Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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Greetings EDeN shippers! Well, I really don't have an opinion on this "You May Now Kill the Bride" epi. Guess I need more time to think about it. Maybe watch it again.

However, a few things I did observe really got me thinking about our favorite duo. One scene in particular really got the wheels turning.

First-Eric and Natalia had no scenes together in this epi, not one. (This is a sort of a "lack of evidence is the evidence" approach, but bear with me.)

Second- In the scene where Calleigh puts on the veil. Eric kind of had a sly smile on his face. But he also seemed to tinged with a "Hands Off!" kind of restraint.

Third-The scene in the gentlemens' club where that girl starts coming on to him. His reaction was surprising and strange. One would think that Eric Delko, CSI-Miami's resident "player" may have at least cracked a smile, even for a second. However, he seemed to get very uncomfortable and gently pushed her off. When I saw that scene my reaction was "Wait a second! What was that?" I am not saying that Eric would have taken full advantage of the situation. He likely would have helped her out anyway.
It was not a reaction in which he rejected her because she was unattractive, clearly she was not. His reaction appeared to be along the lines that he knew what was happening was not right and needed to stop right then and there. Why would he do that? Perhaps he is seriously seeing someone right now!! Clearly it's not Calleigh.

Does anyone think that Eric and Natalia have reunited already, just in secret ? I am not totally sold on this idea despite that scene but it has created a nagging sense that it is possible they have. And not have a single EDeN scene? Think about the teasers CSI Miami puts out, they are always deceptive. Keep our duo apart to give the impression nothing is going on, then out-of-the-blue and without any advanced warning or hints, they give us a scene that shows them together.

Good Heavens! What am I saying!!?? I'm really reaching, aren't I??
Oh well. Good Night!
:guffaw:That would be an awesome kicker of a plot twist!!

All I know is what WAS THERE & IT WAS ALOT!!! It only went away after eric got shot, so I still have no doubt that TPTB will reconnect our duo here!

Also a little tidbit to chew on...on another board I made a post w/ my theories of Eden & why this is going on right now w/ the "other stuff "(sorry I can't really say everything as I don't want any drama) but I think you all know what I mean... in a nutshell, that TPTB want to continue off EDeN & need to "resolve" other things before doing so.
Anyway, someone who supposedly has a source w/ CBS said that she had been getting this in her memos from him from what he had been seeing in the last few years, & that NATALIA WAS BROUGHT IN TO BE ERIC's MATE!!
basically it was put across in a very positive way for EDeN ;);)(from the source)!!
& also that producers have BIG plans for Nat's future!!
Take that however you wish, but I have major high hopes for these 2!!!:p

just to anyone who doesn't know yet, nat will be carrying her gun in epi 18 (I think its that one)....I smell a Natalia arc around the corner....PLOT should be coming....keep in mind ...ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, this is Miami were dealing with! Something big could happen to finally wake up Eric!;)
There is still our theory that he has more memory loss than what has been said...that would be a cool finale ending; him "remembering" Natalia...ya just never know.;);):)
:D:D:D Last night's EDeN scenes were awesome & very encouraging!! I love that they always seem to bring a smile to each others faces!!! They are so perfect for each other....& Eric needs her.. MY GOD...the boy's brain is just not right. OBVIOUSLY! He needs to go see that therapist some more & rethink his life. Natalia could bring him back.;)
Natalia is Eric's lifeline. She completes him. You can see how they connect without saying so much.

I noticed how a scene went from Eric testing the fiber to Natalia working in the lab. Tell me they are not sympatico. lol. They are soulmates.
Exactly KIANE!
When Eric was going through all his drama in S4 w/ marisol, Natalia was the one there for him. She helped him through it, he was not alone. They need to go back to that & let Natalia help out Eric. He needs it now more than ever.
She is the only one who brings that real Delko smile to his face. She makes him seem more "himself" & he needs that help him through his recovery.:)
Exactly KIANE!
When Eric was going through all his drama in S4 w/ marisol, Natalia was the one there for him. She helped him through it, he was not alone. They need to go back to that & let Natalia help out Eric. He needs it now more than ever.
She is the only one who brings that real Delko smile to his face. She makes him seem more "himself" & he needs that help him through his recovery.:)

I definately agree, he did seem a bit comfortable and relaxed and could be him with Nat, he didn't hold up those guards that he has now, butthole. lol.

I hope Nat & Eric get some love tonight! :D... It is so weird saying that on a Tuesday.
I was rather encouraged by the brief EDeN scene in "Ambush". They both were smiling at each other, especially Eric with that sly smile of his. Very encouraging indeed.
Ambush was definately better then All In, definately, All in, Delko was not Delko and it was annoying and I just wanted to reach through the screen and whack him, and him being a bit testy with Natalia, pissed me off. *sighs*
**huggles CATH**
Don't worry that's what makes EDeN such a perfect TV couple, they can have thier little tiffs, & then everything is back to normal again. As irritating as it was it also made them look like a real couple...ya know what they say "they bicker like an old married couple".... It kinda reminded me of my own marriage:lol:

One thing is for sure...Ambush proved that Eric is still suffering from his accident. My God, if he can't remember how to process a crime scene..then what else can't he remember???!!! Hmmmm his past w/ NATALIA MAYBE!!!:wtf:

All I can say is look at the BIG PICTURE! The past 3 seasons have been alot about Eric & what have we seen? The first season & 1/2 was him for the very first time having a normal relationship w/ a girl (Nat) & starting to come out of his "playboy" ways, still being played off of Natalia up until YES THE BULLET...then he comes back after 2 weeks & acts like he barely knows her for the next season & 1/2!!!
& we aren't supposed to think that is just a little bit ODD??!!
Sorry, but those chain of events there being so "back to back" is just a HUGE CLUE . Theres more going on w/ Eric's brain than what we are seeing!

I don't know if he actually does have the memory loss, but its definite that his brain isn't functioning as it should be.
Of course "the source" did say that things will "get wierd" in the next 6 weeks. Eric is need of some Natalia flashbacks thats for damn sure!!!
On another note, I totally agree w/ ya DOUBLEHELIX, Ambush was cute & very encouraging.;) To a certain degree ...YES they still have it!!
*hugs back*

I think when Delko completely remembers he'll get over this little kick thing he has with Calleigh and come to Nat, especially if he remembers something naughty with Natty and comes to ask her about. *Evil laugh*
Well, so much for back to normal.

I have posted here and elsewhere that with the episodes that that preceded "You May Now Kill the Bride" it seemed that Eric seemed to be returning to normal regarding Calleigh.

I hope everyone would agree that with that once scene in "Ambush" Eric and Natalia had, it was encouraging. They were talking to each other and smiling, especially Eric with that crooked smile of his. Looked to me as if that old EDeN chemistry was just starting to reassert itself.

Now, it looks as if were in full relapse. GRRRRRRR!:mad::mad::brickwall:

Any way, I have been playing blocker on another board trying to tell fans to take note, NOT ON HOW ERIC LOOKED AT CALLEIGH IN THAT ENDING SCENE, but to carefully watch how Calleigh looked back at him. I saw doubt and uncertainty. She's definitely holding back.

I have not lost optimism for EDeN, but I am thinking with the situation as it is, it is not going to end well. Someone is going to get hurt, emotionally that is. :(:(

I will perservere. Post your agreements, disagreements, or simply say I am all wet.
I will not give up on EDeN!!!! Eric is struggling right now, that has been shown in a huge way. Something about it is just "off".
Eric will eventually figure everything out or remember or whatever the hell his problems are causing him to do & feel. Regardless.....I KNOW he had feelings for Nat before his shooting, it was more than evident. Im not forgetting that fact!!!!!! he is looking at life in a new way YES, but he is still very screwed up in the head & thats being played off of so ...we'll see.;);)
I still see EDeN in the future when all this mess is overwith. Nat was brought in for a specific reason & thats what I see that TPTB played off of when Eric was "normal". She is meant to be with him.:)
i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who think something if off about Eric. I dont like the guy he's becoming, its just to weird.i miss the smile he used to gave to Nat.

I understand that now for no reason he has a crush on Calleigh but come on! Sometime i ask myself how it would have been if she had been pregnant, at least they would have some kind of relationship.
I don't mind that he is looking at life differently, thats a good thing, but he comes off as so insecure...that I don't like. Thats not eric Delko!!!
TPTB can only play off his memory problems for so long. Im sure his shooting & the aftermath will always sit w/ his character but they are going to have to get him a little back to normal eventually. Its been a year & 1/2 & he is still having problems.

there is just alot about this story that doesn't add up to me. i think if anyone could look at the whole situation (even if they don't like EDeN.)...switch out characters with Horatio & Yelina, put them in that same situation & see how they would view it then!!! I happen to enjoy Ducaine but I don't forget about Yelina & if this "story" was going on w/ H/Y/C...even though I like Ducaine I would still see that its not "normal" & that the bullet would be what is taking center stage in all of it!!!

Calleigh will break his "confused" heart & he'll come to see that they are just friends & realize Natalia is the right one.....she can pick up the pieces & make him better.:D:D
-Walks in with innocent smile-
Don't yell at me...
We can cover me in hugs instead :D
Miss me?
Lifes been a little killing. And slightly hard to handle.
So, what've I missed?
Plus, I found a song I really like for the couple!
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