Yes. Monica made it clear in that epi that Natalia didn't give up any info on the team!!
I think Eric knew this eventually & was able to forgive her but still the thought could have crossed his mind that he was just a stepping stone for her.
"going under" proved to me that she still liked him & that regardless of her job as the mole, she was "with him" because she
wanted to be, not because she had to be.
But who knows how Eric really took it, I still think it bruised his ego some.
Does Eric
still feel like she used him? Who knows, but look at how everything went down....
She thought she was pregnant & slowed down the relationship. Eric didn't! He was the one who opened his arms & was ready to continue when she offered him a hand shake instead saying "we moved too fast".
Then in Collision things looked bright for them again. However, that was the epi where she lied to him & said she wasn't the mole.
Then Dead Air, well that was all too obvious to viewers that neither wanted it to end. But the thing is...what did
or does Eric think went on between Ryan & Natalia?!?! It was never really cleared up.
Then onto the mole revelation....
Back to 'Going Under' where she was all flirty with him in the garage. It could have crossed his mind there that she wasn't using him & really wanted to be with him.
But then Nick returns & she pulls away from Eric
once again.
So.. if you were Eric...what would you think?
I think TPTB loves to torture us with this:brickwall:
They BOTH just need to start over, the mole is buried & did no harm, she never slept with Ryan nor did she ever look interested in him to begin with, Eric didn't purposely "pimp" her out to him either & Nick is dead & gone SO GET 'EM BACK TOGETHER!!!!