Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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tippingjug ! Hello! Great to see you here! :D I've just been talking to you over on lj. (I'm not following you around, really).

It's taken me several days to track you all down again. How daft am I? :eek: I was looking up and down the threads and this one was gone! I thought we'd done something naughty and been taken off. I have a constantly guilty conscience. :devil:

I was thinking about their heights. Ryan seems to be taller now than he used to be, since he filled out a bit and put on some muscles. :p It's probably just my perception, but I imagined him to be smaller in relation to Eric in S3, when he was skinny and wide-eyed. In S4, he's only a little shorter than Eric. Which is a good thing. He won't have to stand on tiptoes to kiss him.

ebonymist , I love that look between them in UTI. I think Eric goes straight off after him when Horatio's done with him. And that's when he started appreciating Ryan's butt. :p Welcome, BTW. I don't think I said that before.
That look is where it all began, Ali, lol. And who doesn't appreciate Ryan's butt? ;)

Welcome tippingjug! Good to see you here! I just found this place a few days ago, myself. :D

The Hardy Boys... *sighs* I really need to get S3 & 4, just so I can watch all those moments over and over and over.. and no, of course I'm not obsessed.

Oh, and Ali, I agree. Ryan does look taller in S4 & 5, I noticed that, too. In S3, he's this skinny little guy with big, bright eyes (not that that isn't adorable). Then, closer to the end of S3, he starts filling out a little, and in S4, he really filled out, cut his hair, got new clothes, and still he has those beautiful eyes.

ETA: I just remembered that today is Sunday, and I get to *finally* see the new episode ("Backstabbers") tomorrow! I've got a whole 25 hours before that happens, but oh well. *shrugs* Tomorrow should go by pretty quickly... especially since they're playing a 13-episode CSI: Miami marathon on A&E during the day tomorrow. *jumps around excitedly* I'm really hoping for some good Hardy Boys moments (I'll have to check out which episodes they're playing) in the marathon and "Backstabbers." ;)

ETA (again): They're playing three (and only three!) episodes with Ryan! :mad: Grr.. And only *maybe* two of the three have any Hardy Boys moments. "Crime Wave," "Fade Out," and "Skeletons".. I know "Crime Wave" doesn't have any Eric/Ryan scenes (at least, I don't think it does...). What about "Skeletons"? Any good Eric/Ryan scenes? I've never seen that one before. "Fade Out," I can't remember. I know that Eric mentions Ryan once, doesn't he? Oh...I had a good post-ep fic idea for that one, lol.
Ali! The Icon! I'm seeing it! :D it's really good

I'm not sure about Fade Out and Skeletons... But I reckon since I don't remember there weren't any good ones in there, but I'm not sure :p

I do think that Ryan evolved from S3 to S4, he looks... stronger, he's not as much cute anymore as he is ... well... hot :D
I'm sure that Eric has noticed :p he pays way more attention to Ryan's bum in s4 then in s3
Thanks. :D I've got a wp for my laptop too. I couldn't resist. I'll probably post them on lj soon. The wp's better.

I don't think their paths cross in Fadeout at all. :( I was disappointed. Skeletons - I don't think there's anything very Hardy Boys in there - Ryan's mostly paired with Calleigh - but there's a lot of lovely Ryan time in that one, and I love what he's wearing. :p The pale colours make him look so pretty. I've got a pic of him from that epi on my lj background. :p :p :p

In S4, I think that Ryan looks more of a match for Eric. :devil: Like he could really take him on. There was so much difference between them in S3, even though there were smouldering looks right from the start.
Welcome tippingjug! :)
I'm glad you finally found this thread.

about 'Fade Out'. I saw the episode last week and there was no Eric/Ryan scene. Eric only asked Calleigh once where Ryan was and where the evidence was Ryan should have brought in.
I also believe that there is no scene in 'Skeletons'. :(

I agree, Ryan looks hotter in Season 4 and he looks cuter in Season 3. I like both looks.
I'm sure Eric likes it too. ;)

last but not least:
Happy Birthday, 1CSIMfan!
enjoy your b-day! :)
Happy Birthday, 1CSIMfan!

Hmph, of course they don't play any good Hardy Boys episodes. I do like that Eric asked about Ryan in "Fade Out" (unfortunately I have to wait until 10 o'clock tonight to watch that one... comes on right after the new one!). Well, maybe the new one will have a few scenes. They've been working together a lot this season.

I brought a picture! :D

Hopefully the URL will work.

Look at Eric's hand. Am I the only one that thinks it looks like he's touching Ryan's ass? :devil: :p

Oh, and on the subject of appearances... I really didn't care for Eric's haircut in S3, I like him better with the slightly longer hair (and the facial hair at the beginning of S4 didn't hurt either :devil: )

ETA: Just finished watching "Backstabbers" and...

[SPOILER="Backstabbers" :p]Eric and Ryan get a scene together! Just one, but still, it was great! They didn't even talk to each other, but they were standing pretty close together. Unfortunately Horatio was there, so they couldn't do more. Oh, and Ryan was wearing his pretty purple shirt (the one from "Skeletons") again. :devil:


Don't know if the spoiler code was necessary, but it's there just in case.
OH my goD!
I does looks like Eric is touching Ryan's bum :D
Getting in a grope during work ey, eric? I'm sure Ryan wouldn't mind :devil:

Dang! someone should make a wallpaper from that one xD
Little gift

They are not nearly close enough. :D
Eric has to take Ryan home and cheer him up after that case. That and he has to reinforce his claim on Ryan.

Usually I don't seriously think into things, but that Doyle guy is honestly queer. I could imagine him with a lisp when he said, "Could you make it brighter... I want it to really pop out on film."

Then of course Ryan was just trying to please him when he screwed up. :rolleyes:

And did you hear what he said when Ryan asked him why he wasn't on nights like he thought? I think he said something about the night shift people not looking as good. Ryan is the one he's filming - he was flirting, and Ryan was oblivious.

Eric needs to do something about it. ;)
That's as close as they can get without H questioning them, lol. If H wasn't there, they could get as close as they really wanted. *cough* Eric definately needs to reinforce his claim over Ryan. :devil: Maybe they had a fight or something and that's why Ryan was trying so hard to please The Asshole (I've decided to rename Doyle).

ROFL! I could so imagine The Asshole with that lisp... Then he'd comment on Ryan's shirt "OMG that shirt juth lookth awthome on you!"

Ryan: Doyle what are you doing here? I thought you went to nights!
The Asshole: Film's not as pretty. Besides you guys get all the hot cases.

Yeah, I'm sure day shift gets all the hot "cases." More like all the hot guys. *cough* You know that's what he was thinking.

And, oh man, that camera looks like it's fixed on Ryan's ass. (I'm re-watching the episode right now)

Love the picture, BTW athlov. I agree that they aren't close enough, and aside from that, my only comment is that Ryan's hair is doing something funky. Looks like he just got out of bed...Or out of a supply closet with a certain Cuban.:devil:
I need more hardy boys'screentime.
They sometimes like friends but sometimes are against each toher.That's more interesting than Eric and Speed's "best friends" relationship and has more portential to develop their "love". :lol:
athlov said:
I could imagine him with a lisp when he said, "Could you make it brighter... I want it to really pop out on film."

And did you hear what he said when Ryan asked him why he wasn't on nights like he thought? I think he said something about the night shift people not looking as good. Ryan is the one he's filming - he was flirting, and Ryan was oblivious.

Did he really say that? It was the blood stain he was talking about, right? Or is my mind irretrievably filthy? :devil:

And Ryan is such a sweetie when he's oblivious. How Eric can resist him, I don't know. But then, maybe he doesn't. Maybe he is about to take Ryan home and deal with that obliviousness. (Is that a word? I don't know).

ebonymist , I'm horribly tempted by the idea of that pic as a wallpaper. I have ideas running round my overworked mind right now! I don't know if I'll be able to actually do anything for a while though. :(
Aww, that's okay Ali, take your time. :D

Yes, Doyle (*ahem*The Asshole) really did say that, and yes it was about the blood stain... Or maybe that's what he wanted us to think. But, maybe we do - most of us, anyway - have filthy minds, lol.

See, to me, it looks more like the camera is pointed at Ryan than the car... But that could just be me.

Eric? Resist Ryan's adorable obliviousness? Yeah.. right. He probably took Ryan home and told him exactly what Doyle was thinking, and Ryan didn't believe him, because that's just the way Ryan is. So Eric dropped it (for now) and decided to show Ryan just how close he had wanted to be to him back in the lab but couldn't because Horatio was there...

*minding the PG-13 radar*...

*ahem* My over-worked plot bunnies are biting again... a post-ep for Backstabbers... I must be going.
More fic! Yay!

It does look like the camera is pointed more at Ryan than the car. But he's so much more gorgeous than the car, so it's only reasonable. Did Doyle really say that the night shift don't look as good? It sounds like he's flirting. Eric should get a move on and stake his claim.
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