Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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Screencaps! Thank you nozomin ! It really looks like Ryan's about to tear Eric's shirt off in the second one. *crosses fingers and hopes* So when is the episode airing? We have to know more about this. :p

(And don't worry about the state of your English, nozomin. Just join in the Hardy Boys goodness. Always good to have more fans here. :D )

ransom , yes please to screencaps! I think they both get a lot of crap thrown at them. Not fair! :( They need a break. But then, it means that they have to support and comfort each other. :devil: (And it means that I can really let rip on the fanfic angst. *rubs hands, cackling madly*)
I freaking love Eric to death (I love Adam!!). Poor man always gets shit thrown in his face no matter what he does.

I should post some screencaptions of Eric and Ryan I took up here. Hmmmm.

You love Adam? No kidding! lol. Eric does get a lot of crap, and it's all been thrown at him this last season and a half. Yes, definately to screen caps - you can never have too many.

I watched the promo about ten times (and I might go back and watch it again later. That episode airs on Monday night in the US. I have to wait two more days... (but I shouldn't complain because I know some of you have to wait even longer, like a year).

And, I agree, Ali, the crap the boys get makes good fanfiction, lol. ;)
Yay! Awesome touching. :eek: :D Can't wait.

I was just coming in to drop these off.

More touching, and checking out of butts. :p

*faints* Those two are *so* obvious. I'm amazed their coworkers haven't brought up their obvious relationship yet. Calleigh or Alexx (or even Valera) would probably be first to mention it.

I just think it's funny becuase I *highly* doubt "check out Adam's butt" was in the script (but you never know with those writers, lol), and Jon is definately looking at Adam there. Although, Jon has said he thinks Adam's gorgeous (and I can't say I disagree), so I doubt he can resist, lol. :p

athlov I believe I've said this before, but I'll say it again just in case - you're my hero! :D
Yes, Of course they look good together. :D

ebonymist , AliGtr , You're welcome.
Thank you, I'll try to join discussion as often as possible. :p

I think the "touch" is more like a hug.
For stoping an angry man, it's so tender and full of love. :lol:

It's ok if I post here?
This is an Eric/Ryan wallpaper made by me.
web page
Some screencaps are from athlov 's homepage. :)
That's awesome!! I love it! Mind if I take and keep it and drool over it? lol. nozomin, you are awesome. :lol:

Yes, please do feel free to join the discussion any time. We'll take as many as we can get! :p

Only one more day! Woohoo! Don't worry, I talk about what happened once I watch it, so all of you who don't get to see it yet can at least here about it. Sucks that you guys can't get it at the same time as us. :(
nozomin your caps are fantastic :D
I love their delicate relationship.
Whether it will be worse or better,that's so interesting to watch. ;)

PS. i love Ryan in white :D
I love the erratic state of their relationship. They're so obviously into each other! If they didn't care, they wouldn't be at each other's throats, or smiling at each other, and Eric certainly wouldn't have wanted to stay with Ryan at the hospital.

I like that white jacket of Ryan's. And the light-coloured jackets he wore in S4. He contrasts well wth Eric. They have different looks, but that just mirrors their relationship.

nozomin, that's a pretty wp. *saves it to hard drive* Have you thought of entering the wp challenge on the Fanart thread?
AliGtr I totally agree with you :D
I love how they're always fighting and biting at each other and yet there are those really soft moments ^^
it's like they fight when they get bored and there is nothing else to do and making up is always good :devil:
Cassie, I never told you before? Hm.

I'll just have to do the whole cropping and uploaded phase for posting up some captions on this here forum *cough*. I procrastinate, sorry guys lol
No, I mean, how could I have known? Not likes it's all over your LJ or anything... lol

Anyway, back on topic here. Fight when they get bored? lol, I could definately see them doing that. Of course, they only do it because they think the other looks sexy when they're angry, and because the makeing-up is always nice. :devil:

nozomin, you should consider joining the WP challenge! Come on, I've made a total of 3 WPs in my life, and I joined!

And yes, Ali, I too love their erratic relationship. It's such a nice change from everyone getting along 99% of the time. Eric and Ryan do/say a bunch of little things that may not mean much by themselves, but when you look at all of them together it's one of those "How can you not see it?!" things. Examples?

"Nailed" - most of the E/R scenes in that episode, specifically the rush to the hospital, Eric's "I want to go with him!" line, and when Eric picked him up

"Silencer" - "Office relationships usually end badly", Ryan's hurt look when he saw Eric with Natalia

"Deviant" - the whole conversation when they're searching for those posters

"Dead Air" - Eric's hurt look when Ryan was asking permission to ask Natalia out; the end scene with Eric at his locker watching Ryan and Natalia walk away

"Open Water" - Their conversation about Marisol and the Feds, esp. since Ryan was able to calm Eric down that quickly.

"Curse of the Coffin" - "It's what happy couples do" (Eric to Ryan in reference to the victim and her ex-husband already having picked out burial plots)

There are others, but those are the ones that immediately pop out at me.

ETA: just finished watching the new ep...

OMG! Wow, the touch lasted a lot longer than it showed in the promo! :eek: I was desparately trying not to squee. I think Ryan pretty much had one hand on Eric the whole time after he broke them up, and if not, he was still standing really close the whole time. Oh, and that white jacket wasn't actually a jacket, just an over-shirt, so he and Eric were both wearing white button-downs, Ryan just had a blue shirt underneath his. Unfortunately Eric mysterious disappeared about 3/4 of the way through the episode...
Sorry I have never posted in this thread but once I saw the fight last night. I couldn't help but stop by to see what this thread was going to say about it. As soon as I say the fight I was like I wonder what all the ER shippers were talking about but I guess I'm a little early. That's ok I will just have to stop on by later.
Where is everybody?? Helloooooo, anybody there? It's very, very quiet. *tiptoes around looking for fellow slashers*

Hm, maybe some pictures will get everybody talking again. *runs off to find pictures*
Welcome to the thread nozomin !
and many thanks for the caps. :)

The problem is that a lot of people here are from Europe and can't watch the episodes.
I want to know everything about the scene.
can't wait for screencaps.
Was Ryan jealous?
Eric fought with Nick because of Natalia. I want to know about Ryan's reaction.
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