this pic:

credit: CSI Miami Style
Aren't they frustrating? They should just get on with it!

inge , I can't see your pic! Just a little laughing face.

I come with a pic too. Ryan's trying to persuade Eric to undo a few more buttons, I think. :p Eric's not too sure. :confused: Their clothes match again! :rolleyes:


Credit to Miami Style.
Hm, don't know why it isn't working.
It should show up when you click on the smilie.
I post it again:
credit: CSI Miami Style, see link in my other post.

I saw 'Silencer' tonight.
wow, it's a cool Hardy Boys episode and also sad.
poor Ryan, he was so stunned, sad and pisses when he saw Eric with Natalia. He wanted to say something, but he didn't and stormed out of the room. :(
of course, the dubbing was bad.
the dialogue went this way:
R: he's a movie star
E: so, that's why you are always wearing this jackets
then the eyes comment was ok, but then instead of, 'you get it all the time in the eye' he said:
E: now you can stop wearing those jackets.

huh? :rolleyes:
*makes super-human effort to wrestle favourite thread back onto page 1*

I wonder why they mistranslate the script like that. It must be so annoying, especially if you know what the script ought to be. And that scene was so good. They were so close, and joking with each other. I've got a terrible urge to watch it again now. :p :rolleyes:

And the bit in the evidence locker with Natalia was great too. I really think that Eric was purposely trying to make Ryan jealous - get a response out of him. :devil:

Silencer is nearly as good an episode as Nailed for Hardy Boys moments. It's a gift to the fanfic writer! :D

inge , I'm being stupid. :eek: I never thought to click on the little face. I can see it. It does work. I'm just being super-thick. :confused: Lovely pic! *blushes and hides in embarrassment*
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