Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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Silencer is my absolutely favourite! I can just say it again and again ^^

Silencer, Nailed and Open Water are so far my favourites, but there are a lot of eps I haven't seen yet so that might change :p

You know, personally, for me, I think that Eric would flirt with Ryan, but wouldn't take it really serious, it would be more playfull... Ryan would be oblivious to it, but he'd get really jealous when he sees Eric with Natalia and then he just gets fed up with it and .... :devil: oh yeah
don't worry Ali, it happened to me too. :D
I'm glad you were able to see the pic now.

I think 'Silencer' is a sad episode. :(
sure, the blog thing is funny.
but Ryan's look was so sad when he saw Eric with Natalia. Eric looked so caught and not only because a 'co-worker' saw him and could report it to his boss.
Ryan said to Eric he wanted to ask Natalia because he wanted to show Eric that he won't wait forever for him.

Eric, do something. :p
Hey, guys!

How's it going? I've been silent and absent too much lately, huh?

Well, time to break that depressing cycle a little bit by presenting you guys with a small fic. Since I can't seem to finish the next chapter of WCWS, and I miss writing about Eric and Ryan, I figured now's as good a time as any to write something new.

Anyway, here it is, entitled, "Recall To Forget To Recall":

Chapter 1 - "If Recalling Were Forgetting"

Lemme know what you think of it on the site so we don't get in trouble here. The last part should be up soon. :D

And here's another pretty pic to kick off the rest of the weekend. This is from S5 - Going, Going, Gone:


Awww, look! Eric wants to have a little fun! :devil:
Ryan: I don't think that's such a good idea, Eric.
Eric: Why not?
Ryan: Come on, man! This is a crime scene.
Eric: So?
Ryan: So? I don't wanna get caught. Besides, the better part of that bed's covered in blood, and that's gross.
Eric: But look... more than half of the bottom's clean. We could work with that. Besides, who said anything about you being in the bottom? :devil:
Ryan: {sputters} Wha-? You mean?
Eric: {takes Ryan's hand) Come on, Ryan... It's high time you got off your back for once. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Hehehehee... *ducks under PG-13 radar* So? You like? :D:devil: Man, have I got a filthy mind when I'm depressed! :p
I like! :D Filthy mind and everything! (It's good to know that I'm not the only one with a filthy mind round here). :devil:

I'm slightly bothered by the way Eric's trousers are clinging to his bottom. Ryan looks gorgeous as usual, but my eyes are drawn to Eric's bottom. :eek: He looks like... I might as well just say it. He looks like his trousers are crawling up his bum and he hasn't had time to adjust them. It's an unfortunate shot. But I like your idea about a change of... um *thinks of PG-13 radar*. :devil: *closes ears to the sound of plotbunnies revving up their motorbike*
thanks for the cute pic! :)

I watched 'Fade out' on Monday.
There was a little, tiny Eric/Ryan scene.
Eric asked Calleigh: Where's Ryan?
me, of course, thought:
Eric is concerned about Ryan. He didn't ask where the evidence was, Ryan should have brought in, he asked about Ryan.
You're right. I hadn't thought of that. I liked Fadeout, but there wasn't enough Ryan. And certainly not enough Eric/Ryan. :(

I saw Dead Air last night. And again this morning. :rolleyes: I know, I know, get a life! But it helped some things fall into place for me. I had a bit of a rant on my lj about it. I'll link to that from here, if that's OK, because it was a bit of a long rant, and I can't do it all again.

Dead Air - Eric and Ryan
Please comment if you want to. I'm interested in people's opinions.

And while I'm here, I can't resist this picture.
Ryan and Eric

I know I've posted it before, but I can't resist the way Eric's sweater clings to his chest, and I love Ryan in a sweatervest. *sighs happily* :p
Hi everyone! I'm new to TalkCSI, but not to Eric/Ryan shipping... been with the LJ (Wolfe_Delko) community for a few months now.

AliGtr said:
And Ryan is definitely checking out Eric's bum. That's why he always follows him when they enter a crime scene. ;)

I read an intereview with JT here:

In a nutshell, JT kept mentioning that he thinks Adam is gorgeous, so maybe he'll be walking behind him a lot now, so that he can stare at his bum. :p :devil:

I like that pic, AliGtr! The look on Eric's face is priceless, and I love the way his shirt clings to him - who wouldn't? lol Betcha Ryan's forcing himself not to look.
^ :lol: I search for the thread yesterday and I couldn't find it and I started to panick, because I thought it was deleted. I found it yesterday and I wrote a long post, but I lost it (stupid pc) and I forgot to save it and after the restart I was too tired to type it again. :D
Thanks for making it the featured ship. :)

Welcome ebonymist !
I like your 'invisble' fic very much! :)

I wish I could see 'Dead Air'. I only know it from recaps and pics. Eric seemed to be angry, sad and jealous after Ryan asked permission to go out with Natalia.
I want to know about Eric's reaction at the end of the episode where Ryan asked for money. please?????
HOORAH!! We are the FEATURED SHIP!!! :D :D *happy dance*

Welcome, ebonymist! *hugs* Glad to see you here! :D

Okay, inge, as far as Eric's reaction at the end, he had this incredulous look going, like he couldn't believe Ryan was asking him to finance his date with Natalia. But Ryan told him he'd pay him back, so he relented. But after they walked off, you could definitely tell that he wasn't happy about them dating. He's jealous... And of course, the fangirl in me would like to believe that he's jealous over Ryan instead of her! :lol:

Ooh, and nice pic, Ali! :D I love it when they stand close to or next to each other. I'm always trying to figure out the height difference between the two. :devil:
Yay for being the featured ship! *does happy dance with Shadowfax*

Oooh, now I *really* have to see "Dead Air", just to see Eric jealous, lol. Grr... I really wish they'd play it here sometime soon...

I just got finished watching "Under the Influence", for, I don't know, my third or fourth time, and I'm still squeeing because when Ryan first shows up, right after he says that first line, he and Eric definately share a look. :D ;)

Thanks, inge! Glad you like my fic, I'm very proud of that one (except when it's being mean to me). And I don't know how many times my laptop has done exactly the same thing to me... stupid computers.
Oh god........I had no idea this place existed!!! Am so happy I found it!!!! :D

Was surfing and looking through some epi. guides and I came to talk CSI for the first time....wondered around and found forums....then shippers forum and lo and behold....Eric/Ryan slash forum!!!! *SQUEEEEEE* Damn, think I broken some windows there...^.^;; :lol:
And while looking through the post...I found...ebonymist...alligator138...shadowfax27 and swift_tales!!! Hey gals!!! :p

Am a little disappointed I had not realised that there is another place for the Hardy Boys till now....and ya, had just replied to Ali's post on 'Dead Air' on the boy's LJ site yeah...fate I guess!!! :D :D :D

EDIT: um...not to sound stupid...why am I a civilian??? :confused:
Hey! welcome tippingjug :D It's good to see you here

(You're a civilian because of how many posts you've made, the title changes, you should look at FAQ, they show you how many times it changes and stuff)

This place is amazing isn't it? :D So much Hardy Boys love ^^
I think this is the second time the Hardy Boys were the featured ship while I've been here :p
Ah...FAQ...haha...tend to ignore those! Thanks for the info though, would do that when I have the time next weekend! :D

Featured ship....they should be, they are too good to be ignored, love them to death, cuddles both my Eric and Ryan plushies... ;)
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