Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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Nah, he actually said that the "film's not as pretty" and that "day shift gets all the hot cases." But you know, he did use the words 'hot' and 'pretty' and he was giving Ryan these looks all throughout the episode, so you know we're all thinking that he wasn't just talking about the film and cases - if at all.

Ryan, though, was pretty much ignoring the looks and stuff, so I don't think Eric has anything to worry about. But he'd probably like to stake his claim anyway. :D ;)
Thanks for the info about the episode. :)
sounds interesting.
hm, it's so quiet here. no new episodes in the UK?
There are no new episodes in Austria at the moment. :(

Eric's reaction to Ryan's mistake would have been interesting. Eric isn't happy about the whole Doyle thing. I hope that they don't start fighting again. :rolleyes:

ahhhh! eric gets shot. I want to see a lot of scenes where Ryan is angry and concerned about Eric and a hospital scene between them. I don't like the idea of Eric maybe dying, but maybe the storyline will be very interesting.

I made some screen caps from Under Suspicion. It looks like Ryan is trying to resist the temptation to look. :p

I really wish Ryan had some of those pants.

Hehe, It's like Eric is checking out Ryan this time, and Ryan's like, "Are you checking me out again?" :p
I'm kind of hoping that Ryan may be there when he gets shot, if he really does get shot, but I have a feeling it will be H with him. They said that Calleigh and Ryan come to the hospital together so it's got to be H or Boa eh. I'm hoping they have some scene's of Ryan at least visiting Delko in the hospital, seeing that Delko came to the hospital for Ryan when he got the nail in his eye. That was one of my fav moments of nailed, beside the dumpster dive, the plate comment and him getting the nail pulled out with Alexx there. OH them in the Hummer going to the hospital..OK ALL of Nailed was awesome.

I really hope Delko don't get pissed at Ryan again about the camera man mistake, I want them to be nice to each other and supportive.
Twiztid4Togo said:
I really hope Delko don't get pissed at Ryan again about the camera man mistake, I want them to be nice to each other and supportive.

I agree. Ryan and Eric have finally gotten past their uneasy beginning, mostly, and they've become friends, so I really hope Eric doesn't get on his case about it.

From what I've read, Horatio will be there, and it'll show a flashback of when Speed died, then later, Calleigh and Ryan rush into the hospital to give blood, but the nurse lady that they're talking to says that it won't be necessary. Automatically, they assume he's died, but she says that she doesn't know, but she does know that giving blood won't help. It worries me, because I honestly don't think they'll kill him, but I don't want Eric to get hurt, and I'm sure Ryan won't either. :(
Waouh! Rough love between them! I really missed their interaction, since i'm a angst whore, i really love when those two didn't agree and almost fight :D I know i'm crazy :D

It's been a long time since i posted here and i'm glad to see that thread is still alive :D
Ooooo! What a spoiler! Could be a gift to the fanfic writer. Like that one we all like from S4. (Sorry I'm being cryptic. I can't be bothered to use the spoiler code).

I haven't been round here for a while. I've neglected this thread disgracefully. :eek: I can only plead pressure of work - it's been totally mad!

Athlov , thank you so much for the pics! And I love your captions! "The day ended..." :lol: ROFL!

It's only now I realise that I haven't got anything to say, :confused: I'm just confirming that I'm still here, still a Hardy Boy fanatic, still writing, etc, etc, etc. Is that too chatty? Like your banner, ebonymist . And of course I like your icon. ;)

There's a Christmas fic about to be posted on my lj as a Christmas present. Enjoy! And Merry Christmas! :D
AliGtr said:
It's only now I realise that I haven't got anything to say, :confused: I'm just confirming that I'm still here, still a Hardy Boy fanatic, still writing, etc, etc, etc. Is that too chatty? Like your banner, ebonymist . And of course I like your icon. ;)

LOL! Thanks, glad you like the banner (just cropped a picture because I was extremely bored one day, lol). And, of course, it's thanks to you I even *have* the icon, so it's a good thing you like it. :lol:

Don't worry, Ali, we all leave comments like that... like this one, for instance. I really have no idea where I was going with it. :p I do know, however, that tomorrow on A&E, for anyone that gets that channel (here in the US, sorry everyone else... :( ), "The episode from S4 that we all like," Urban Hellraisers, and Under Suspicion are coming on. Three really good episodes, IMO, especially Urban Hellraisers and Nailed. ;)

All those epis have good Hardy Boys scenes in them. Is it a Hardy Boys season? Nailed is sooo good, but I really liked Urban Hellraisers. The release of tension after all the awful sniping between Eric and Ryan was such a relief. The game-playing scene was fab! Loved it!
I agree, the game boy comment in 'urban hellraisers' is cute.
Nailed is the best Hardy Boys episode for me. The figth and then the cute scene at the end. :D
'Silencer' is also good. Ryan was so hurt and Eric was sad that he hurt Ryan. and both of them did nothing to solve the 'problem'. :rolleyes:
Not that we know of. I have a theory which might just develop into a fic, that they sorted out that problem later in the day. How long can they hold out?
Oooh a new fic idea? Awesome! Just finish the other one first, lol. You can't leave us hanging on that one! ;)

So I finally saw Dead Air... And I've decided I hate Boa Vista even more than I did before - and that's saying something, because I've always hated her.

On the Ryan/Eric side of it... I hate that Ryan asked Natalia out in the first place, but it was sooooo cute to see him asking Eric for permission. He was so nervous, you could tell by the way he was talking. It was cute. Anyway, what I was getting at was this: remember that look Ryan had when he walked in on Boa and Eric in the evidence locker in Silencer? The one that made him look like his heart has been ripped out and stomped on? In Dead Air, when Ryan walked off after asking for Eric's permission, Eric had that *exact* look. And it was even worse after Ryan asked to borrow money, then ran off with Boa. Those two just can't seem to get it right! Geez... they're not jealous of each other because they want her, they're jealous of her because they want each other! Men.... :rolleyes:
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