Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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Nick walks in, and Eric goes to see what he wants. They exchange some pretty harsh words, and Nick throws a punch. They start to fight, and Ryan runs out, pulling Eric away from Nick. He keeps one hand on Eric the whole time, repeating his name over and over, telling him to calm down. Nick and Eric have another small exchange, Eric tells Nick "if you want to continue this, you know where to find me", and Ryan tells Nick to get lost. Nick walks away, and the scene ends.

That's pretty much it. The scene cut right after that, so I don't know if they talked about it after that or not. Ryan didn't really have time to be too jealous then(or at least to show it). *shrug* Really need some screencaps! Don't know if the spoiler code was necessary or not.
Thank you, thank you! That's exactly what we need! (Note to TPTB - more touching in next episode please). And I really like your captions to go with the pics. "Eric's too busy fighting..." :rolleyes: If he would just look round and see what's waiting for him, he would forget about the fight at once. :D

Welcome, CSI Watcher 8 ! Nice to have you here. Please do come back again. We didn't get started on this episode straightaway, because a few of us are European and we have to wait for screencaps to be able to squeee over the touching.

SQUEEEEE! :p :p :p
I can't wait to see that episode! I just can't wait.... dang! why can't I see that episode? Why are they still running dumbass reruns ? why! why?

anyway, is backstabbers a good episode for the hardyboys? Appearantly you can watch it on the cbs site and I want to know, because if it is I'll definitely watch it, if it's not then I probably won't bother :p
Wow athlov way to get on top of those screencaps! AliGtr, thanks for the welcome. I'm just glad you guys finally got to see what I saw. And wow that was alot of touching, didn't realize it until I saw the screencaps. ;)
SwiftTales said:
anyway, is backstabbers a good episode for the hardyboys? Appearantly you can watch it on the cbs site and I want to know, because if it is I'll definitely watch it, if it's not then I probably won't bother :p

There's only one scene with them together, and they don't even talk to each other - Ryan's talking to Horatio. I'd say no, not a good Hardy Boys ep. 'Course the cases weren't even good. And to make matters even worse, Doyle, a dumbass documentary guy was there filming, and Ryan screwed up. :rolleyes:
I got as far as uploaded like... 6 out of 30 Delko and Wolfe pictures on photobucket. I still want to take more ): I want you all to see mine too.

You don't know how much I love that scene with Eric and Nick fighting.
#1 Eric was kicking ass. Hard ass. A stupid ass.
#2 Ryan wrapped his arms around Eric as an excuse to hold him in public.
I haven't seen this yet, CSI Watcher. I just drool over the pics and descriptions offered by Hardy Boys fans luckier than me. I probably won't get the chance to actually see it until next autumn. :( *sulks*

ransom, I so agree with #2. Who could resist an excuse like that. Please let us see your pics when you have them. I'm living through other people's viewing here!
^ me too.
I have to wait a few months longer than the UK people.

I have another question about the episode:
Did he call Eric 'Delko' or 'Eric'?
I know, not important, but somehow it's important and interesting.
Thanks for the caps athlov! :)
wow, they were really close.
Ryan held him very tight.
I'm sure he didn't want to let him go after the fight.
It's nice that Ryan was there for Eric and prevent him for doing something stupid. :D
He called him Eric - many, many times! lol Even when he was telling Alexx that Eric and Nick got into a fight, he said 'Eric'.
_ransom said:
I got as far as uploaded like... 6 out of 30 Delko and Wolfe pictures on photobucket. I still want to take more ): I want you all to see mine too.

You don't know how much I love that scene with Eric and Nick fighting.
#1 Eric was kicking ass. Hard ass. A stupid ass.
#2 Ryan wrapped his arms around Eric as an excuse to hold him in public.

Actually,I really wanna see Ryan kicks Eric's ass and then makes up on bed.......... :devil:
But I don't think Ryan will win when they are fighting.Eric is stronger than him. :p
Maybe Ryan can bite Eric on his neck....Wow~~~~ :devil:
Oooo! *dreams*

He called him "Eric"? Oh, that's good! More personal. More caring. I think he calls Eric "Delko" when he's trying to push him away.

Happy birthday, inge! There's a present for you over on the Ryan thread.
Maybe Ryan can bite Eric on his neck....Wow~~~~ :devil:

You... oh my god. I freaking love Eric/Adam's neck and it would be nice if Ryan would take a nibble here and there.

Eric would go light on Ryan if they were "fighting" a little play here and there doesn't hurt. I see this:

While playfully wrestling on the bed, Eric tickled Ryan's tender side trying desperatly not to say "coochy-coo" while doing so.
As such, Ryan let out a little squeak and giggle. He then interupted himself by clearing his throat annoyingly fallowed by "Hm. I wonder who did that" with a cocked eyebrow then looking off to the side with a little blush. Eric cocked his head back a bit with a little laugh twas the night that Eric Delko discovered Ryan Wolfe was ticklish.

I can see Ryan having some embarassing trait to himself. For instance a sharp little high pitched squeak and giggle. He tries to make up for it by saying "It wasn't me" in his low-toned-breath-filled voice.
I just love the idea of Ryan giggling. And of Eric making him giggle. They're way too serious. I got a calendar for Christmas and one of the sayings on it was "Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly". I would love to see them be silly like that. Love your scenario, ransom!
*thud* That is so cute! The idea of Ryan giggling is so adorable, and Eric tickling him... just awwwwwwww. They need to be silly every now at then. Maybe not at work because, you know, then their co-workers might give them strange looks (maybe not Calleigh, Alexx, or Horatio, but the others probably would), but at home when it's just the two of them. They deserve a little silliness! :D
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