Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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CATH, "I will follow you..follow you wherever you may goooo" :Dhi honey!

I love the thought of whack-a-Eric...that is hilarious!
You can bet I'd be right there beside you.

Here's a few cutesy scenes on my wish list for EDeN...
Natalia trips & falls into Eric's arms; they wind up face to face! AHH, the looks.

Anything that would make Eric have to carry Natalia....across a stream, maybe she twists an ankle...anything!

Eric tackles Natalia to the ground to save her from gunfire.

Natalia in need of CPR; Eric has to save her. ;)

FLIRTY EDeN....we need it! :D
They'll work on rekindling the "love" soon after, but we need some good EDeN eye sex & touchy feely NOW!!!

**goes off to write a letter to TPTB**
Anything that would make Eric have to carry Natalia....across a stream, maybe she twists an ankle...anything!

I totally second this. body contact is always good :) and it would be cute if they acted a little awkward around each other soon after. I like the twisted ankle idea cause that would mean body contact + concern. and if the medic said something like Dont worry, your girlfriend is going to be OK I would squee like mad :)

they are like eye-sex champions, we definitely need more of it from them
^^^^Oh GOD, they rule when it comes to eye sex... in any of the 3 shows...any of the pairings!! My opinion. ;)

Ooh, I like the "girlfriend" idea, CAROLINA....awww cute! :D

I can just imagine him w/ his big muscles; carrying her off & her w/ her arms wrapped around his neck!!!!
:D :D :D

they are so awesome.....the best move AnnDonahue & Co. could of ever made!!!

Im toasting to them, the writers, because it is THEY who write the stories, NOT the actors ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
***CHEERS, Midori Cocktails allllll around***
:p :p
mjs is so fluffy. I swear. lol. Don't throw water! I can be fluffy.. *smirks*

you know I want one of those 'saving her' things to turn out. Put Eric on the hero seat with her and fall hopeless in love! -- See told ya I can be fluffy :D

You following me mjs? :p Lets get our whack-a-eric bats ready :D
HEY fluff is GOOOOD baby!! Especially EDeN Fluff :lol:

Ok, so im bringing this over here because I, well, because I can & want to, so tell me what ya think....

Ok, so the EDeN shipper in me has my mind wandering around all this....In "you may now kill the bride" Stetler begins showing his naughty side again by putting up a tally board; We ALL know what he thinks is going on between Eric & Natalia (Deep Freeze). So, im hoping Stetler does indeed start to dig up the ol' past!!! I'd love for him to have started pondering this idea of them together & set out to find proof. He starts digging & comes up w/ all that good stuff from S4 & part S5!!! This could be a good thing really. If Stetler throws this all out on the table for them it could send them both down memory lane, thats always a plus!! Suppose there is surveillance that the team is unaware of & Stetler goes back to find all the "in the lab" action...he throws all of this in their face ; the flirting, the Ryan situation, the pregnancy scare, beating up ex-husbands in the lobby, ex-girlfriends smashing out your window,!! I would give anything to have all that come up again, just to see the looks on their face. & pictures, or tapes of them "caught" would be nice too, so that Eric & Natalia can sit back & remember!!
haha, your my evil partner in crime. lol

I would LOVE for all of that to happen. totally. They need to go back down memory lane and see how they were together and hopefully spark it back up... but if Stelnose is up to no good, hopefully it wouldn't wreck our dreams, but I definately agree on him snooping :D
I don't like what I recently read. All I know is, I don't want Eric using Natalia to make another jealous. I would want Natalia to move on because she deserves better than this crap going on with Eric.
Hmmmm, have no fear KIANE!!!

For one thing I don't think Eric would ever do that to her.
As far as "the crap going on w/ Eric".
I agree to a certain degree, but here's the thing....
look at how everything in thier past unfolded; Eric has been the one left "hanging", not Natalia.
In Dead Air they both had alot of miscommunication that lead up to thier break-up, which was never resolved, then to add to it, he found out she was the mole. I think in Eric's mind, there was still a bit of the question lingering there.."did she just use me for information"? None of that was ever resolved either. Then when things started looking bright again, Nick shows back up & again, Natalia takes a step back. Makes you think...what has all that made Eric believe? Most likely, by the looks of 'Throwing Heat' episode, there was alot of anger built up in Eric over all this, how could she go back to her husband? ya know, bla bla bla!!

In Eric's eyes, Natalia was over him & he was just a stepping stone for her. In Natalis's eyes, Eric is a playboy who sent her off to another guy (Ryan).
Thier whole relationship has been a huge amount of confusion. Only the viewers are aware of what really happened. That's something they need to clear up.

I think Eric doesn't see Natalia as an option for him anymore, not because he doesn't want her to be, but because of how everything went down. They were both mislead.

I think what they need is for Natalia to get one more dose of the 'deep freez' incident. That little scene showed two very important things in Eric & Natalia...1. Eric still has the care & concern for her & 2. Natalia trusted him, not only to keep her secret but also to put her shoulder back into place (most likely the same arm that her ex had broken).

That's a good start, but I think she needs to see that again w/ him (enter the "hero" scenario) then she can return the favor (enter the lawsuit chick situation) & show him that she really does care about him & wasn't using him.
Then if Eric realized that she is an option for him, it might change things.

I still don't believe the writers were aiming for an ending w/ EDeN....they've left the doors wide open for them. Its just going to take time & when the time is right, they can start over again.

If you look back at how everything has gone & has been played oout between them you can see that if the writers wanted EDeN to be done & over with, they could of easily played them as having serious resentment between them. They've written the complete opposite. Ya have to ask yourself, why would the writers play off them like that if it were really over. They don't worry about bad blood between co workers...look at Eric & Ryan. If TPTB really wanted to make them look like a one season thing, I personally think they would have played off them differently.

There may be a few more road bumps in it for them, but eventually they'll get it back!!!

:D :D :D My opinion, anyway. ;)
mjszud, did you read the new CSI Miami news?
If you did, you'll see why I said this. I won't fool myself over a reconnection of Natalia and Eric, when Eric's heart is intended somewhere else.
Yeah, I've read the new spoiler & the interviews if that's what your referring to. I'll admit, at first I was unsettled by it all, but Ive kept a few things in mind.
The actors don't know what is going to happen w/ their character until they get the script in their hand, they are left in the dark just as much as we are.
The spoiler, I don't know about. It could evolve into all sorts of scenarios. I'll judge my opinion more on that when I actually see it. We don't know how that will turn out later.
You don't have to share the same opinion as I do, maybe you read something more than I did, I don't know, but it's just how I view things. You can call it fooling myself, but again, this is what I see when I watch the show & it's my take on things.

There's still alot to be played out w/ Eric, who knows in which direction it will go, there is still the lab rule that is hanging around also that could blow EVERYONE'S theory out of the water.

It's a wait & see kinda situation.

You can always PM me if there is something in the "news" that I may have missed & we can chat about it some more. :)
I have a question for Kiane. What reason does Eric have for making Natalia jealous? I am assuming you have read the script snippet that was put out on the web for "You May Now Kill the Bride" and that you have read the Emily Proctor interview on the homepage/newspage. Have you read something we haven't? I really didn't get worked up about EP's interview, a couple of things were not consistent with what we see on the episodes. The script was kind of disjointed and out of sequence so it was kind of hard to judge exactly what was going on.
I have kind of been in the school of thought that it may be some time before we see EDeN again. I am willing to bet we won't see anything definite about a reunion with what's left of this season. Likely we may have to tolerate Eric and Natalia dating other people in the interim. For all EDeN shippers I advise patience. One thing I don't see is Eric hitching up with someone else just to make Natalia jealous.

If you want PM me. A few of us on this thread have an an ongoing conversation regarding our favorite pair.
I don't think Eric would ever do that & I don't believe that was the whole point to EDeN's relationship either because they never played it that way.
I feel confident in knowing that the writers will do as Corey Miller said...what is best for the show. I don't see them putting anything out there that would jeapordize the team or anyone's friend/work relationship. It's the strong point of the show having them as a whole team!!! Im just saying theres alot at risk if they start to bed hop these cast members & put them all in meaningless relationships w/ each other for the sake of 15% of the fanbase.

All I know is EDeN is what really brought "life" to the show, for me. They put more personal situations into their story & that's what I enjoyed watching. If I wanted to watch 4 people go from one bed to another & then pretend that it's not going to affect the other party, I would watch daytime soaps!!! That's not why I watch a crime drama show!!!
A little bit of steam is pefectly fine, a few cutesy friendly flirty scenes are fine too, but this show is not freaking Hart to Hart!!!

Sorry to sound like Im ranting here but Eric & Natalia have been the only main cast members to ever been put on an intimate level w/ one another or put into real life relationship situations.
To me the doors are still open for them & anything at anytime can happen ;) ;)
Until the writers show me that there is resentment & no care between them, then Yes, the door will always be left open for EDeN, in my opinion :)

**Cheers to the best...EDeN**
Yes I'm strictly takling about the interview and nothing else. About the jealous part, I did not say Eric make Natalia jealous. I meant Eric making another woman, as in other woman jealous by hanging around Natalia. If Eric is seriously intended for romance with another, then in best interest keep her away from Eric.
That's kinda the problem if ya ask me. Natalia isn't going away, she is an existing main character, which makes alot of the storylines right now unappealing.
If this were the true intentions of the writers they should of just had Natalia be a character who left after their story was over, not keep her around.
I think Nat is going to stay w/ us for a while ;)

Ok, so DOUBLEHELIX, what do ya think about the spoiler above about Stetler, lets start some lovely EDeN conversation!!!

By the way, I rewatched the scene from Chain Reaction, it's posted on YouTube. I played it over & over again, & I actually did see it differently this time. Natalia didn't seem mad at all, just a little distracted. The puzzling question is why was our dear Eric so close up behind her **says slighly**???!!! & why did the camera have that part of the scene all close up???

:D :D
Right you are! Natalia Boa Vista isn't going anywhere soon. So if anyone objects my simple reply is as follows: DEAL WITH IT!

If we see that Stetler gets it in his head that Eric and Natalia are secretly violating department policy and he starts digging info on both of them, the one thing he will likely learn is that the relationship back 2 or so years ago was pretty intense. However, that was then, and I doubt that Stetler can do anything about Natalia and Eric's previous history ex post facto. But for the present tense, if Stetler sat them down, one at a time, and started shooting probing questions at them, the results could be twofold
Let's say Stetler does suspect Eric and Nat are violating policy and starts and investigation. He starts questioning them both, but rather than questions about rules of evidence or tactical reviews, these questions are probing, private and personal. This could make things tense for both Eric and Natalia. When things get tense, dormant issues and tempers could flair between them causing an argument. But as I said the result could be twofold. Once these issues/emotions surface they are now out in the open for both of them. Likely both will air grievances about the other or point fingers at who was to blame for their split in the first place. But sometimes you have to get things out in the open and confront them before you can move forward.

If I look at the season 4 epis that chronicle Eric and Nat. I tend to think this
-Like MJZUD has said more than once, Eric was a hair's breath away from falling hard for Natalia. I still think he became conflicted about wanting to chase girls like some frat boy and wanting her. Fortunately, he has seemed to mature some since.
-Natalia kept secrets. For better or worse. This is one thing Eric didn't like. He seems to equate secrecy with lying.
-I don't think either person can stand on their moral high-horse when it came to the split. Both did some things wrong and contributed.

As for the scene in "Chain Reaction", I am convinced that the scene was a piece of foreshadowing. Somewhere down the road at some point these two are going to find each other again. If you can take that scene and try to put Calleigh in Natalia's place. The effect is just not as strong, period! Didn't someone on a previous post say that air between them just seems to SPARKLE? Even when Calleigh gave Eric that peck on the cheek it did not come off to me as that great.

I will say, although with hesitation, that the scene could be and indicator that Eric and Nat started seeing each other again after his 'accident' and he's having some trouble trying to not get too close to her. This could also explain why he never came forward to Calleigh to tell her anything.
I'm not sold on this theory totally but it's fun to speculate none the less. :cool: ;) :D :cool: ;) :D
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