Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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Happy New Year!

Dead Air was a fantastic episode! So much Eric/Ryan! The jealousy is palpable! I really like that Ryan asked Eric for his permission. Maybe he was just testing to see what he'd say?
"No, you can't go out with her!"
"Because I want you to go out with me!"
Do you think I could get a job writing scripts for CSI:M? :lol:

Anyway, I bring a pic. A HappyNewYearpic. From COTC. I just love the way Ryan's smiling at Eric here. *dies* :p

You like the pic - lol, you should definately see the scene! It was hilarious! The whole episode though, was like reading an Eric/Ryan crack!fic. :lol: Great HappyNewYearpic, Ali!

Look at Eric's shirt, though. It's white with a strange purple design on it, and Ryan's wearing what I think is the same purple tee from Driven. Then, a few episodes after COTC, in Come as You Are, Eric's wearing a white and blue version of the same shirt he's wearing in COTC, and Ryan's wearing a blue sweater. The people who choose what they wear (I'm sure they have technical name, but I'm too tired to think of what it is right now, lol) are just trying to give us slashers more to work with. :p That and the script writers who've given them at least one scene together in every episode this season so far. They should just make Eric/Ryan canon and get it over with. ;)
AliGtr said:
Do you think I could get a job writing scripts for CSI:M?

I would hire you. :lol:
Thanks for the pic.

'COTC' was a funny episode. The dialouge at the graveyard was great. I wrote the quote in the Ryan thread not so long ago, but I can't resist.
Ryan laughing at Eric was soo cute.
Not a word Wolfe
-Take it easy Delko
Not a word

I wish they would stop calling each other by their family name. :rolleyes: In this scene is suits, but I would prefer if they would call each other by their first name.
In 'Nailed' Eric also called him Wolfe during their ride to the hospital. :rolleyes:

I also want to watch 'Dead Air'. but I have to wait so long for it. :(
Hey everybody :D I made a section on my site for Ryan and Eric. ;)

I just went through my other pages and picked out the ones that they are both in. :)

Have a look.

I was a little disappointed that there is way more Calleigh/Ryan than Eric/Ryan. :( but oh well.

ETA: I just tried to update my page, and angelfire is completely down for some reason. I hope it's just routine maintenance and it will be back.

So if you can't get the page up now, just try back later. ;)
wow, thanks for the caps athlov. :)
you're right there are never enough Eric/Ryan scenes.
It would be nice to see them working on a case alone. without Calleigh, Horatio or Natalia. They can work on another case. :p

as I wrote in the Ryan thread, Eric and Nick will fight in the lab and Ryan tries to separate them. In the preview he touched Eric!!! he touched him! well, not the way we maybe dreamed about, but I take what I get.

:D :lol:
*tries to hold in fangirl squee* ... *fails miserably* SQUEEEEEEEE! Are you serious??? I didn't get to see it, darn it!

athlov, I completely agree, they do need more scenes... *sigh* Ali, you should definately try and get a job as one of the writers, lol, then they *can* be canon and they *would* get more scenes. :D ;)

inge, the graveyard scene in COTC was one of the ones I watched over and over and over until my mom deleted the epi. :rolleyes: Just because I'd seen it like a thousand times, and I could practically recite it... lol. I agree though that they need to start calling each other by their first names. I realize that Horatio calls Ryan 'Mr. Wolfe' and he's been trying to turn Eric into a mini version of himself, but Eric does have the ability to think for himself on occasion. Lucky for us, though, Ryan slipped at the beginning of COTC and called him 'Eric,' and Eric called him 'Ryan' right after that... So that's a *small* step in the right direction. But really, they've known each other for two years now! They need to get past the family names! :rolleyes:

ETA: Just found and watched next week's promo...

When you said Ryan touched him, I thought it was going to be a just a touch, but WOW! I was pleasently surprised!! :eek: OH - Ryan called Eric by his first name, too, lol. Thought that was funny you'd just mentioned that inge.
Isn't it funny how everyone said "relationships with co-workers can help you lose your job" but secretly these two get together as much as they can when work isn't keeping them busy.

I love the tension between them. Wolfe with his child-like teasing and Delko with his adult mannerly silence. It gets them ready for what's about to come that same night.
It's so obviously happening! I think that sometimes they call each other by their surnames because they want to hide what's going on. Sneaky!

I watched that promo! I wanted to see more! Why did it move so blooming fast? The camera could have lingered a little. Just for us.
Hey Guys!
wow, it's been ages since I've stopped by, but I've been very busy :p

I can't wait for new episodes over here! I'm missing all the new Hardy Boys action and I could use some inspiration since I'm pretty dry for fanfiction at the moment
Does anyone know where I could see the promo for Internal Affairs? :devil: I want to watch the touch!
It's on the main CBS CSI:Miami site. I think it's delivered through InnerTube. Definitely worth a look! Blink and you'll miss the touch, though.
Yeah, it's only there for like half a second. I kept trying to pause it at just the right moment, but it was moving WAY too fast, lol. I kept getting Nick instead. Stupid Nick. I think I've watched the promo about ten times in all, now...

*bouncing around* Can't wait until Monday! Sorry to everyone that doesn't get it yet. :(

Ali, I LOVE the new icon!

Oh hey, I noticed that Eric and Ryan are matching AGAIN in Internal Affairs. Eric's wearing a white shirt, Ryan's wearing a white jacket. And another scene together.... Hmmmm... the writers and costume coordinators are working together very nicely for us slashers. :devil:
Oh WOW! Thanks so much nozomin!! Those are great!!

I'm excited about the episode, too! Monday is three more days away, unfortunately. Why can't Monday be every day? lol. :D
Hahaha seriously don't blink when you watch that!!
I freaking love Eric to death (I love Adam!!). Poor man always gets shit thrown in his face no matter what he does.

I should post some screencaptions of Eric and Ryan I took up here. Hmmmm.
Oh yes!
I saw it and I saw it again and I saw it again! :D
It was great, it was short, but it was definitely a goooooood touch.... the touch will probably last a big longer in the episode.... hopefully .... that would be nice wouldn't it?

And nozomin, you're screencaps were fantastic ^^ I loved them, the boys look so good together, don't you think? :p
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