Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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*reads MJ's post* About time! We definitely need more EDeN fics... hmm, maybe I should fictionalize my lip scenario... *goes off to read fic*
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I have one for the title of the new EDeN thread!!! It's a title of a song that I heard on the radio. Don't know the band. I hope this isn't some sort of copyright issue.

Tell me what y'all think.

Eric and Natalia: It's All About Chemistry!
I like it... it pretty much sums up EDeN.

*side note* About my EDeN drawing, I finished the background and I'm gonna do Eric and Natalia next. Wish me luck!
Right on, Karu!!! Can't wait!
I like that one, too, we shall add it to the list in the "Garden":p
Im off to post Chapter 2 of Resurfacing the past!;)
Im off to post Chapter 2 of Resurfacing the past!;)

Cool! Can't wait to read it. Oh, by the way, I'm saving my EDeN drawing for the opening of the new thread. Hope you guys don't mind...
Fine! I'll just sit here and pout. Maybe even hold my breath.
Oh, by the way, I'm saving my EDeN drawing for the opening of the new thread.

A threadwarming gift, how nice:D I don't mind at all, we have what 3 more posts to make.
speaking of which...shall we start voting in the Garden for the new title?

Oh, and chapter 2 is now up!!
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And we're off! See ya in the next thread guys... that is, if we ever name it!

P.S. I got to have the last word! *happy dance*
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